CharlotteCarrendar: – The Moose and Squirrel Inn of Nixagris, a place famous within the town, a social hub, a place to drown your sorrows, or to meet with friends over by the hand made bar. Many of the fittings and fixtures were actually rescued from the Ox and Cart Inn of Arachnea, before the end of days, and so to many it held special significance to the townfolk. The settlers, were mostly from the Arachena of old, and though the days of Nemaues were of the modern era, many would reflect upon what they viewed as the golden age of their lives….a time of heroes, a time of the lords…a time of a spider known as Lore. Charlotte often frequented the Moose and Squirrel, and of course that is where our story begins. Another snowy day, yes the Frozen sea was known for this, the artic weather patterns, constantly layering the town in a thick coating of snow. Many were brave to put up with the blistering conditions, none more so than Charlotte, who was on the first of the Seals, to find the first settlement all those years ago. The heavy set timber doors would creak, its hinges in need of oil, as Charlotte pushed open the door, the swirl of snowflakes and wintery blast always accompanied those that entered, and Charlotte would be brushing herself down before taking off her coat and hanging it on the coat rack near the door. The crowd as per usual was at the bar, and Charlotte pushed her way through the throng, nodding to the barman, who recognised her instantly. (Charlotte)”I fancy a drink….something sweet, perhaps a Cienna red…or *her eyes would be drawn to a jewelled tankard that was hanging above the twin beer barrels. Charlotte had never seen it before and she pointed up to it*..any chance I could have my drink in that?”- she gestured before looking back at the Barkeep hopefully. She slipped out her coin purse and set down a ten rend note.
CharlotteCarrendar: – The barkeep turns around as he is wiping clean a glass with his apron, and tilts his head- (Barkeep)”Hmmm can’t say I remember seeing that before. I can’t see why you cant, but it looks like it could use a clean.” -he goes to get a small foot stool, picking it up and carrying it back over,setting it down as he steps up, reaching for the jewelled tankard. He blows the dust off, and then coughs. (Barkeep)”Damn…things dirty.”-he exclaimed, but Charlotte simply rapped her claws on the counter and pursed her lips, she was after all thirsty. The Barkeep quickly gave the jewelled tankard a wipe out and then reached for a bottle of Cienna red, the contents filling the tankard, and he managed to pour without spilling a drop. He slid the jewelled tankard over to the Prime Minister, who had sat herself down on the wooden bar stool. She picked up the tankard with both hands as the Barkeep pocketed the ten rend note and went to serve others. (Charlotte)”Two four six eight…bottoms up, I can’t wait.”-she brought the jewelled goblet up to her lips and went to take a sip.
Zoiid: Once she set her lips upon the corners of the tankard, the magic of the cup activated. The jewels of Carrendar colors began to sparkle and shine brighter in the light than before and the liquid within it would start to bubble; but not from heat though. No, this bubble was as if someone at the bottom of it had been gasping for air, yet, no sound came from it other than the pop and bubble of the liquid. What was happening? It was the magical cup, the one that only activated by the touch of the Carrendar bloodline. After a few seconds of these events, the one holding the cup, should have at least been wondering what was going on, and after about 15 seconds of the bubbling and shining, the tankards contents would begin to evaporate while the tankard and jewels itself started to turn into liquid as if something were superheating them. By the time this had been done, a figure had appeared behind Charlotte, about 7 feet behind. He was pale, wearing a shortened sleeved Jacket with a Black shirt underneath and a Flag of Carrendar upon his back. Upon his face was a pair of Goggles with a red tint over his eyes along with an eyebrow piercing. Upon his neck was a cursed amulet, which was the reason he was a genie in the first place. For legs, he had what seemed to be a gathered amount of evaporation used to hover and upon his hands were leather gloves. He was looking at his hands the second he appeared and looked around, only to look in front of him to the female who had drank from the Tankard. “YYYYYES!” he shouted as clenched both fists in front of his chest, throwing his right into the air out of excitement. Directly after, he paused in motion and opened his eyes to look to the female being. He seemed to be a teenager, no older than 17. After looking to her, he cleared his throat and lowered his arm to fix his jacket and raised his hands to ruffle his hair, attempting to look the slightest bit of sexy. He then nodded up, poking out his lips a bit in an attempt to look sexy and spoke… “…Hey. You uhh… “ he paused for about 2 seconds, looking her up and down. “…drink from that cup?” he finished. After speaking, he hovered down to the stone and wood railing that stood only about 4 feet off the surface, looking to her from behind the red tinted goggles, his elbows placed upon the top of the rail at his attempt to look cool.
CharlotteCarrendar: – Now…what was suppost to be a refreshing tankard of Cienna red wine, was anything but, the touch of Charlotte’s lips on the rim of the jewelled tankard did indeed activate its magical powers. She sat for a moment blinking, staring down into the tankard, even going as far to turn it over and give it a shake. The barkeep was busy serving other patrons at this point and didn’t see that the Prime Minister, was certainly not getting her drink today. A voice would be heard coming from behind her, and she looked left and right, before twirling around on the barstool to be confronted by the oddest sight imaginable. A boy…about seventeen. He was pale, wearing a shortened sleeved Jacket with a Black shirt underneath and a Flag of Carrendar upon his back. Upon his face was a pair of Goggles with a red tint over his eyes along with an eyebrow piercing. But it was the lack of legs, and the whisps of what looked to be a smokey appartition that met her gaze, that had her almost drop the jewelled tankard. (Charlotte)”Ok…either I am seeing things…or, nah..I haven’t had a drink yet to be seeing things.”- She rubbed her finger under her nose and then tilted her head when the young chap asked her if she had drank from the cup. (Charlotte)”Well, I tried to drink from it, but, the wine seems to have evaporated.”- Plainly she wasn’t getting what had just occured, or what this fellow was. A rather handsome devil he was, pouting much like one of those models from Lorewall, but she still kept gazing down to where his legs should be.
Zoiid: The genie smirked as he looked away to the left cockily at her answer. “Well… uh..” he said, looking back at her making his right eyebrow jump a bit. “…It’s your lucky day.” He said, hovering up to her level, still about 6 feet away from her. He stretched out his arms, making his shoulders pop and crack a bit before bringing his arms to his chest to cross, looking to her. “I happen to be a Genie and I happen to be able to grant you.. “ he paused for half a second to lift up 3 fingers as he spoke. “..3 wishes.” He finished, putting his hand back down. He tried to ignore the fact that he was trapped inside that god forsaken dark place of a cup for many.. many years only due to the fact he was too excited to be out. There were something about his eyes, they were magical. They seemed to be rings, each turning in their own way of direction. Most would probably think they just entered Aladdin or some shit; but no.. this was the real deal. “…I can grant you one free wish if you’d like.” He said quickly after, pausing for a moment before grinning. “..if that wish includes you wantin a kiss from yours truly.” He finished, still looking to her with a grin.
CharlotteCarrendar: – Yep, he was a devil alright, a genie to boot, wanting to give her three wishes. She held the cup up again, and tipped it over, with nothing coming out of it. The jewels around the tankard sparkled and glimmered in the light. A magical tankard? This was interesting. The genie was smirking and really excited it seemed about granting her these wishes, three to be precise. He held up his fingers and she of course, counted them. One, two, three. She remembers bedtime stories being read to her as a spiderling by Linlith and one was the tale of a magical lamp, and a genie that granted wishes to Aladdin. But this was not Baghdad,and she certainly wasn’t a street rat, but a spider demon. (Charlotte)”Three wishes?”-she repeated, getting up off her stool and then walked towards him, looking at the Carrendar flag upon his back. Was it possible that both the genie and the jeweled tankard were from the world before this one? She took a look to a painting of the Meeting hall of Arachnea that was hanging over the fire place and then she thought for a moment. Charlotte had a wish, a wish that she never thought would be granted. Tapping the jewelled tankard with a black claw, she bit her lip and turned to face the genie. (Charlotte)”There is a wish I have….I wish to see Lacardis as it was in its prime…before the wars, before the plague….before me.”
Zoiid: She disregarded his offer of a kiss. Oh how disappointed, a rejection but she was straightforward. As she got up to move towards him, he tilted his head to the right as he heard the first wish she requested. She didn’t seem to skeptical about his being, which made him all the more curious about her. After hearing the first wish, he nodded and raised his right hand to his goggles and pulled them down slowly as the rings in his eyes, stopped one by one. He looked into her eyes as they did so. One layer at the core of his eye stopped, the next after that and the next after that until the outer layer of his eye also stopped, activating the wish. And in doing so, outside of the Inn, high above them in the sky was new planet that seemed to have appeared as the clouds moved away from it. As if it was always there to begin with. Just as this was done, he vanished, only to appear behind her, grabbing an unfinished bottle of rum and raising it to his lips to drink before lowering it down. “…we’ve got one problem love.” He said, lowering the mug of rum to the wooden counter and spoke once more. “’re going to need an essence of Lacardis in order to have it as it used to be.” He said. Yes, the planet was there, but that was only half the work.. it was an empty planet, empty until a piece of Lacardis could be used to bring back the historic time she wishes for.
CharlotteCarrendar: – The genie seemed to vanish, popping away, and Charlotte wondered where he went too. (Charlotte)”Genie?”- she turned around and there he was helping himself to an unfinished bottle of rum at the bar. Did she get her wish? She didn’t see anything to suggest she had, and she surely hadn’t been outside yet to marvel at the new planet in the sky beyond the clouds. He had of course spoken again and she spotted him, telling her that she needed a piece of Lacardis or the essence of Lacardis to make the wish work. She tapped her lip and thought. Essence of Lacardis? What could that be? Thinking back to her childhood, she remembered playing in the meeting hall with her brothers and sisters, and hiding underneath the grand meeting room table that contained the ancient map of Lacardis, hand drawn by none other than Captain. Her eyes lit up, like she had just got the most wonderful idea. The table, it was where the Lords and Ladies of the fallen nation would sit, and discuss all the dealings,and matters of the goverment of the day. But it was in Lorewall, and few understood what the table meant, especially what it meant to her. (Charlotte)”There is such a piece…its a rounded table, heavily decorated and carved, with a glass dome on the top and within it, you can see the ancient map. If there was any piece of the Lacardian’s essence then that would be it.”- she had described it in detail- “It sits in Lorewall’s meeting hall.”
Zoiid: He raised his right hand to his face, flicking his nose as he leaned against the wooden countertop with both hands upon it, looking her in the eyes as he listened to the description. He did not need the such an item presented to him if she could explain what it was, and if he could see in her eyes what she said was true; and they were. Again, the arcane layers in his eyes shifted again, moving in different directions and stopping, one by one as meanwhile; the Table in the Hall of Lorewall seemed to give off a ghost like form of itself, rising from the solid form and disappearing, only to appear in the Meeting Halls of the ancient Lacardis. As the last layer f his arcane eye stopped, this activated the wish completely, and life upon Lacardis would fade in as if it was there already, people traveling, living and doing what they were to do as if it was never destroyed to begin with, only… with the essence of the table, the magic within it granted another ability with the wish; those that were dead were now alive, and those that were alive, are now dead, except for those that were shown in the reflection.. Lorelei, Baldrick and anybody else’s face who could have been seen, were now on Lacardis. “Done.” Said the genie said so simply as he raised the cup to his lips to drink the rest of the rum. He seemed to have a bit of an attitude, was he mad because he was rejected of his kiss? Oh well, boy problems. As he placed down the empty mug, he motioned his head to the door and spoke. “Outside.” He said, vanishing while the smoke dissipated where he once was. He would appear just outside the doors of the inn, arms crossed and looking to the sky, where the planet now was, looking to be the size of the moon. He would wait for Charlotte to come outside and give her a minute to gaze upon it, the size of the nation Lacardis clearly visible. “…second wish?” he would say after a minute and a half.
CharlotteCarrendar: – Charlotte continued to hold onto the jewelled cup, and ran her finger tips along the edges of the crystals and jewels, like she was waiting for something magical to happen. Like a lightshow, or a loud bang, the table appearing maybe. Course, what was occuring she couldn’t see. So when the Genie said “Done.”- she said quietly. “That’s it?…Done?”- Course, she was now sceptical, and since the Genie looked to be having a bit of attitude and swigging his rum, she thought maybe all this was some sort of trick. But, he would vanish after motioning towards the door to go outside. Charlotte, naturally being a curious creature, followed along, opening the door, and stepping out into the chilly snowflake filled air. The town of Nixagis, looked just as it had before, the same shuttles, and logging trucks that were rolling through. When she came along side the genie, she noticed that he was looking up at something. A bird, a plane? No, he was looking at a planet, much like a small moon. Thats odd, she thought to herself, never having seen this particular planet before. Wait…he then said second wish. Could it be? The new planet in the heavens, was that of Lacardis’s home world. No…not a whole planet surely. But, the genie appeared to not be joking around. She stuttered for a moment, and thought of the first thing that popped in her head. (Charlotte)”I wish.. there …was ..a …way… to… get …there… and back.” She then realised what she had just blurted, and looked at the Genie…..would he grant this wish?
Zoiid: He raised his right hand to scratch the left of his cheek as she looked up. He then looked over to her, seeing she was still gazing upon it. Just as she spoke, he looked to her eyes once more and when she finished, his layered arcane eyes would shift in different directions, again, each layer stopping one at a time. Meanwhile, a building slowly appeared next to Lorewall; a large dome-like building with one entrance and a large point at the top of it with an opening. Within the entrance stood a large, armored man with a great-sword planted atop the stone surface he stood upon. He was perfectly still. On the inside, this building was completely empty. Then, the same table within lorewall would again, create a holographic clone of itself and move to the inside of the dome and be placed in the center of it. Within the glass of the table was a small opening, large enough for a blade to pass through, and only one blade could pass through it, and that was the blade being held by the Guardian that stood in the doorway. In between the planets was an invisible gate, and when passed through, you entered a new realm.. in this case, it was either the realm of Lacardis, or the realm of Nemaeus. Each had opposite days. When it was night on Lacardis, It would be daytime in Nemaeus. If it was 12am in lacardis, it would be 12am in Nemaeus. That’s how it worked. “Alright, and for your last wish, sweetheart?” he said as the final layer had stopped, finalizing the wish. He was more excited about this wish, because after this, he could linger the lands once more as he once did before.
Zoiid: He raised his right hand to scratch the left of his cheek as she looked up. He then looked over to her, seeing she was still gazing upon it. Just as she spoke, he looked to her eyes once more and when she finished, his layered arcane eyes would shift in different directions, again, each layer stopping one at a time. Meanwhile, a building slowly appeared next to Lorewall; a large dome-like building with one entrance and a large point at the top of it with an opening. Within the entrance stood a large, armored man with a great-sword planted atop the stone surface he stood upon. He was perfectly still. On the inside, this building was completely empty. Then, the same table within lorewall would again, create a holographic clone of itself and move to the inside of the dome and be placed in the center of it. Within the glass of the table was a small opening, large enough for a blade to pass through, and only one blade could pass through it, and that was the blade being held by the Guardian that stood in the doorway. In between the planets was an invisible gate, and when passed through, you entered a new realm.. in this case, it was either the realm of Lacardis, or the realm of Nemaeus. Each had opposite days. When it was night on Lacardis, It would be daytime in Nemaeus. If it was 12am in lacardis, it would be 12am in Nemaeus. That’s how it worked. “Alright, and for your last wish, sweetheart?” he said as the final layer had stopped, finalizing the wish. He was more excited about this wish, because after this, he could linger the lands once more as he once did before.
CharlotteCarrendar: – This was more than Charlotte could possibly dream. The chance to be in the world she so adored, but much of her young life was of sadness and misery, the wars, and the plagues, till the end of days. Such heartache was all she remembered of her teen years, as many that she loved had gone on to meet their maker. She walked into the building where the image or hologram of the original meeting hall table would be waiting, along with a very large man, who was dressed in armour, his face so serious, and he held a great sword. Can all this be real? Surely this was the makings of fantasy. Each step she took inside the building drew her closer to the table. Was it the key to unlocking the gate between the two worlds? She looked down at her attire, her weapons, and she realised that she was dressed for the modern world, where the gun ruled over the might of the sword, and her clothing too, was from Lorewall’s finest tailors. This was going to be a very odd request, since she was planning to take the trip, back in time. (Charlotte)”I only wished I looked the part, to dress as my mother would have, weapons and all.” In the inn there was a picture hanging over the main dining hall, that depicted her mother, in full metal armour, twin swords on her back, her long red hair flowing about her face, as she held high above her knights, the head of a king, that had dared to defy her word. (think Joan of Arc)
Zoiid: The Genie followed her to the building, and as Charlotte approached to enter, the large, 10ft muscular Guardian of the Gate had picked his sword up only a few centimeters off the ground and moved to the side so she could pass, along with the Genie. After doing so, he followed behind and raised his foot onto the table. It did not move, nor shake. It seemed to be planted into the ground. As he stepped upon it, he placed his blade in it only halfway, activating the outer layer of the dome, which began to spin while the inner layer, stood perfectly still. As it did begin, the genie nodded in response to her final wish, and his eyes would shift, layer by layer and stop one by one once more, and the clothes of Charlotte would fade away completely, rendering her nude for only a second before the attire requested began to fade upon her. She looked just as depicted upon in the picture. But, just as the wish had been granted, the necklace unsnapped and fell to the ground, and the second it did so, it shattered to dust and faded away. The curse had been broken, and the genie would now be able to roam the lands as requested. “YYYEEES!” he shouted once more, closing his eyes and clenching his fists in front of his chest, waiting for his legs to appear and for his heart to start beating again.. but seconds would past and nothing happened. He opened his eyes, looked around for a bit and let his arms drop along with his head before speaking under his breath, “….fuck my life.” The outer layer of the dome rotated faster and faster, and the point that aimed straight up then began to move, eventually being pointed to the Planet and would then shoot a bright beam of light towards it while another light shined backwards, towards the table, lighting it up gently. “Step upon the table.” Said the Guardian of the Gate. He spoke with a deep, hefty voice. And if Charlotte did, he would then say, “At your command, I will open the Gate.” He finished, looking straight ahead, not at Charlotte, nor the used-to-be Genie, but at the wall as if sight did not matter to him.
CharlotteCarrendar: – When her clothes evaporated from her form, rendering her naked but for a moment in time, she let out a small “eek”, using her hands to try and shield herself, only to find herself dressed exactly as her mother had been inside the painting. She was checking herself out, twirling around, the metallic clunk as her footfalls from the boots hit the glass like floor. (Charlotte)”This is real….this is real.” she was running her hands over the metal plates of the armour,and also reached back, touching the twin swords on her back. Aside from the fact Charlotte had black hair and her mother was known to be a red head, there was really very little difference between them as far as looks went. Charlotte was of course, way younger, but part of the humanoid cursed form is that she would appear youthful for thousands of years, if she lived that long. The Genie was making all sorts of noise, the necklace around his neck snapping and falling to the ground with a light clink. Charlotte looked back toward him, as he was bouncing around, his fists clenched to his chest, in anticipation that he would be well, normal. Real legs, not whisps of smoke like vapour. Seems the Genie had lucked out, and showed his annoyance by a series of cussing. Sucks to be him, but at least he was out of the jewelled tankard. The outer layer of the dome moved quickly and then when the gate was lined up, a great blast of light went out and met up with the planet that was the homeworld to Lacardis. She nodded respectfully when asked to get onto the table, and she did so rather quickly, vaulting up onto the top, barely missing the dome. She took in a deep breath and then taking a look at the gatekeeper, she said in a firm and loud voice- (Charlotte)”Open the gate.” she ordered, looking straight ahead as the beam seemed to have touched the planet.
Zoiid: “As you wish.” Said the Guardian of the gate with a steady, deep tone. He then pressed down on his sword, putting it all the way inside the table, activating the Gate and immediately, would jerk her forward and through space. It would take about 15 seconds to get there. All she would see around her is he bean of light carrying her, and the stars surrounding, and she would feel a single slight bump, and that feeling would be her passing through the gate. She would then appear in the Meeting Hall of Lacardis, atop the table. Meanwhile, back in Nemaeus, the Guardian of the Gate had retracted the sword and closed the gate, awaiting for her to set foot upon the Table once more so he can open it. The genie’s head had already been raised to witness the method of transportation, then looked to the Guardian of the Gate. He still had the ability to hover, and a thought came to his mind. The genie raised his arms to his chest and gave off a disgruntles expression and he hovered upwards to meet the Guardians eye-lever. “Hey… I created you. So uhh..” he lifted up his hand and paused… extending his finger to point at the Guardian, grinning. “…that means, I’m your father.” He finished. “You granted a wish.” Said the Guardian, pausing before making one movement of his head to look to the Genie. “A wish made by my master.” The Guardian said, moving his head back to there it was. “ are nothing more to me than a pawn used by the hands Carrendar.” Finished the guardian. He was standing perfectly still. The genie’s eyes widened and jerked his head back and shrugged. “Whatever…” he said, floating off to wander about as the ghost he now was.
CharlotteCarrendar: – Her body was jerked forward, rushing along the beam of light at blistering speeds, the stars were like a blur, as she rocketed towards the homeworld of the land of Lacardis. Charlotte felt her stomach getting queasy and just when she thought she would throw up in her mouth, she appeared with a bump in the very meeting hall of Lacardis, standing on top of the meeting hall table. The banners that draped the walls in the meeting hall of Lacardis Prime were completely different to that of the ones in Nemaues, in fact, everything about this version of the hall seemed, antiquated. Swallowing hard, she bent down, placing her hand on the table top, and then leapt down so her boots hit the ground with a clatter. (Charlotte)”Oh…..heck.”- she was certainly no longer in Nemaues, and this really was Lacardis. All of a sudden, there was the loud trumpetting of battle horns, and the large wooden doors of the hall would be thrown open, as long shadows were cast on the stone floor. Charlotte madly wanted to know where to hide…and she dashed over, ~clang clang clang clang~ till she got behind a massive stone pillar. Sure enough, those entering the hall did not sound familiar to her at all. She peeked her head around the side, and looked to see who was coming. (LoreleiRose)”Did it ever occur to you, that perhaps next time you decide to set up a fox hunt…that you might consider seeing if foxes are native to the area?” Sebastian, the mad fop with the powdered wig, and over the top makeup with a large mole on his cheek would be wringing his hands as he followed along behind the Lady Carrendar. Lorelei was taking off her gloves and one at a time tossing them over her shoulder, as he then tried to snatch them out of the air. (Sebastian)”How was I to know…just…*he grizzles*…does this mean I cop the lashing later, my back is barely recovering from last week.” Lorelei stopped and then raised a finger to her lips, as she got a funny feeling they weren’t alone. (Sebastian)’What?..not another bloody assassin..that will be the fourth one this week.” he said, stepping in behind her, as she drew her sword. (LoreleiRose)”Olly olly oxen free…”-she called out as Charlotte was building up the courage to pop out from behind the stone pillar.
