Land Lovers – Part Four.
Jungle dreaming.
MaylionCarrendar : -Completely disregarding the attempt kick by Grizald he focues on the two ladies. He was slightly older.. allot older. The drums haven’t caught his attention untill he stepped outside with Madeline. She offered him to help out with the huts but jack folded his arms and wasn’t planning to start on the huts.. She already had one after all. As he walked beside her through the pouring rain he noticed the birds fly off, just like the animals who ran.. as if deeper in the forest evil lurked and surprisngly evil was awesome on the drums. Jack turned his head to madeline. ( Jack ) ” … So, i’m going to be blunt and straight forwards with you. I think you missed telling us a small detail of this island. ” He stopped his legs from moving forwards. most huts were standing by now a few meters away, and nearly evey man or woman ofcourse was already hiding and waiting for the rain to stop pouring from the sky. (jack) ” You thought we wouldn’t notice right? .. a bunch of people trying to save this female in distress on island and get trapped themself.. and ALL of the sudden… Drums are played .. and you have slight fear in your eyes ma’am. ” He then bowed forward to look into her eyes. While staring with no-pervy eyes he started to scratch his soaking wet beard. (Jack) ” Right.. Im going to build up my hut.. ” Expecting Madeline would walk straight back to the ” Cool ”’ hut he turned around and grabbed a hammer from the sand a few meters away.. Women… They are all the damn same.. Get you into trouble easily.
CharlotteCarrendar : – Nodding to Idrial, when she offered to hang up Grizald’s wet clothes, she shook her head, as water sprayed down around her. Tearing off a bit of her own skirt, she tied back up her wayward locks into a ponytail, then headed off to see Jack, and his sad attempts at making new huts. By now it was literally pouring down, and she knew it would be harder to work out in the wet, and easier to build new structures with dried out branches and strips from palms. Casting one last glance over her shoulder back at what had been her home on the island for months, she knew it was unlikely she would get to use it again. But now adept to hut construction, she was better off helping to make more. Approaching Jack, after the start of the drumming, and the way the native fauna was reacting, he must have got the impression of imminent danger or the fact they were certainly not alone on this island. ” … So, i’m going to be blunt and straight forwards with you. I think you missed telling us a small detail of this island. ” Madeline, had barely met these people, just escorted them up the beach, and offered her own lodgings and clothing. So with the drumming just starting, she knew she had questions to answer. “From my carvings on my tree, I count that I have been here on this island, about ninety days. The drumming you are hearing, happens once every thirty days.” The rain was now pouring down, she used her hand to wipe the excess water from her face, so she could see Jack properly. “I do not venture to far into the jungle. I know what I have seen, and I don’t go past the skulls.” This would be a clear indication, that the castaways were going to have to pull together and be orgainised, in the face of what the other island inhabitants may do, when they are discovered.
” You thought we wouldn’t notice right? .. a bunch of people trying to save this female in distress on island and get traped themself.. and ALL of the sudden… Drums are played .. and you have slight fear in your eyes ma’am. ” Jack said, bending down to stare directly into her eyes. She got a whiff of his nasty breath and drew back her head in disgust. Not wanting to be rude, she had to force herself not to be sick, but she did make a gagging motion. The way he spoke to her, brought up a fire from within her belly. “Its pretty hard not to notice. You all arrived here right on the day of their ceremony. Naturally you are all going to hear it, but I don’t keep a time piece to give me fair warning, except..*she pointed at her calendar tree*..counting the grooves to know.” The man seemed insufferable. Marching off to build his own hut. Snorting angrily, she placed her hands squarely on her hips. “You do just that, in the pouring rain. In the meantime, I am going to gather some fresh water. Mhm…cause believe it or not, without it, you are all going to die.” – and with that, she spun on her heel and picked up her pot, and stomped off into the jungle. <3>
Xiangxiu : -Idrial having noticed that Grizald had already changed after she went to see how he was doing, his eyes looked wearied and flooded with the despondency of the Machiavellian seas. Although his physique looked better with the new tightly fitted clothes he wore, which looked like it had belonged to a peasant. Brown and tatty trousers with stained tee shirt made from a cheap looking cotton that was starting to fray. He needed rest, but so did everyone else on this discarded island. Idrial smiled as he was watching her and walked closer to the hut before realizing the chest. (Idrial) “Did you see any clothes in there for me? I didn’t come prepared for the island as you see.” She dropped her hand to her thighs and pulled her dress outward. Noticing he nodded, or what seemed to be a nod to Idrial, she turned into the hut and looked through the chest, throwing out old peasant’s clothes until she found a fairly new looking one, which looked like it had been worn by a female crewman who had quite some taste for finery. The collars and hems of the arms and waistline were made from a soft silk, while the interior of the blouse looking shirt was made from a soft cotton. Idrial wondered why Madeline didn’t wear this. Maybe she hadn’t looked through the chest yet. Finding a matching pair of undergarments Idrial slowly undressed from her dress and put on the light clothing that gave protection and a soothing feel against her delicate skin. It was weird, Idrial wanted to be a pirate and pirates usually got their hands dirty and didn’t care about what they wore or how their skin felt, just about the seas and their ships. But Idrial was no ordinary pirate, she was one that came with all sorts of oddities and had a perseverance about caring for her appearance.
Finally having some clarity about the way she looked she smiled faintly and looked around the hut for a string or something. Having no luck Idrial tore a piece of cloth from a shirt that was thrown on the ground and kept ripping until it looked good enough to use. She flicked her hair back and let it cascade down her back. Idrial’s hair was always straight and she had to keep waving it to the side so it wouldn’t get in her eyes, this was another thing she took perseverance in looking after, and liked it long. Tying her hair up with the newly ripped cloth, she started to feel like she was fitting in with everyone else, while remaining effortlessly beautiful. Noticing Madeline had flowers in her hut gave a brighter smile to Idrial as she plucked a frangipani with her dainty hands and placed it in her dark brown hair, the color blending in well, to radiate the features of her flawless face.
Coming to a discontinuance cessation Idrial realized she was spending way too much time on herself, feeling guilty and rude to Grizald who was probably staring blankly into the sea. (Idrial.) “You should come in here and lay down, you look like the sea got to you the most out of all of us.” She slowly placed one hand around his waist and the other around his arm and walked him inside not knowing if he could walk properly, even though he had managed to change on his own. Looking back as she did she noticed that Jack and Madeline were talking about something, and that Madeline shrugged him off like dirt as she walked towards to the jungle. Where on earth was she going with those drums about? Idrial was sure she knew Madeline had heard them before and meant danger. Trying to get an idea she took her observing over to Jack who was relentlessly pounding away a bent nail into a straight piece of wood. She took it they never considered to Parley? As Idrial tilted her head she noticed he looked somewhat angered, and it helped him concentrate on building, the hut he was working on looked like it was beginning to become stable.
Focusing her attention back to Grizald she sat him down on what looked like a hammock and pulled out her water bag, giving to him for something to drink from. (Idrial.) “Do you feel any better from when you crashed?” <e>
RazukenCarrendar : -Grizald leaned tiredly on a sturdy part of the hut. It creaked loudly. He figured it would not be best to lean on it, and instead turned his body toward the coastline, watching the strengthening waves crash upon the shallow reef. Idrial came up from behind, done hanging his clothes. (Idrial) “Did you see any clothes in there for me? I didn’t come prepared for the island as you see.” She then tugged at the worn dress that she had been wearing. He looked at her, furrowed a brow and nodded. Idrial went inside the hut and started to rifle through the chest. Grizald turned his head away from the doorway and carefully placed the leaves to the entrance in a way to obscure any prying eyes. Grizald was getting some strength back, now that he was out of those heavy and soaked clothes he was wearing earlier. The rain still poured, but since they were closer to what seemed to be a jungle, it was dryer under the canopy of the palms.
A breeze was picking up heavily, gusting and flowing aross the beach, spraying a fine mist of brine into the air. Grizald was staring into the sea, lost in himself. Empty was his mind, but he felt that all of this before him was so familiar. Idrial exited the hut, (Idrial) “You should come in here and lay down, you look like the sea got to you the most out of all of us.” Grizald did not even turn around, but simply nodded. Grizald felt Idrial’s hand reach to his waist, and then around to his arm. He felt more secure, but perhaps she was right. Grizald turned around, following her lead. A convieniently placed hammock was between two close palms, to which Idiral insisted he sit down with a light push. He sat down, and his body immediately began to tire out, wanting to sleep. Grizald almost missed what Idrial was going to say. (Idrial) “Do you feel any better from when you crashed?” Gratefully he took the bag of water that she had handed to him, and took a small swig. It was then that Grizald noticed her change of appearance.
Idrial looked different. She was no longer in a dirty and wet dress. Her figure was more defined in the new-looking blouse and bottoms. It was almost… attractive. However, Grizald kept his vision fixated on her face, which needless to say, was very pretty. He smirked and scoffed at himself, speaking in a clearer and bass tone. “Oi’d say I feel loike my ould mum beat me with a steel pan, and hit me head wit a bottle o’ Brian’s Dark Ale… Other than that, marm.. I believe I am going to be alright…” He then took another swig of the water, not having any of it fresh for many days.
MaylionCarrendar : – As jack had turned around and walked off with his fist clenched next to his body, he already seemed to regret the fact that he verbally attacked this young and still hot woman. Blaming her for the probably unknown secrets lurking in the forest wasn’t the best and nicest thing he could do. “You do just that, in the pouring rain. In the meantime, I am going to gather some fresh water. Mhm…cause believe it or not, without it, you are all going to die.” — Maybe she was right, building a hut in the pouring rain wasn’t the smartest thing at the moment but for some reason his anger lead to a decent base of his hut. After fifteen minutes of hammering on nails and blaming everyone around him for being castaway he simply made the decision to follow Madeline into the forest. The drums had been long gone but his mind kept playing the addictive beat in his head. now — now jack what did the lady told you about those drums? They were only played once every thirty days.. Strange. She also dropped the word ceremony. As jack walked in the direction Madeline went to pick up water he thought about the whole situation more carefully. Madeline had seen skulls in the forest.. maybe they should find out if these were human skulls . If they were human this situation would become a little bit more creepy. Stupid or not Jack could use his brain.. Unfortunaly he only had enough blood to let on of the two work at the same time.. Either his brain, or his package.
(Jack) ” Madeline! .. Madeline! Hold up lad! ” With his arms he pushed massive leafs out of his face while stepping over the branches in the forest. Which way did she go? The rain had nearly stopped from falling. (Jack) ” Okay — Listen up.. I’m sorry for being an dick. I know i can come across as a pervy asshole sometimes, but that’s only when Jack drank a bottle of jack. ” He smirked at his own word joke. (Jack) ” but really.. Don’t leave — .. me here.. You’re right, it’s not your fault you didn’t tell us straight away, We should become a team, work together y’know. Find out what’s happening.. ” He was turning around in circles surrounded by tree’s and tree’s… and oh surprise! MORE TREE’S. (Jack) ” OI! .. OI!! Madeline! .. Someone? .. ”
CharlotteCarrendar : – Pushing her way through the follage, the splatt of large palm leaves smacking her when she tried to cut through the path, only made her all the more annoyed. Simmering away, you could even see the steam rising off her skin, as her skin burned with annoyance. Muttering curses under her breath, she picked up her steps, so to clear over the exposed tree roots, and fallen palm prongs. The jungle was at times a treacherous place for those that were not sure footed. Further in she went, till she reached the spot, where the monstrous leaves of elephant plants, captured much of the fallen rain, and she sat her pot down and tipped the leaves, to gain some of the water, into the it. Again and again, she continued this procedure of harnessing the clean water, only to look back over her shoulder, when she heard the loud voice of Jack, calling from closer to the shore. ” Okay — Listen up.. I’m sorry for being an dick. I know i can come across as a pervy asshole sometimes, but that’s only when Jack drank a bottle of jack. ” Stopping, Madeline rose to standing and shook her head, as Jack seemed to try and crack jokes. Typical of these sea faring folk. The castaway returned to collecting water, when again, she heard his voice, clearly, he was lost. ” but really.. Don’t leave — .. me here.. You’re right, it’s not your fault you didn’t tell us straight away, We should become a team, work together y’know. Find out what’s happening.. ” Madeline actually smiled, well, a crooked one, when Jack admitted that perhaps she was right. Course she was right, and with enough water collected, she picked up the pot, and turned back for the shore camp.
” OI! .. OI!! Madeline! .. Someone? .. ” Jack now seemed to be getting in a panic, and Madeline finally responded. “Hold ya britches, I be right there. And they say Men are supposed to be so good at tracking. Well we all know now that is a lie. I’m coming.”- Powering her way down the track, the water sloshing out of the pot, she caught him up and stared at him, looking like a drowned dog.
“Now, are you going to let me help you, or are we going to have ourselves another arguement?”<3>
Xiangxiu : -Idrial turned to the door of the hut to see Jack walk of towards the direction of the jungle, he must’ve followed Madeline, Idrial hoped they would be safe alone in the Jungle. She turned to go after Jack to see if they would be ok, but would feel bad for leaving Grizald alone. Idrial smiled and tried to hide a faint blush at how the way his pirate like accent sounded as he spoke. From the sound of it compared to her soft voice, he was on the seas a lot longer than Idrial had been. (Grizald) “Oi’d say I feel loike my ould mum beat with a steel pan, and hit me head wit a bottle o’ Brian’s Dark Ale… Other than that, marm.. I believe I am going to be alright…” Feeling sorry for him, knowing his mother probably hit when he was younger, reminded her yet again of how her own mother was no longer here. (Idrial.) “Sounds like you might have had it rough, is that why you wanted to be a Pirate Grizald?” Trying to hide her face from Grizald as he didn’t need to see her like this, with tears painted across her face as she remembered someone else sounding like that. A man who had first met up with her in England. His name was Leonardo. He taught her so much about ships, and the seas. It was the first time Idrial had ever opened up to someone as a friend apart from good ol’ Jack. But Leo was becoming more than a friend.
The night she had remembered so well. The wind was smooth against her skin, the dark blue ocean was the same color as the sky that night. The stars and the moon lit a path straight for the course they were traveling. Idrial was telling Leonardo about why she had left to travel among the open seas. It was comforting not having to hide anymore, like she was now. Leonardo and pulled Idrial’s head to lean on his and that’s when it happened. A strong wind blew from out of nowhere, like it had near this island. Leonardo went up to the deck to try and turn the ship back onto course. Idrial cried out for him to not go out in the weather. The winds were strong enough to blow someone away. “Don’t go, please! It’s too dangerous” Idrial was holding her fingers tangled in her her, tugging the strands slightly as tears feel from her eyes. “I’ll be fine” he said, that’s all he said but it was too late before he heard her. “NOO! I don’t… I can’t.. live.. without you in my life, please, don’t leave me alone at a time like this, in a place… like this!” She fell to her knees as he opened the door to the deck, the wind picking him up off his feet as he fell overboard into the sea. He had knocked his head on the door as the wind picked him up, and feel unconscious. This is how she knew he was gone, the rest of the crew were still sleeping that night and by morning he would be long under, he was nothing but a memory.
All she remembered after that was lying on the floor of her cabin and crying until there was more tears left. After that she had never opened up to anyone, ever. It is the reason why she hasn’t even looked at any of her crew in that way, with a despondency of being hurt again. Before realizing she felt suddenly really tired and as she tried to move to let Grizald rest she was already asleep, the last tear leaving her face as her head had rested on Grizald’s chest and her hand clenched around his shirt. She must have been dreaming of that night instead of thinking of it as a memory because she didn’t even know when she rested her head or fell asleep. This was the first time since that night she felt close to being warm again, something deep inside told her she could open up again, that it was finally time to let go of the past. <e>
RazukenCarrendar : -Idrial’s sweet voice rung out amidst the blowing wind and crashing waves of the shore. (Idrial) “Sounds like you might have had it rough, is that why you wanted to be a Pirate Grizald?” It was then that she turned her head away, her body language hiding some strong emotion. He turned his head toward the open wind, letting the lingering smell of the fresh break of the waves fill his nostrils. He thought hard, trying to get a straight answer. (Grizald) “Oi’ve only ever known sailin… Oi think I was just a normal sailin lad, and then I grew hungry for the adventurin’ ways of a Pirate! The sea has ever been me home, me companion, like ‘ow a man and ‘is wife are always lovin, and then getting mighty angry with each other.” Grizald turned his head back to her, his eyes barely staying open. All he remembered was reaching to her and saying, “It will all be ok..” The water pouch slipped from his fingers as he fell asleep. The last thing he felt was the warm tears falling from her face upon his chest. As he slept, the drums seemed to beat farther in the distance, and a distorted dream came into his mind.
It was all dark at first, as all most dreams begin. Swirls of grey and red began streaking into his vision as a blurred scene came into mind. Was this another memory? The smell of a nasty brine filled his nostrils. It was a docking bay, and he was on the pier. The sound of creaky vessels hung dimly in the night air. Kerosene lamps flickered around the harbor. Sweat creased upon his brow, and his muscles were strained. Out of the darkness came a harsh voice, “A man knows his limits, but a sailor has none! Faster!” Training for weeks, Grizald was dreaming of his younger days. Just before he turned to Piracy, he had gone through a series of strength and stamina training by a harsh officer of an English Galleon. The merchant ship was the home of a strict Quartermaster by the name of Henry. The scene of that dreary night played out in Grizald’s mind. Yet, this time he would not forget. He remembered his strength, and his stamina. He recalled his wisdom of the tricks and ways of sailing a large ship. Could this help the situation? Grizald slipped into a deeper sleep, and his vision of the dream was lost to a pitch blackness until he would wake.
