Erica was having the time of her life. The whole time she was dancing she would have a few guys come up and dance along with her, and a few girls also. While dancing she felt the presence of someone she knew. It was Haley. Erica quickly ran in to hug her tightly. Once they broke away from the hug Haley told her about how she saw Mikayla’s other car in the parking lot. A chuckle would slip from between Erica’s lip as she ran a hand through her hair. “Yeah. I hope Mikayla doesn’t get too mad that I used her car.” She said loudly over the music. Ever since what happened with the accident of her crashing and almost dying Mikayla was a stickler about Erica even getting close to a car. Mikayla promise Anya that she would watch over her daughter and make sure she was okay at all times, Mikayla never wanted to break that promise with a best-friend that she had lost. Erica then bit on her lower lip as her mind began to wonder to a different subject.“Where’s Dylan?” She added as she raised an eyebrow. Erica always had a slight attraction towards Dylan, but she figured he would never take anything serious with her because he knew how he was. A player.
Jennifer rolled her eyes at him. It was definitely the same old sarcastic Galtem. That didn’t make her feel better though. It made her feel so much worse. She’d gotten over him. She was completely done with him. William was perfect for her. He’d helped her with everything. Been by her side the entire time. He was the good one. Galtem had left her mind completely. Not completely… She remembered her dream last night and how he had made an appearance. It was the first time she’d thought of his face in a very long time. Odd how he would show up right after she’d been thinking about him. She listened to him speak in disbelief. He was trying to change his life? Even while they were dating he was the same Galtem everyone knows. He was just different with her. Same personality, same sarcastic remarks, but he could be the sweetest person when he wanted to be. Even when she was so incredibly pissed at him he could say something that would make her melt. Was that the kind of person he was trying to be? The tiny part of her that believed him ached. She didn’t think she could handle that Galtem in town. But when he almost laughed at himself she rolled her eyes. There wasn’t danger of that Galtem coming back. Not for a long time anyway. But he spoke about forgetting the past and she knew that was impossible. When she looked up at him she saw him how he was. Not how he was when he was with Selene. Not how he was after they broke up. Not even how he was while they were dating, but how he was even before then. He’d been a total ass, but she still loved him. Would make snarky comments to him, but still desired for him to desire her. The best part of the relationship is always the growth leading up to it. And that’s what she saw when he looked down at her. His hand moved towards her and she almost flinched, looking at it as if she were unsure, but he moved some of her hair behind her ear. His hand didn’t leave the side of her head either. He didn’t move at all for a while, until he did. But instead of moving away and dropping his hand, he moved closer to her. To close. She shook her head and looked down and her hand reached up to his. But as soon as their hands touched she looked up. They were close enough that that was all it took really. Just for her to look up and touched her lips to his. It was a mistake. A horrible mistake. But for some reason she didn’t want to stop. It was impossible to stop.
Bones smiled as Mills laughed. He loved it when he could get her to do that. “Nah, it’s not illegal to help a girl out by finding her wallet for her. You know I’ll give it back. It’s not like she doesn’t practically live in my house all the time,” he said with a shake of his head. The twins and Mills were always over there. It was as if they were a little messed up family of their own. It was practically a zoo when Seph and Circe got into arguments. That’s when he would get upset. He used to have a family. A wife and daughter. When there wasn’t an argument going on it meant something was wrong. But they all loved each other. Once. “Just as soon as she comes in to check with us, she’ll get her wallet b-“ Bones was cut off because he noticed the girl who was sitting near them. His jaw dropped for just a moment before he quickly shut it. “Sorry, I thought you were…” he trailed off. Tess had been just a little girl when he left. Well, maybe not a little girl, but she was barely a teenager. Probably only thirteen. But there was no mistaking those dark hair and blue eyes. They were Bones’s eyes. “Tess?” he said. It was barely audible. Practically a whisper. Could have been lost over the loud music and people shouting. He swallowed hard as he looked at her, almost hoping that the girl would say, ”Sorry, you’ve got the wrong girl.” Because then he wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt he felt even now just looking at what could be her look-alike. Did half-werewolves stay alive forever as well? It was a mystery he’d always wondered when she was younger, but when his wife had taken her the question faded from his mind. He had assumed his daughter was dead. He even grieved her occasionally. Whenever Circe or Seph said things to him that reminded him of Tess, he’d grab a drink and do a toast to her. Apologized to her over and over in his head for being such an awful father. For not staying with them. For abandoning her and letting her mom take her from him.
Galtem didn’t knew what he was doing, he shouldn’t be doing this, he shouldn’t feel attracted to her again, all this years, he thought it would be enough to stop having feelings for her, but it wasn’t, right now, he’s with the desire on having her closer, and just forget the world. He would do anything to bring back their past, but it doesn’t matter how supernatural they are, that’s something that will never happen.
He felt the coldness of her skin against his hand, and she was shaking her head, basically a way of saying no, he was going to pull back, since that was when he noticed he crossed the line again, however, having another look from her eyes, it didn’t took her long to just reach up for his lips, and kiss him. He knew this would bring him problems, he knew how fucked up he would get after this, but he didn’t wanted to stop. He would enjoy and do what it feels right in the moment, then later on, he would accept the consequences. Kissing Jennifer, was like bringing back the all unwanted memories that was locked deep in his mind and heart, now they were all out. Their kiss was rather calm and soft. He pulled his head back, breaking the kiss, and stared down at her with his eyes half closed. No, he wasn’t going to stop now, the desire was too big for that.
He rushed his lips against hers, more hungrily this time, and he removed his hand away from her face, to wrap his arms around her waist tightly, so he could hold her closer. He slid his tongue into her mouth, and just began to have some kind of dominance fight with her tongue. His hands slid down to her thighs, as he finally got some decent hold of her, he lifted her up, and pressed her up against the wall. His left hand would be under her, and his right hand would be tucked behind her knee. Pulling her leg up to his waist, while his body was pressed against hers, making sure she wouldn’t fall. His lips kissed hers aggressively, as he started to drag his lips down and make random trails against the skin of her neck with kisses and soft bites.
All that juice had gone straight to Amelia’s bladder, and while she tried to hold it in, she started to wriggle, and then couldn’t fight the feeling anymore. She had been keeping up her conversation with Shane, and then excused herself to use the bathroom for legitimate reasons, not cause she wanted to be sick, but because she needed to tinkle. Heading towards the bathroom, some other girl came out and looked at Amelia, saying; “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” Amelia was bouncing, and shook her head.“I’m not going downstairs, this is closer.”
Opening the door, the sight that met her eyes had her nearly fall over in shock. There was Galtem, practically licking the inside of Jennifer’s mouth with his tongue while feeling her up something shocking. Amelia thought she would pee her pants in shock. WHAT..THE..HELL? Her mind screamed. Wasn’t Jennifer with the boy next door like William? And then another thought struck her. Galtem said he was trying to curb his womanizing ways…..this…was clearly not a good day for making such pledges. Amelia’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, and she didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t just enter a stall and start peeing, while they were at it like energizer bunnies. “Ohhh.” It was the only sound to emerge from her lips, and then she uttered.“I…think I will use the one downstairs.” She spun on her heels, and took off back out of the bathroom, pushing her way through the crowd, with her bladder about to explode.
This wasn’t as if Jennifer’s brain had shut off and she was just going with the moment. Her brain was very much on. All the reasons of why this was a bad idea were very clear in her mind. The first of which was the hurt expression on William’s face that seemed to be engraved on the back of her eyelids. But she just closed her eyes tighter as she continued to kiss him gently. Her brain was also remembering Galtem’s touch. Galtem’s lips. Everything about him was familiar though it’d been over a hundred years since she’d felt this. Though, this was much more gentle then she remembered Galtem ever being. Nothing about their relationship had been gentle.
He moved away and she was left looking up at him, smiling for a moment. But after a second her expression changed. Was he really the one who was going to stop? After all the years she thought he was the one with no self-control. It should be Jennifer breaking the kiss, not him. But as soon as his lips were off of hers she knew that she should get out of there. Without a word she was going to just leave the room. It was the smart thing to do. But neither of them felt very smart in this moment. His lips found hers again. She couldn’t help but smile. This was the Galtem she knew and she could not get enough of him. His hand moved from her face to her waist. Her entire body was aware of his hands on her body and it screamed for more. He pulled her closer to her. Their bodies fit together perfectly just how they always had. In this moment it seemed impossible that either of them could be with anyone else when they were this perfect together. She responded to his tongue with her own, shivering as his hands ran down her waist and onto her thighs. Her hand moved to the back of his neck, grabbing onto his hair and running her hands through it. He lifted her leg up around his waist and pressed her against the wall. It was a good thing he did because she was just sure she wouldn’t have been able to hold herself for much longer. The dizziness she had felt when she saw Caleb all came back to her but for a completely different reason. This didn’t stop her from pulling him even closer to her if that was even possible. The kiss was aggressive and with every moment she wanted more. The thoughts she’d had earlier about William and it being a bad idea were slowly disappearing and being replaced by only Galtem. His lips moved to her neck and she gasped in pleasure as he softly bit at it. “Galtem…” she said, it almost started out as a moan. “This is a bad idea,” she whispered, but her expression said otherwise. She had to say it, but she didn’t want him to stop. Even as she said the words she held him to her. But at that moment Amelia walked in. Amelia. One of she and William’s closest friends. She and William’s. Her leg dropped onto the ground and looked at Amelia with a horrific expression. “Shit…” she muttered. She was breathing heavily and it started to quicken pace as she began to panic again. What had she just let happen? And why didn’t she feel more guilty about it?
Galtem was so glad Jennifer didn’t pushed him away, it seemed she wanted this as much as he did, and there wasn’t really anything that was going stop them from now. Not even their own minds. The both of them knew this was totally wrong, they knew they shouldn’t keep going, Jennifer was with William now, she couldn’t do this to him, he made a promise to the poor man. There’s still some humanity left in Galtem, but right now, with the all feelings, the all heat, those thoughts began to disappear. It was like they was the only ones in this world, everything seemed so perfect that it seemed like they didn’t even broke up, that they was still together and happy, while the reality was the opposite.
When she moaned, he couldn’t help but to grin while kissing her neck, she whispered it was a bad idea, but he looked up at her, and her expression said otherwise, her body was only screaming for more, wanting more his touch, the same way his body wanted more of her touch.
But, their fun wouldn’t last that long, Amelia walked in, and he didn’t moved, the voice was enough to let him know it was her, he just dropped Jennifer’s leg, and stepped away from her body, as he made an awkward expression, while fixing his shirt. Why did she had to get in here now? Couldn’t Shane keep her busy for awhile? He was enjoying this moment so much, and one of his friends ruined it.
He rolled his eyes and huffed out in annoyance, now he had another problem in hands. Well, this was the consequence after all, so he wasn’t that surprised. But maybe having Amelia step in, was the best, it was only a sign that they should stop, and not hurt somebody that didn’t deserved.
“She won’t tell.”
Was all Galtem said on the moment, he really hoped Amelia wouldn’t tell William, but who knew. Galtem took a look at Jennifer, and stepped closer again, he didn’t finished what he started, he just fixed a bit her dress, without touching her skin that much, if that was even possible.
“Its a bad idea, you’re right. But damn, I love you..”
He told her while he looked into her eyes. He had never told her that he loved her before, only while they was dating, but after that, those three words didn’t escaped from his lips.
“You really should go..I made a promise.”
Yes, the promise he made to William. Now he wonder if Jennifer even knew about that, probably not, William didn’t wanted to tell her because then she would look at Galtem and see his soft and good side, which was something William didn’t wanted, at least, that’s what Galtem thinks. He stepped away from her, and waited for her to leave, he really couldn’t leave her alone, not again, even if it was only the building, he felt like he was leaving her too many times, so now, he was asking her for leave. They should do what’s right.
Shane was checking out the ass on some lap dancer, grinding away of some suit’s lap, when he spotted Amelia darting through the dance crowd, and rather awkwardly. Her face was pale, and she was bringing her hand up to her mouth. Surely she was not going to be sick again. Sensing something was up, since Galtem had left them to go to the …..oh wait a minute. Shane’s face became strained, and he set down his glass, rising to standing, and buttoned his jacket. Shane wasn’t the D.A, for nothing. Girl in red dress, goes to the bathroom, Galtem follows her, then Amelia needs to go……Oh shit. What on earth did Amelia see? Crossing the dance floor he went down the stairs, and tried to keep up with Amelia, who had slammed open the door of the downstairs bathroom, and he knew that was one place he wasn’t going to dare venture into. Bringing up his sleeve, he checked his watch, then tapped his foot and nodded to girls that were walking passed him, wondering why he was hanging out outside the bathroom.
Five minutes later, Amelia emerged, but she looked…like she had been crying. “Amelia? What is it?” Shane rounded on her, and Amelia looked like a doe that was caught in the path of an oncoming truck. “I can’t..” she mumbled, fidgeting and with a creased brow she spotted William across the floor. Seeing him having fun, she tossed her head back, and rolled her eyes.“Why…can’t people keep their promises?” Shane was wondering if someone spiked her drink. “Who…are you talking about? Not Galtem…you didn’t…find him..errr..” Shane motioned up stairs with his hand, and then he bit his bottom lip.“Hun…you don’t fancy him do you? He is all kinds of wrong, no matter how much he says he isn’t a womanizer anymore. Hell….he’s worse than me.” Amelia sighed, and her head fell forward, her plaits slipping off her shoulders. “Can you …give me a ride home…please? I’ve had enough of the disco scene.” Shane took pity on Amelia, and placed his arm around her, leading her out of the club, and to his car.
(thread change)
Mills didn’t exactly know what was going on, so she just kind of awkwardly sat, sipping her drink and trying not to look at the two. Seph and Circe were peering at them from their spot at the bar, a little curious. Circe was eyeing both Tess and Alec at the same time, trying to decide which had left Bones speechless. Tess, on the other hand, just stood there, staring at her father. She tried to blink away tears, and a watery smile came to her lips. “Hi.” Brilliant, Tess, just brilliant, just say hi. She mentally reprimanded herself, her hands shaking slightly. She reached to tug at her black corset to occupy them. Suddenly, the garment seemed too tight. She couldn’t breath. And then she realized, it wasn’t the corset – she just really couldn’t breathe. She could breathe in alright, but the breaths didn’t come out, they just stayed and piled up. It was starting to become uncomfortable, suffocating.
Now that their perfect moment was over, the guilt was starting to set in. But to her dismay, that didn’t make the other feelings go away. When he stepped away from her, she only wanted to reach out and pull him back. It was frightening how strong that feeling was. Jennifer managed to keep her hands to herself. She watched Amelia leave, absolutely horrified at the fact that she had walked in on that. Having a witness made it more real. It meant that it had actually happened and there was another person for William to find out from. Galtem seemed as disappointed as she was that their time together had been cut short and she just looked over at him, worry in her eyes. He said that she wouldn’t tell, but Jennifer wasn’t so sure. Amelia met Jennifer and William at the same time so it wasn’t as if she had more loyalty to one or the other. Amelia would end up doing what she felt was right. And that could very well mean that she would want to let William know that his girlfriend made out with another man. But a part of her felt grateful to Amelia. She couldn’t imagine how much worse she would be feeling if they’d gone any further. And there was no question of if they would have gone further. Jennifer would have done absolutely anything in that moment. She looked up at him as he stepped towards her and she swallowed hard, trying to bite back her feelings, but they would not go away. He fixed her dress and his fingers inevitably grazed her skin. His touch was electrifying and she longed to be back against the wall with him on the other side of her. Her lips parted a little when he said the next words. He loved her? Since when? When they were dating, maybe, but after? Or was this recent? He’d been so distant after they dated that she thought he was completely done with her. She was the one who never got over him. Not the other way around. Jennifer didn’t just makeout with every guy she was left alone in a room with, but Galtem might with any girl. But like that? She somewhat doubted he would kiss them likethat. She believed him, but it only made it worse. “No, don’t,” she told him, putting up a hand. Because him saying it only made her realize what she had really known all along. She loved him too. But she loved William. There was no doubt about how much she loved William. When Galtem had been gone, he’d been there. But as many times as she told herself that, she could not deny the strong feelings she had for Galtem. Had always had. He told her she should go. He was right. She looked up at him curiously when he said he made a promise. She wondered what he was talking about, but assumed he meant about him not being “a womanizer” anymore or something like that. She shook her head, knowing she had to leave at that moment or she never would, so she turned to go. But when she reached the bathroom door, she turned back around and walked back over to him quickly and got dangerously close to his face. Her voice was surprisingly strong. “We would have been perfect, you know?” she said, almost accusingly, but she was just stating a fact. “In a world where you hadn’t left and I hadn’t fallen in love with someone else. We were perfect,” she told him. There was nothing else she could say to that, but since she’d already made things awkward enough by saying that she was feeling bold. “And what promise did you make?” she asked in a tone that demanded an answer. She wasn’t going to let him brush it off.