Evangeline had been surprised to wake up the following morning to discover that most of the house were already up and about doing their individual duties. After noticing the time, she had to hurry if she was to make it to her first class of students on time…
It had been a delightful experience. All those young, fresh faces had taken an instant liking to their new first form teacher and she with them. She had been commended afterwards on having such a well-behaved group of students. “You are a natural!” the headmistress of the school had gushed. “Usually we have to pry the first form teacher from the ceiling after her day is complete because the children get so rambunctious. What’s your secret?”
“I just…like children.” was all Evangeline could think to say. The headmistress grinned and let her be.
Now she sat in the cafe, enjoying a mid-morning brunch as the world went by outside of the window where she chose to sit. She presented quite the picture, her unnatural beauty causing many a head to turn as the men took notice of her presence as they walked by the window. A few were nearly run down by carriages as they were of mind of watching her rather than paying attention to where they were walking.
Already the news of the massacre at the ball and the death of Lord Roxburg were in that morning’s paper and she read both articles with a heavy heart.
“So much pain.” she murmured to herself, sipping her tea.

The Doctor decided rather than take the carriage all the way back to the Manor, that he wanted to just take in a cup of tea and cake at the Rosewater Cafe. He had a passion for their lemon butter cakes, and so when he was walking past the window, he caught sight of a vision in white, who was sitting by herself, just inside. There was something quaint about her. The way she was dressed, and the style of her hair. Interesting. The Doctor entered the cafe and the door bell chimed merrily, as he took off his hat. Seeing as many were enjoying their tea, and with no seats at any other table, he went over to the mysterious woman and asked;
“Excuse me, Madame, but is this seat taken?” He said politely, setting down his medical bag, and waiting for her to answer. Other patrons, noticed the Doctor and some started to whisper, since news had reached the gossip sewing circles of his wife’s death. He was now…a very eligible bachelor.
“Excuse me, Madame, but is this seat taken?”
Glancing up, her blue eyes found themselves staring into the most stunning pair brown eyes she’d ever seen. She hadn’t seen eyes that lovely since that fiasco with Anthony, Cleopatra and that asp of hers.
She finally remembered he’d spoken and quickly moved some of her things out of the way, her face beet red. “No. It’s not. Please feel free.” she stammered. Mentally she was kicking herself for acting like an idiot in front of the first man she’d ever met since she arrived.
Once comfortable in his chair, he took notice of the beautiful woman opposite him, and said;
“I don’t believe I have had the pleasure of your company in any of the known circles. I do frequent the dance halls on occasion, in particular that rather outrageous one, the Bizarre circus hall. Have you heard of it?” The Doctor inquired, just as a waitress brought him the day’s menu.
“What can we get you, Gov?” The waitress asked, eyeing the Doctor expectantly, since he was a regular.
“Tea..two pots. Sugar…milk too. And I might like to sample a nice lemon tea cake, if you have it, Miss.” The Doctor showed a winning smile and then asked of the kind lady opposite. “Care to share in a slice of cake?”
She watched him as he ordered two pots of tea and a slice of cake. He was very intriguing. And the sunlight trying to break through the dreaery clouds gave him an ethereal quality. He was quite dashing, she concluded. She came out of her thoughts when he questioned if she would like to share his cake.
“Oh, no thank you. I’m not too fond of cakes.” she answered, looking at the waitress. “But I will take a couple of chocolate truffles if you have them?” The waitress nodded and went to fill their order.
She looked back at the man opposite her. “I’m partial to chocolate truffles. They are quite good.” she smiled warmly. “And I haven’t been here very long. Arrived just day before in fact.” she added, answering his earlier question.
“Ahhh…I knew there had to be something that tantalizes your taste buds, Madame. Why ..they say that chocolate has the same effect as an aphrodisiac.” Taking out his napkin, he started to stuff it into his collar, and then continued with the delightful discussion.“You are aware that chocolate creates a wave of feeling. Chocolate is a substance that increases sexual desire.” One of the other tables had a group of old spinsters, and you could hear one of them choking on a cucumber sandwich, while another was slapping her back, all the while her mouth agape at the Doctor’s quips on chocolate and sex.
The Doctor was oblivious to the other table and kept going. “Food of the Gods. Indeed. Why the very word aphrodisiac comes from the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, goddess of sexuality and love.”
~COUGH COUGH COUGH!~ “Oh Mabel…breathe…Mabel…breathe!”
The Doctor couldn’t help but smile as his tea pots were brought to the table, and he went on with the conversation.
“Asparagus, honey, bananas and other foods can get you in the mood and help get your blood flowing down to your nether regions. Oh, and may I introduce myself. Doctor Johnathon Bianchi…MD.”
But then he started talking about chocolate as it relates to sex and aphrodisiacs.
Evangeline felt her eyes go wide in shock.
She could vaguely hear a couple of the nearby ladies going into some kind of fit.
~COUGH COUGH COUGH!~ “Oh Mabel…breathe…Mabel…breathe!”
The waitress brought the tea and left again before he continued with his conversation.
Evangeline had never been so scandalized in her life. He continued on, seemingly unaware of the chaos he was causing.
“Asparagus, honey, bananas and other foods can get you in the mood and help get your blood flowing down to your nether regions. Oh, and may I introduce myself. Doctor Johnathon Bianchi…MD.”
Moving slowly, she was beginning to re-evaluate her thoughts on this man, this supposed Doctor, thinking him quite deranged. She carefully placed her serviette on the table, grabbed her belongings and got to her feet.
“I believe, sir, that you mistake me for some…common…lady of the evening or some such thing! I have never been so offended in my life!” So saying, she reached across the table to possibly smack him across the face in indignation before she turned on her heel and made to leave the cafe.
“I believe, sir, that you mistake me for some…common…lady of the evening or some such thing! I have never been so offended in my life!”
~blink blink blink~
“But Madame….I…”
Poor Doctor Bianchi, sitting still and looking bewildered. Clearly he didn’t do much one on one conversation with women out and about that were as fine as the young lady now storming out of the cafe. He rose and said before all to hear;
“Please, Madame….do forgive me for such a social gaffe. I have not slept for well over two days. Lost my wife, almost my son, watched a friend die…then his daughter take ill. I fear my mind is not as sharp as it is when I am wide awake.”
If she was too look at him, he was genuinely sorry.
Evangeline paused on the threshhold of the cafe after hearing his words of apology. She recalled the name of ‘Bianchi’ from one of the newspaper articles discussing the aftermath of the massacre at the ball; his son had been a guest. It had to have been a rough time for him.
And his story tugged on her heart.
She turned back toward him, seeing the genuine shame and sorrow upon his face and in his eyes and took pity on him. She returned to the table and sat, daintily.
“Then I apologize for striking you.” she stated in a much calmer voice. “Please, for my own sanity, do not discuss such things in my presence ever again. It’s not polite.” She held out her hand. “Evangeline Browning.”
At last she introduced herself. “Evangeline Browning.” She held out her hand, and the Doctor reached across and shook it politely. “Tis indeed a pleasure, Miss Browning. And again, my heartfelt apologies. I should have known with Mrs Roschild coughing up a lung behind me, I had overstepped the bounds of decency.” At this one of the other table patrons, burst out laughing, and so to did many. Mrs Roschild is not a popular woman, one that loved nothing more than to gossip about others with no restraint. No doubt this was a comical response.
“All I want to do, is crawl into my bed, and not be woken for…at least a week. But alas, Lord Roxburg’s funeral should be held soon, and I am expected to attend, as head of the Council.” He said this with a sigh. So much weighed on his mind, and he had not even arranged his own wife’s funeral. How sad.
“Coming to terms with the death of my wife, has sent me to hell and back. And here I am…drinking tea, while others grieve their loss. The human mind is one very ingenious thing. They say, laughter is the best medicine in the world, and yet how do we find humor in loss?” He showed a half smile, and picked up his cup of tea, taking a sip. “Tea….a gift. Hits the spot every time.”
Evangeline looked at the woman in question, who she noticed was a bit red in the face over the fact that she’d been caught out. Evangeline simply shook her head at her. “There’s a not so nice place for people like her.” Evangeline murmured.
“All I want to do, is crawl into my bed, and not be woken for…at least a week. But alas, Lord Roxburg’s funeral should be held soon, and I am expected to attend, as head of the Council.”
“Council?” she questioned. “I didn’t realize there was any sort of Council here. What is it that you do?” she wondered. No one had mentioned any Council to her when she was assigned here and it was quite vexing to her. She wasn’t one to get angry often, and she was now struggling with that foreign emotion.
She watched his face as he began speak of loss. She understood loss to a degree, having lost her life at such a young age.
“Coming to terms with the death of my wife, has sent me to hell and back. And here I am…drinking tea, while others grieve their loss. The human mind is one very ingenious thing. They say, laughter is the best medicine in the world, and yet how do we find humor in loss?” There was a half-smile upon his face as he retrieved his cup. “Tea….a gift. Hits the spot every time.”
“Doctor Bianchi…sometimes it takes the loss of one so loved by others to see that there are things right in front of you that you probably haven’t ever notice you missed.” she stated, her tone meant to be comforting, as was her nature. “You may laugh, yes, but you may also cry. There is no shame in the visible expression of your feelings. Tis what makes you human.” she added, assuming that he was an ordinary mortal man. She had yet the abilities to detect other light beings such as herself.
“I realize, that I might appear to be…a tad scruffy for such a noble creature as an angel, but under the circumstances, I truly don’t think God would mind. He does test us all, and he has certainly been doing that a lot this week.” This was in reference to the murders in Hollow Street, as well as the demonic sacrifice at the Cathedral.
“But..enough about me. Can I dare ask what it is that you do, Miss Browning? You dress so well, I dare say…Nanny or Tutor to young children?’
He caught her eye, seemingly deciding on something before he spoke again. When he did, it wasn’t what she was expecting. “I am the head of the Council of…Angels, chosen and sent by God, to protect and heal those that are God’s children.”
Oh my Heavens! she gaped.
“I realize, that I might appear to be…a tad scruffy for such a noble creature as an angel, but under the circumstances, I truly don’t think God would mind. He does test us all, and he has certainly been doing that a lot this week.”
She stared at this man…this Angel…before her and couldn’t help think that this was the reason she was sent here. Maybe this was a true test of her abilities? Then she frowned.Why would and Angel, and one such as he, need another Angel’s guidance?
“But..enough about me. Can I dare ask what it is that you do, Miss Browning? You dress so well, I dare say…Nanny or Tutor to young children?”
“You’re an Angel?” she exclaimed, keeping her voice low enough for him to hear, but not loud enough for the rest of the cafe to take notice. She giggled a bit. “Oh my…Um. Oh! Yes, I’m First Form teacher at the school nearby.”
He chuckled to himself at the times that Winnie had tried to set him up with his late wife, Saffron. Sadly that marriage was not one that was ever going to last. Marriage is work, and both must be up to the task at hand.
Sipping the last of his tea, the Doctor took up a morsel of cake, and took a bite, before patting his serviette upon his lips. “And yes, Dear…An angel. Sorry if that does disappoint. I know the ones painted by Michelangelo are far more…romantic looking than I”
He reaffirmed to her that he was an Angel and comparing himself to Michaelangelo’s paintings and at that she had a good deep laugh over that. She laughed so hard, tears were streaming down her cheeks. He would have to wonder if she had a case of vapors.
“Oh…I’m so sorry. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.” she giggled shamelessly, causing a few of the men in the cafe to look upon her with appreciation. “I tried to tell Michaelangelo that that painting was odd but he just wouldn’t listen.” She began to giggle all over again, not even realizing she had revealed her own nature to the good Doctor.
“Good heavens. You’re not.” The Doctor exclaimed, taking off his napkin, and suddenly becoming serious. “Surely they would have informed me of your arrival in London.’Johanthon draped his serviette over his cake, and pouted. “I’m supposed to be the Head councilman, and she couldn’t bother tell me.” She being Winnie. Course they had the other matters to deal with, and it must have slipped Winnie’s mind.
Looking up at Evangeline, he apologized. “And here I am…telling you about the benefits of chocolate. You must think I am a horrid example of what Angels are. Oh dear.”
She got herself under control and looked at him seriously.
“I am…and my being here…was kind of a last minute sort of thing. There probably wasn’t proper time to inform you. I apologize on the Elders Council’s behalf for that.” she sighed. He then apologized for his social gaffe from their first meeting and she waved it away. “Tis done and in the past. And you do have a lot on your mind. I cannot fault you for it.”
She paused as one his statements penetrated her mind.
“Miss Winnie? She’s an Angel?” she gasped.
“Let’s start over. I fear this is escalating out of control, and we only just met.” He coughed slightly, putting his hand before his mouth and then uttered. “I’m Johnathon.” He looked at her and hoped she would understand. “I can answer…all your questions, and then some others, but not here. Not with the entire Brighton bridge set, listening in to everything we are saying. My manor is just a few blocks by carriage, and yes, I have good staff and grown children, that can attest for my good intentions.”
“I agree…Jonathon.” his name smoothly flowing from her lips. “Please, call me Evangeline. I believe that would make things easier.” she nodded. “And I’d be pleased to know whatever you’d like to tell me. I have been so confused since I arrived here. I wasn’t told the whys and whatfors and it makes me confused. And I find the longer I speak to you, the more I trust you. You are a true gentleman.” She gave him a warm smile.
Rising to standing he placed on his hat, and left a few pound notes to pay for his tea. He coughed again and said.
“Feel free to make an appointment with my maid, Milly. She will ensure that you are slotted in at a suitable time. I fear I must be off. Pressing engagement with a lovely patient. Too da loo.” This was sure to be heard right across the cafe, and he hoped this would help her save face. He gave Evangeline a curt nod, then taking up his bag and hat, he strolled out the cafe, to catch a carriage to his Manor.
(thread change – Bianchi manor)
She checked the address on the card, memorizing the address.
To avoid suspicion, she began to walk down the street in the direction of her home, thinking of getting a carriage later once she was out of eyesight of the nosey gossips.
—-(thread changed to Bianchi Manor)—