She thought she heard voices, trying to reach her where she was hiding.
She frowned…that sounded like her mother. But that was impossible. Last she knew, her mother didn’t even know who she was.
There was suddenly an intense light, nearly blinding as a force like she’d never felt before swept through her body like a wave. Her eyes snapped open on a gasp and her wings flared out, surrounded in the glow. She felt her broken bones knitting back together as she struggled to breathe.
The light slowly faded and she found herself sitting up, her wings folding against her back. She looked up into the faces of her parents.
“What happened? What are you doing here?” She pushed herself to her feet and backed away from them. “Stay away from me!”
“Please don’t be afraid, Tempest, we aren’t here to take you back. We were just trying to heal you.” He said honestly, not wanting to scare her any further than she already was. He took a step forward, and then looked at her, seeing she had all her bones fixed, her scars healed.
“Do you remember how you got here? What caused all your injuries? We need to know, so those that did this to you can be punished.” He was very sincere about this fact…even if it meant war.

Looking up at Tempest, she looked at her daughter with surprise. It was as if she were seeing her for the first time. All memories slammed into her mind like a ton of bricks. All the fights, all the harsh words came crashing in. Just when she thought she would fall to her knees in utter despair, the memory of Tempest’s birth came to the forefront. Tears fell down Selene’s cheeks as she realized she had been a horrid mother. She would run too.
As Joffrey’s panicked words registered in her mind, Selene stepped forward as well and spoke in a voice choked with a sob she was trying to hold back “Baby, I’m so sorry. We won’t bring you back. You shouldn’t be around me.” Looking at Joffrey, she managed to speak a bit more as tears fell “See to it she is safe. Find out who did this to her. I have to go.” Without another word, her wings tore out from behind her and she ascended into the air. Without looking back, Selene took off to seek guidance from her uncle.
(Thread Change)
“Do you remember how you got here? What caused all your injuries? We need to know, so those that did this to you can be punished.” her father stated. Her mother was sobbing, as if she were broken hearted, turning her back on her daughter once more and going away.
Tempest went from sadness to absolute rage in a heartbeat. Once again, she felt abandoned. And she was not going to let them do it to her a second time.
“Oh now you’re concerned about me? My own father, who didn’t even speak when his only child was sent to the dungeons like a common criminal! And my own mother, who can’t even look me in the eye and disappears at the first sign of hardship! How do you think that makes me feel?” Tempest raged, glaring at her father. “You’re supposed to love and support me in all things! And you can’t even stand up to your own father where it concerns me and my happiness! You disgust me!” she snarled, turning and walking away from him.
The unmitigated gall of that man! she snarled to herself as she tried to put some distance between her and the man whom she once lovingly called ‘Father’. Now he was a stranger to her. She didn’t know who he was anymore. What kind of man doesn’t protect his only child, even from his own family?
A stupid one! she snorted.
-As Ryo woke the next night, he stood up and stretched, popping the bones in his neck and back. He looked over to where the fire had been and noticed that it was still smoking some, it had been a good fire. He reached down into his left boot and pulled out his flask and took a couple of sips before putting it back into place. Tonight he would focus on making this his newest hideout and camouflage it from sight, Ryo knew that it would not be too much use if the ones who were chasing him already knew where he was, but it may give him a chance to be better equipped for a fight, if it would come to that. He wanted to make this into his own kind of home, and would even break up the earth at the back of the cave to make his place for an eventual coffin. Strapping his sword to his back, he stepped out onto the mountain to begin gathering wood and branches for the work ahead of him-
You disgust me!”
Joffrey was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of running, tired…of chasing the dream that alluded him so for so long. This was not how he ever wanted things to be between them, and now, feeling her absolute disgust, he could bare it no more. He was defeated. And not so much by a blade…but by the very words of his beloved child.
The demon simply turned around and then vanished into a black vapour like sphere…..and he was no more of this plane.
(Thread change – Blackfog Castle)
“They abandoned me first.” she grumbled to herself, unaware she was being tracked. She was so angry, her arms and hair were smouldering. She didn’t feelt the flames as they were very much a part of her. She was just glad she was away from Wintervine Castle. She would hate to harm the very people who gave her sanctuary with her angry outbursts.
And so she continued deeper into the mountains, looking for a place to bed down for the night.
-As Ryo finishes all of his preparations, he takes a moment to make sure he was satisfied with how it looked from the outside. Then, suddenly feeling aware of another presence near him, he steps inside the cave and set his fire up for the night to keep the cave warm. He steps to the back and gets at least somewhat comfortable as he sets his sword back near to himself for a quick draw. He thought to himself that he might risk a venture out into a town one night soon.-
She came upon the cave where she’d seen the light emanating from and poked her head inside.
“Hello?” she called out, stepping further inside. “I’m not here to harm you. I’m just looking for a warm place to sleep for the night.” she explained to whomever might be listening.
He thinks to himself “This is just what I need, another one of the guard coming to try to capture me, I thought I lost them months ago.”
In a voice that sounded somewhat anxious and full of accusation, he said, “How did you find me so fast? I shook your people off of me months ago. I know what you are, there is no use pretending that you are in need of shelter.”
-He stands, ready for anything, but in the back of his mind, he hoped that this angel would be the first person in a long time that he would be able to talk to on a more serious level and possibly even become friends.-