Brandon grinned in spite of himself. Thinking for a moment at his now proud son he said
” Well I do remember a Magda you sent to my chambers. I believe she is somewhere on the other side of the castle. You should be familiar with where she abides. Perhaps she could sate your Princely Lust. “
Wondering where else whores might be found he tapped the outside of the door and asked the guards to inquire for the best should this Magda not meet with his son’s satisfaction or become unavailable. A proper prince he now was and should be treated as such. Brandon was a proud father.
Magnus quietly watched the scene and smiled. Many years of planning all seemed to finally come together. The Casterly’s would soon fall and his parent’s death’s would be avenged.
Joffrey was checking himself out in one of the large wall mirrors, when his father suggested that if he wanted a whore to bed, why not try Magda. The demon prince stopped for a moment, while still admiring himself, and uttered off the cuff “Isn’t she a mermaid? Cor blimey, her couchie would smell fishy. Noooo, thank you.” Clearly, bedding mermaids was not on the top of his list of things to do. The snake like demon was now fascinated by his own reflection and kept tugging on his clothes, which suited the old Joffrey, but clearly not the new one.
Casting a glance over his shoulder at Magnus, he could see that he wasn’t really saying very much, and he was smiling. Question was, why? Joffrey checked out his own backside, to see if that was what he was smiling at, and maybe he was. Warlocks were such odd creatures. Flicking his lapel, he knew he would have to get changed into something more suitable later, which was most likely going to be armour, since he was taking a strong liking to a war against the angels.
He stopped for a second, and then asked his father. “If…Magda is here, then that means…..that there are still some angels here in the Castle. Right?” He was referring to Orion and most probably Selene. If this was the case, Joffrey was indeed ready to make an example of them as a warning to the House of Casterly.
“Father…should we start gathering the knights of the realm, and possibly seek to gain the favor of the Orcs and Giants of the Mountains, to aid us in this war. Those Casterly won’t know what hit them.” He said with a crude smile, before nodding at Magnus.
“Wanna go pluck an angel?”
Brandon turned on Magnus an idea having popped in his head as he watched his son posing in the mirror.
” I would like you to see the smith Magnus and have him brought down both my son and will be needing some new sets of armor made with special defenses. It wouldnt do for holy magic to undo so quickly. “
Brandon then looked towards his son
having heard his words..
“Father…should we start gathering the knights of the realm, and possibly seek to gain the favor of the Orcs and Giants of the Mountains, to aid us in this war. Those Casterly won’t know what hit them and Wanna go pluck an angel?”
The king wasnt sure which sounded more appealing, he wasnt sure which he wanted to do first. One thing was certain he wanted to both, andRIGHT AWAY!
” Well let’s be off to the Throne Room and we can get the guards dispatched to The Orc’s and Giants straightaway.We to gather the knights and I think the very first thing as soon as we get some people off to summon our ally’s out is to go a’Angel Huntin’ “
The king then turned and strode out into the throne room dispatching emissaries towards the Orcs, Goblins, Giants and Trolls in the surrounding territories. As he began to bark orders he watched Magnus head out to get the smith.
The sounding of the horns, was heard across the lands, as the banners were flying of the Brax house on many a building and house. Change was in the air. The time of peace was no more, and Angels were no longer welcome on Brax soil. The sky filled with the most evil creatures to take to the wing, along with witches and warlocks, demons, dragons, and evil sprites. The King was calling court together, and soon the Throne room was filled, packed to the rafters with representatives of all the evil factions of the Night lands. As the King began to bark orders to those who served the realm, as well as Magnus, the Prince was getting friendly with some of the Night lands most devilish beauties, and then some not so…beautiful. The three sisters of the Crow’s Nest Witches Coven, who also happened to be related to Minerva, were fawning and gushing over the Prince, who had something of a serpant’s tongue when dealing with the ladies.
“So…you girls come here often?” The Prince said with a cheeky head wobble and knowing grin. If the King and Prince Joffrey were going to win the war over the angels, they really had to ensure that the alliances with other evil creatures held together. Ethel and Portia loved the attention, with Portia winding her blonde locks around her finger and sizing the Prince up. The eldest, Delilah already had in her mind what she wanted. “What ever happened to that delightful daughter of yours, Tempest, was that her name?” A dangerous question to be asking the Prince, but his reaction was one to take many by surprise. “On a mountain somewhere, probably off to go lay her head in the lap of the King of Angels. I could…give you the directions if you want to go find her yourself. Me? I have bigger plans afoot.” Delilah simply grinned and took the Prince’s arm. “A lock of hair, and I can find my way there.” She said, tugging on the Prince’s hair and plucking a good strand. He grimaced a bit, but he could care less what happened to Tempest now. She got her life…and he got a new one in the process. “Just a heads up. She has a temper.” That was the understatement of the year, but least they wouldn’t be able to say he didn’t warn them.
Attention turned back up to the King, to see what his proclamation would be, and how the Casterly were to discover they were the target of the hate of Brax. Prince Joffrey moved to his own throne, as the witches waved at him, like fan girls.
Selene had her knees tucked against her chest and her elbow was braced on one knee as Orion spoke. Her head was tucked in her hand as she looked forward with a saddened expression. The angel spoke the truth, no matter how heart-breaking it was. Joffrey had to find his own way. If the princess were to stay around any longer, there was a good chance he would be even more torn and would lose himself completely. Deep down, Selene knew it was time to go home. She was only doing more damage by being here. Her heart felt heavy at the mention of Tempest, and she prayed ardently that Orion’s words were true. Standing up, she walked over to the window of her room she once shared with her husband. It was as if she were no longer there, but in another life as a ghost of a smile settled on her lips.
Magda was indeed listening to the conversation, but she had her back to them so she could look towards the window as well. She was grateful that Orion was trying to convince Selene to go away. Light did not belong in darkness, no matter how many times her light had flickered. When she saw her mistress standing by the window, Magda turned to look at Orion. He was suggesting she leave too, but of course she would if the princess was leaving. She belonged to Selene, but was also her closest friend. The princess would be shattered without her husband and child, and Magda was good at cleaning up messes. Turning away from Orion after giving him an expressionless face, she padded over to Selene and murmured “Shall I gather your things, your grace?”
Selene didn’t answer for a few moments, but finally her soft angelic voice spoke “My bedroom…is overlooks the ocean. It’s so peaceful there. It was like you could see God in every little piece of creation…how I miss it.”
The handmaiden looked at the princess as though seeing her for the first time. It had been years since she had seen Selene truly this innocent and sincere. She was heart-broken and her angelic essence was slowly piecing her together again. Standing next to Selene, Magda murmured “It sounds lovely, Princess…” Her words were gentle but her features were saddened by what the princess had to face now.
The princess turned to look at Magda with that dream-like expression in her eyes, a single tear rolling down her cheek“Come…we must leave immediately. Leave everything behind. None of it ever truly belonged to me, anyways.”Turning from them both, she then walked towards the door and disappeared through it. Still dressed in her Saint attire with her runes blazing, she walked out the front doors without a word to anyone and climbed into her carriage. Her own clothes and things were waiting at home.
Magda watched the princess leave silently before her blue eyes flicked to Orion. Stepping towards him, she murmured “I will take care of the Princess…but what of you? I don’t believe it is safe for you here, m’lord…” With that, the mermaid turned from the angel and followed the princess to the carriage. They had to leave immediately.
(Thread Change)
Orion looked left and right, before making his getaway down the south passage, only to have a maiden step out from one of the small alcoves. She was one of the former playmates of Joffrey, and had been waiting on a moment when she could show him that she was capable of being by his side once more. Elisa sashayed up to the elder Angel and smiled saying.
“Going somehere?”
Orion stammered as he could hear the blast of horns, and the roar of dragons approaching. Time was running fast through the hour glass, and he had no time for this young girl to stop him now. “Yes in fact, to return to the Casterly and warn them of the coming war.” So…he was going to betray the House of Brax and warn them was he? Elisa shook her head and said.
“I don’t think so.”
Clearly Elisa was a vampire, and showed off her treacherous fangs, that slid out from her mouth and rested upon her plump lips.“You need to say goodbye first. Or the King will be upset.” Orion was about to turn and run, when an orc appeared behind him and donged the angel on the head with a huge mallet. Knocking him out cold, and he was spread eagled on the floor. Pleased with this, she motioned for the orc to drag Orion up to the throne room, to receive their reward.

The princess looked up at and stared at her “Pardon?”
Sighing exasperatedly, the handmaiden frowned “The Lord Orion is not here. I am going to go see where he is. You need to go. Don’t wait, no matter what you hear. You must flee while you can.”
The princess still did not understand “But…are you not coming?”
Magda finally snapped and threw her hands up “Something is not right! Can’t you feel it?! Take this carriage, use your magic, and get the hell out of here!” Not waiting for a response, Magda jumped out of the carrige and took off towards the castle.
Selene sat there in silence before it dawned on her that her connection with Joffrey was no longer strong. Gasping, she clutched the sides of the carriage and hurriedly murmured in a heavenly language. Soon her carriage seemed to sprout invisible wings and lifted off the grounds. Closing her eyes, she called “To Haven Castle!” And soon she was gone, the carriage flying back towards her home.
Brandon had called Minerva shortly after the intial tumult. He wanted her to enjoy the festivities as he was sure she would.
The smith had come down shortly after and both Magnus and him had worked together to measure both Joffrey and the King. Taking care to work around the guests that had gathered as various emissaries were already coming into the realm from throughout the Night Lands. After Minerva arrived he was much pleased. He smiled to her as she assumed her customary position near the throne, lovingly stroking her hair. Thier mutual bond had grown much over such a short time.
Brandon leaned in close to her and whispered to her..
” We may have need of any gifts you have, should you have any ideas for the war effort let me know my dear. We will have time later as well I hope. “
As they were seated Lord Orion was led into the chamber, bound and prostrate by an orc captain and Joffrey’s former friend the vampire Elisa. Clapping, brandon smiled at the pair as he was led in.
Elisa said quickly…
“We caught this one trying to make his escape. Said he was heading to warn the Casterly’s of our impending march. I told him how much our King would love to see him before he left. “ she smirked at the last part.
Brandon congratulated the pair.
” Oh well, It seems we have a traitor then. We have been a hunting the angels, my son has been especially wanting to taste their blood. I think Its time to see some shed. Joffrey, end this one here and now before the court. Let the first blood be shed before the crown! His body can be used for your witch friends spells, im sure they have many uses they can devise for it. “
Lord Ash realized the atmosphere had become quite unlike what he had expected. Though his friend Magnus held the King’s favor, he was not a creature of the night. Nor of the day either but rather of twilight. He wanted no part of this war or any of the difficulties. He had what he had come for. Reaching the barracks he saw his men who he nodded to. It seemed the gate was shut but he had not difficulty in travel. He found a small room that was not occupied. Leading his small group inside he locked the door and then opened a portal. The portal opened to where his army lay, he then sent his men forward. There was hard knocks heard on the door as he made his way through the portal. Narrowly escaping the notice of some of the dark denizens who had managed to open the door. They couldnt figure out where he or his men had gone..
Oh how much the Castle Brax had changed within a matter of days, for now all that were assembled were the most evil of creatures to dare walk the face of the earth. The rise of their grunts and wicked laughter created an unholy din, as all took their rightful places in what would be a ritual, that would unhinge the pure, and shock those of good will. Minerva had been summoned to take her place at her King’s feet, and she passed through the crowd, wearing the royal collar. Many a female was envious of Minerva, for she had attained a status worthy of one of her talent. She wore the ceremonial silks, and lay at her King’s feet, so she was close enough for him to enjoy. And he did, reaching down to stroke her hair, like she was this prized possession.
” We may have need of any gifts you have, should you have any ideas for the war effort let me know my dear. We will have time later as well I hope. “
“~purrs softly~ “Of course, Master.”
Her eyes glowered, and she held a haunting smile, as Prince Joffrey took his place at his Father’s side. The witches lined up, rubbing their hands together, eager with anticipation of the upcoming event. All could smell it. The tension so thick, and all were to be rewarded.
Being dragged in by the orc warrior, Orion’s eyes were now open wide, as he could see the Court and of course Joffrey, who was now beaming a wicked grin. He motioned for Elisa to come stand at his side, well pleased with her handling of the traitor, from the house of Casterly. All eyes then went to the King as a hush fell over the room.
It seems we have a traitor then. We have been a hunting the angels, my son has been especially wanting to taste their blood. I think Its time to see some shed. Joffrey, end this one here and now before the court. Let the first blood be shed before the crown! His body can be used for your witch friends spells, im sure they have many uses they can devise for it. “
Cackles and dark laughter filled the room, while the witches eagerly salivated on getting their hands on the feathers of a Casterly. Joffrey raised a hand as he rose to standing.
“Tonight….oh Court of Brax, you are to witness the first death in this war upon good. Orion has been found guilty of treason and treachery against my Father’s house. The punishment for this…is death. Say goodbye…to all this…and hello…to OBLIVION.” Joffrey’s right hand raised as an orc threw him a large battle axe, which he caught swiftly, and went down the stairs, as another Orc held the bound angel in place. With one foul swoop, he decapitated Orion, whose head rolled off and down the floor, much to the delight of all present. Joffrey released the battle axe and reached for Orion’s head, which he held aloft, to show all, roaring in triumph.
The witches then ravaged the body of the headless Orion as Joffrey dropped Orion’s head into a box, and ordered it be delivered to the house of Casterly, with their WARMEST regards. A small gnome did the honours, scooting out of the hall with the boxed head, as Joffrey turned on his heel and bowed before the King.
“Long live the house of Brax!”