Turning away from her, he walked up the pathway to his house to see a package on his front doorstep. Bending down to pick it up, he smiled at the return address. Glancing over his shoulder, he spoke to his lover“Come on, Vampira.” Turning back to his house, he took his keys out and unlocked the door.
Walking inside, Roger knew he couldn’t hold back any longer. Turning around quickly, he reached out to grab Amelia’s hand. Pulling her into a hug, he wrapped his arms tight around her waist and buried his face into her neck. Sighing softly, he spoke in a breathy voice “I’m so sorry.” After standing like that for a few moments, he pulled back to hold the box up in front of her. Using his keys, he it open to reveal a black collar within. Flicking his hazel eyes up to Amelia’s, he asked anxiously “Do you like it? I bought it when I was back in the office and had it express shipped…”
“Let’s go inside. I have take-out menus on the fridge.” Rodger was passive in his actions and helped her out of the car, before walking off ahead of her. Amelia, who was dressed casually and with her hair down to her shoulder, followed in behind like a stray puppy, looking at him with large eyes, wondering when he would start to go off about Shane and Jarvis. Everything.
“Come on, Vampira.” He urged, and Amelia quickened her step, so she was just in behind him when he took out his keys and opened the door. Watching him go inside, she looked down a moment, so when she crossed the threshold, she didn’t trip, only to gaze up and feel him grip her hand and pull her inside. Here it comes…..
But it was nothing what she would have expected. Rodger buried his face between her shoulder and neck, saying he was so sorry…for everything. The feeling that ran through her, as he pulled her close. She truly felt home. She hiccuped a small cry, her face radiating her love for him. Forgiveness was something she was more than capable of.
“So am I. Rodger, I should have been more careful. I won’t make the same mistakes again. I promise.” Amelia blurted, fighting to hold back the tears that were welling in her eyes. Rodger then presented her with a small box. Opening it, she found a beautiful lace and metal studded collar. It was so sweet…and so her.
“Oh Rodger…you shouldn’t have.” Awe struck by the pretty collar. But it was not just the collar that had her so happy, it was what the collar symbolized. Once she put it on…she truly belonged to him. “I love it.” She enthused, undoing the clasp and then handing it back to Rodger. “Can you put it on me, please?’
Amelia turned around and lifted her hair out of the way, so he could once and for all…claim his girl.
He couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face as he watched her undo the clasp. Soon she spun around and lifted her hair while asking in her irresistible voice to put it on her. Oh, he had every intention of putting it on her again, and no one would ever take it off.
Stepping forward, he took the collar from her wordlessly and clasped it around her bare neck. His green eyes focused on her soft pale skin and he felt himself hardening. Leaning down, he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against his hard on. While gyrating himself slowly into her so she could feel just how much he needed her, he leaned down to hoarsely growl in her ear “You are mine now, Amelia Reed. You belong to me, and I’ll never let you go again.” Without another word, he bit down on her neck sharply before he began to trail delicate kisses across the back of her neck. His left hand grasped her hip to keep her against him while the other hand reached up to knead her breast mercilessly.
He couldn’t control himself any longer, and he had to claim what was his with his body.
The hard grasping of his hand upon her hip pushed her tight up against his rock hard member, that she craved so desperately to fill her aching need. Her panties were already wet, and the pressure of his forced grip of her breast had her begging…pleading..
“Please…god please Rodger…take me…take me now. Claim me.” She begged, her hands trembling as she touched and pawed at him tenderly. He could be hard as he liked on her, and she would always be that welcoming lover…bringing him home.
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he then hoisted her up to carry her into the living room. They would christen every room of his house, he didn’t care if he was up all night. Bringing his woman to the couch, Roger set Amelia down on her feet and didn’t push her back onto the couch. Not yet. Falling to his knees, he lifted her shirt up slowly while looking into her eyes. His were soft and loving, but his hands were quick and needy. Placing a kiss to her hip, he then moved to tug her bottoms down.
With her bottoms and panties off, the lieutenant snuck her a sneaky look. Smiling like a predator, he leaned in to bite her hipbone. He wanted her pleasure to be mixed in with pain, and he had to hear his name on her lips. She was begging him and it was just what he needed to hear. Standing up straight, Roger tugged his shirt off and tossed it over the couch. Looking down at his woman, Roger became dominating as he was meant to be. “Take my pants off. Then you will taste me.” Placing a hand on her shoulder, he then forced her on his knees before him. His knees quivered in anticipation but he was careful not to rush Amelia.
“Take my pants off. Then you will taste me.”
The force of his hand guiding her down, had her sink to her knees, all the while gazing up at him, before looking to his pants, where she reached up and undid the clasp, then slid the zipper down slowly. Both hands reached for either side of his pants and she pulled them down slowly, shaking her head as her hair fell off her shoulders. His pants down, she followed the same with his boxers, lowering them carefully, and exposing his cock, the tip already moist with pre, and pulsating with blood.
Wishing to be truly submissive, she placed both hands behind her back, interlocking her fingers. This would draw her shoulders back tight, and with her kneeling with her legs partly spread, and a curve to her spine, Amelia looked more than ready to accept her duty, to taste her Master. She wet her lips with her own tongue, and tipped her head forward, at first giving kitten like licks to the head, before her tongue slowly started to curl around and under the hood, so to reach his most sensitive spot, where she applied light flicks of her tongue. Eyes closed she was going by taste and touch. To watch her, she demonstrated skill, obedience and tenderness. Treating his member with care, to enhance the experience.
Her tongue then found its way to his shaft, and slowly she tasted, licked him right to his stomach, before drawing back and repeating this. Rodger had only said to taste him, and she knew that when he wanted her to truly take him in…he was going to do so by force. She opened her mouth further and sucked the tip of his cock, with slight popping sounds as she released. It wouldn’t be long before he would feel the need to take her head, and guide her onto him fully, and the real taste test would start.
As Amelia sank to her knees, Roger ran his fingers through her hair encouragingly. He was beckoning her to do as he commanded sweetly, but soon she would feel just how pain was when mixed with pleasure. With hooded eyes, he watched the way her hands locked behind her back. Nodding once, he growled hoarsely “Atta girl…don’t touch me.” And she didn’t, only with her lips. Amelia took Roger into her mouth like a skilled lover, starting out teasingly slow before taking him completely in her sweet little mouth. The sensation was enough to send him rocking back on his heels as his fingers tightened in her hair. Loosening his grip long enough to form pony-tail with her hair in one hand, he yanked on it gently at first. After a few gentle tugs, her jerked her head back hard, unable to take anymore of her ministrations without finishing right then and there.
It had been too long in his mind since he last had his woman, and he had to have her now. Pulling her up to a standing position by her hair, he leaned in to nip at her ear. Roger then stooped down to wrap his arms under her ass and whispered in his gravelly voice “You’re coming with me.” Lifting her up in one swift movement, he tossed her over his shoulder and carried her upstairs to his room.
Once inside, Roger quickly slammed the door to his bedroom and held her against the nearest wall. His lips crushed against Amelia’s hungrily as his hands pinned her hips to the wall. After a few moments of licking and nipping at her mouth, he pulled back to ask in a breathy voice “Here, or the bed? Make a fast decision or you don’t get any of me.” His eyes flashed darkly as he taunted her. Roger would have Amelia even if he had to take her on a dumpster outside.
Watching his face with anticipation of what he would ask her to do for him, she fell silent, to hear his voice, and see the look of lust in his eyes.
“Here, or the bed? Make a fast decision or you don’t get any of me.”
“Here…Sir, Here.” Amelia called him Sir. Why? Cause she believed he owned her, and that was what he should be called. Would he accept this? One could only wait to find out. She was very quick to make her response, for she desperately wanted him…more than anything.Amelia drew her hands back, not to touch him, till he wanted her too. The wait was excruciating. Already her panties were wet, and she knew that they would soon be off on the floor discarded…very soon.
Pressing Amelia into the wall, Roger reached over to rip her panties clean off. It was a nasty habit he was developing, but he was all to eager to just buy her whatever she wanted. With her panties out of the way, Roger smiled down at her darkly “Judging by how moist those were, you are more than ready for me.” Amelia wanted him right there against the wall, and her raw desire to be taken there instead of a bed had him still raging hard. Reaching up, he unhooked her bra and tossed that aside with a free hand as the other kept her against the wall.
Bare against bare, Roger pressed his chest to hers so he could feel her breasts against his chest. Leaning down, he brushed his lips tenderly across her shoulder as he slowly guided himself to her opening. Suddenly, he simultaneously slammed into her womanhood while biting down on her shoulder hard. Soon he fell into a rhythm that had him slamming into her hard enough to make her head bob.