Dinner was simply divine. Relaxed and enjoyable, both the food and the company. Sam watched Damion interact with Shirley, and you could see the mutual admiration forming. This was something he hoped for. Shirley had been there for him when he was suffering from depression after standing up to his father, and Sam was there for her when Rochard passed on. Like two towers of strength, one for the other. Now they had Damion into their tight little world. Sam could only wish that he would be happy. His laughter brought nothing but stolen glances mixed with warm smiles. Sam even eased back in his chair, his arm lazily dangling over the back, his wine glass held loosely between his fingers, as he let the meal settle and the conversation bubble along at an even pace.
When the dinner was over, Sam rose and started to gather up the empty plates and dishes, since Shirley did cook, he felt it only fitting that he do the clean up. “I’ll take care of the mess. Why not put on some music, or perhaps you might like to take a look through my library?” Sam offered.
“I’ll take care of the mess. Why not put on some music, or perhaps you might like to take a look through my library?”
That caught Damion’s attention. “You have a library?” he grinned. If there was one thing Damion inherited from his father it was his love for books. With a grin, he got to his feet and went in search of this paradise of books…
Damion stared at the massive shelves of books and wanted to drool. There were collections and historicals and periodicals and he touched the spins with a certain reverence. There was even a first edition of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Damion slowly pulled the book from the shelf and carefully placed it on the desk. His hand shook as he touched the cover. He opened it to the inside front cover and saw the words written in what looked like Bram Stoker’s own hand. Damion was in awe.
In the kitchen, Sam was drying the last of the dishes, as Shirley came over and gave him a light hug. She had had a wonderful evening, and truly enjoyed Damion’s company. Such a refreshing change, since sometimes Sam would go off into his own little world, and read or take back up to his architectural drawings. He was reserved in many ways, and that was sure to be discovered by Damion as time went on. It was still early days for them, and they hadn’t even yet consummated their relationship. Shirley tweaked Sam’s cheek and whispered. “He really is lovely. A keeper.” She was then off, heading to the door, only to look back over at Damion near the library, and then she left the apartment.
Now it was just Sam and Damion, and with the dishes done, Sam could sit down and relax. He moved to his large couch, and sat down, then drew his legs up, so he was sort of half laying on it.
He could see that Damion had found the library to be engaging, and had probably stumbled across a rare find. Relaxing, Sam took out his glasses, and gave them a light rub, cleaning the lens.
“If you found something interesting, by all means you are welcome to borrow it.” Sam offered.
“I couldn’t borrow it. It’s too rare a find. I might damage it or something.” Damion stated, turning he was sitting in a half-Indian style. “You have quite the collection though. I thought I saw Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein in there as well?” he questioned. Unconciously, his hand stretched out to stroke Sam’s leg that was stretched out near him.
“Yeah, I loved Mary Shelley’s work. Funny though, truth is stranger than fiction.”Sam said with a wry grin, knowing full well they were both supernatural creatures themselves. “As for the book, I totally trust you to take it. Books are meant to be read and enjoyed, not gathering dust on some book shelf. I insist.”
Feeling Damion caress his leg lightly, Sam could only smile. He was really pleased to see him relax, and especially after everything that he had been going through. Naturally, he didn’t want to bring up the topic again, so he moved onto something a bit off topic.
“Dominique is your twin right? What’s it like to have a sister, or a twin for that matter, I have always wondered.” Sam was an only child, due to the death early on of his own mother, something Sam had yet to reveal about himself.
“Dominique is your twin right? What’s it like to have a sister, or a twin for that matter, I have always wondered.”
“Domi? Oh…yes…she’s older than me by about 5 minutes. The strange thing is, she’s also a day older than me.” Damion chuckled. “She was born 5 minutes before midnight on Halloween, I was born exactly at midnight on November the 1st.” It amused him to no end when Elvira had told the twins what had happened when they were born. “But she’s the stronger one of us both, always protective of me, even from and of our parents. You saw her the night of the ball. She wanted to rake that woman over the coals for trying to get between my mother and father. She raked me over the coals for even suggesting that my father encouraged that woman’s advances. I know differently now.” Damion smiled, looking at Sam. “She’s more Alpha then I am…I just hope Father sees that in her for when the time comes for him to pass the torch.” He quickly put thoughts of his father from his mind. He was having a good time with Sam and didn’t want anything to dampen that feeling.
“What about you? Any brothers or sisters?” Damion wondered.
“What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”
“No sadly. My mother died when I was very young, and all I have known is Nannys and my Father’s string of hopefuls to replace my Mother. Sadly, none of them measured up to his expectations.” Sam said, with a slight tone of sadness, but then he tried dutifully to cover this by finding reason to smile. “My father’s house staff, they were my real family in all truth. Butler Harold. Ha…the things I used to do with him. He taught me to play an English game called Cricket, and on Christmas eve he used to tell the most wonderful stories I had ever heard. My favorite, would have to be the little Match girl. Not sure if you have heard of it. That was when I got my obsession with books and reading. All from Harold. Course, he died many years ago. I was sort of lost after that. You could say I was a loner, especially at boarding school. Too tall, or too gangly. I earnt the nickname “Lofty.”" He realized he was waffling on a bit and took off his glasses again, rubbing them with a small velvet cloth from his pocket. It was unsure if this was a nervous trait or habit. He then remembered his original question and said.
“By the sounds of things, your father has his alpha to take over…just its a girl.” He shrugged with a crooked smile.
“Children can be cruel sometimes.” Damion sighed. Sam was polishing his glasses again. Damion wondered if that was a habit or a nervous tic.
“By the sounds of things, your father has his alpha to take over…just its a girl.”
“Times are changing, love. Why can’t a girl lead? I know it’s unorthodox…but unless Father waits for his new son or daughter, he’s kind of out of options. Dominique…is…unique.” Damion chuckled. “I think that’s why Mum named her so.” He had the urge to snuggle to his mate and crawled across the couch until his back was pressed to Sam’s front. It was another unconcious action and it made his wolf settle down with a pleased sigh.
“Unique? Now there’s a word to describe her. Yes, I could see that how she was at the ball. Feisty, go getter. Heh.” Sam joked, though in a way he meant it. Then much to his surprise, Damion crawled across the couch as Sam was about to put his glasses back on. Sam had intentionally not gone out of his way to be touchy feely, wanting Damion to feel comfortable within himself, and let him approach or make the first move. He instinctively drew his arms around him, and then slowly started to strum his chest idly. He wanted Damion to feel safe, and loved within his arms. There was no rush either, to take him off to the bedroom. Not that that didn’t cross his mind, it did….but only when Damion was ready. He could sense the inner beta within Damion calm, and then his sigh signaled it.
He rested his chin atop of Damion’s head and murmured. “You know…for the first time in my life, I have everything I ever wanted right here.” His voice but a whisper, as he got comfortable beneath Damion.
He felt Sam’s hand rubbing along his chest and sighed with content. Sam rested his chin on the top of Damion’s head and he smiled.
“You know…for the first time in my life, I have everything I ever wanted right here.” Sam whispered in his ear as he got comfortable. Damion turned his head and found that he was inches from Sam’s lips. His heart began to race and he licked suddenly dry lips. He raised his eyes to meet Sam’s own.
“Sam.” Damion whispered. If eyes were truly the windows to the soul, Sam would have been able to see what Damion was feeling for him right then. There was no pressure, and Damion wasn’t sure he was ready to go further then the things they’d done before, but he knew right then that he wanted to feel Sam’s lips on his own.