Burning ambitions
GoldenDanae: Outside was freezing and that frigid air hit the exposed skin of her face causing it to rise in a bright scarlet hue. Damn the world was flipped on end since the club a few blocks away went up in smoke. Since that first time being there she’d kept a low profile, like anyone would after assaulting some Italian guy and lighting a bad actor on fire…well his fake hair on fire…”Damn my land lord for thinking he could rewire the main breaker box on his own…I have work to get done.”, she grumbled leaving a trail of white whips from the heat contrast from her breath and the air around her. Her lap top tossed into a bag and tossed onto her shoulder and she made her way to the local coffee shop. Coffee shops always have wifi and she pushed her way inside to a hum of voices and coffee machines. She found a seat at the back of the shop with her back to the wall so no one could see what she was working on. Lean fingers flew deftly over the keys as Clementine , the waitress came up. She smiled at Dani and then blinked a few times as she was given a very specific coffee order and rushed to grab her pen and pad of paper for the double café, skim, no foam and splenda sweetened latte that the woman who did not even look up had ordered. With a slight glance up and winks at the waitress as she turns to walk away. There was electricity in the air and Dani was not sure what was going on though it was clear that she would soon be finding out as she looked around to see if there was a familiar face in the slowly growing crowd.
CharlotteCarrendar: – The bell on the doorway of the coffee house chimed merrily, when Maggie Malone entered the warmth of the shop. The blast of wintery air sent a chill through the room, and Maggie got a few looks from the patrons, that were trying to warm themselves up again. The Irish rose was carrying her battered guitar case that was covered in stickers, from the many cities she had travelled to across the UK and Europe. Maggie unwound her tight plaid scarf from around her lower face and then removed her coat, hanging it upon the coat rack that was near the door. Already there were a few up, as the coffee house had become a magnet for gossip hungry locals. Since the beating up of Kraus Zimmerman, by the Death Club owners, news had travelled fast around the city, that chances of catching a glimpse of the famous Inga Snoggleblom, might be possible, at the adorable little coffee house. The manager had even gone to the extreme of setting up a stand of Oil of Ole’ beauty products, for the more hard core fans, just so he could make a few extra Euros out of his patrons. Maggie spotted Clementine, and sung out; “Eh….Clem, when ya got a minute, lass. I fancy a bit of service, maybe you could get the Manager, I got a proposition, if he be interested.” Maggie set down her guitar case and leant against the arm of one of the large red couches. <3>
GoldenDanae: Just as Clementine was coming back she got distracted by an accented woman. For a second she looked familiar and as she stood talking to the waitress. At that moment she started to actually look around and pay attention to all the jibber jabbering about the club. People sure like to talk and as she looked down at her lap top and a new schematic for the latest adult novelty spinning around on her screen she instantly felt contrite about working on such things in public. HOW had she been put on research and development? With a snort she closed the top of her computer and stood up grabbing the coffee off of the woman’s tray. She replaced the spot on the tray with some money and sat back down taking a sip. Setting it on the table she opened up her lap top again she read over an e-mail from the manufacturer in Japan. The broken ‘engrish’ was super hard to follow and she muttered though it and shook her head. They want a real situation trials…where was she going to find a group of couples that wanted to try the newest tickler from “slippery swirl”? Too bad the club blew up she’d have a place to hand out free samples and comment cards… She sighed closing the laptop with a rather loud click in the suddenly stone silent coffee house. Her hand slipped around her mug and she took a deep drink with her left hand rubbing her forehead trying to sort through what she was going to do about this latest dildo rule that was going to dominate her life.
CharlotteCarrendar:- Clementine held up her finger, as she was making a coffee and sung out. “Be right there, Mags.”- Acknowledgement was better than being ignored, and considering that Maggie was part of the Death Club crew, and knew Inga rather well, she hoped that her idea might sail with the Manager. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long, for just then, the kitchen door swung open and the portly manager, Theodore, exited carrying a fresh lemon tart, that he was set to be placing in the rotating cake dispenser. On seeing the statuesque Red head, he instantly showed a brilliant smile. More like dollar signs appearing in his eyes as well, and on closing the cake dispenser, he came out from behind the counter and waddled over, wiping his large hands on his apron. “Miss Maggie…a pleasure to have you back, after that most unfortunate incident. How is Inga?” Course he would ask about Inga…everybody did. Maggie shrugged her shoulders, and replied. “Still at her apartment, not come out yet, but Sven and Dai are there. Eh…what is this show you be puttin’ on ‘ere with the bull cum cream?”- She happened to point out the display of Oil of Ole’ the very products that Inga promotes. The Manager blushed, and then fumbled with his words. “Inga’s a star, can’t blame a man from making a takings from the gawkers that come to see where Kraus got flogged. You should see the blood stain on the floor boards.” Maggie could see that this could work in her favour, and gave her guitar case a bit of a kick. “Think they would come round, to know ole’ Maggie was doing her thang….singing, in the corner thur.”- she pointed out the poet’s corner, that was set up with a mic and a chair. The idea was, Maggie could do some jazz numbers, and songs of hope, to the customers of the coffee house. “I could even wear the Death club t” Now this had the Manager thinking, and you could see that he liked the proposition. Another wipe of the hand against his apron, and he stuck his hand out to shake. “Deal…just start up when you like.” This had Maggie smile broadly, and after shaking Theodore’s hand, she picked up her guitar case, and made her way over to the nook. Seeing the lass on her computer, she sung out. “ I do requests, lass. Can I sing ya a song?” <3>
GoldenDanae: Her coffee was almost drained and she frowned a bit setting the mug down on a coaster then tried to flag down Clementine again for a refill. Ah ha! As she listened to the portly owner had such an intimate conversation with the redhead and it all clicked. She’d seen her at the Club…well before it went boom that is. Great was she there when I lit that guy on fire??? Wonderful… At that Dani started to blush and she turned as though hiding her face a bit by a red pillow on the plush couch. When she was addressed she had no choice but to look up and smile at the womam. “Uhhhh… “, she sighed and tapped her chin a bit. “Play something soothing? My nerves are suddenly all fuckered up.”, she says with a snorting laugh really hoping that the woman didn’t remember her. It would be hard to forget the woman in a leather halter top who blew on a lighter and spewing a fire ball of Everclear at a man trying to be james bond and hit on the new girl at the club. “Hey Clemetine! You guys have anything with more kick then coffee?!”, she calls out laughing and opens her lap top again thinking about diving into her work making flyers to have open minded couples contact her to participate in a study on adult toys. She’d print them up at home…assuming she had power when she got home… and then plaster them around town. Hopefully Clementine had something with more of a kick for Dani gets too far into her work and lost in her surroundings.
CharlotteCarrendar;- Setting out her guitar case on the ground, she reached into the plush red velvet case and withdrew her guitar, which she treated with such care, you would think it was her child. Placing the strap around her neck, the wily Irish gal looked over at the girl she asked the song request from. Then….there was something about her…something familiar. The girl was blushing, like her face was on fire. Fire…? Fire?…FIRE! It suddenly dawned on Maggie just who it was, and the Irish rose bit her bottom lip, with something of a quirky grin. “Play something soothing? My nerves are suddenly all fuckered up.” Maggie’s eyes lit up. What better way to do her premiere performance at the coffee house, than to dedicate a song, to the very man that this woman had attacked at the bar in the Death Club. Trying very hard to maintain her mirth, she strummed her fingers and then fiddled with the cords, till her guitar was in perfect tune. Another strum, and she winked at the girl who was now singing out to Clementine asking for something with more kick. And trust me, by the time this song was done, she was going to need it. Maggie adjusted herself on the barstool and leant to the microphone, saying. “This song goes out to a man…who can’t be with us. Sadly he was in the burns unit for sometime after a tragic accident at the Death Club. One..two…thee…*and then, she started to sing* You know that it would be untrue, You know that I would be a liar, If I was to say to you, Girl, we couldn’t get much higher.” Strumming hard, she goes into the chorus, which surprisingly, everyone knows. “Come on baby, light my fire… Come on baby, light my fire.. Try to set the night on fire!” Everyone in the coffee shop would be swaying along to the haunting refrain penned by Jim Morrison, of the Doors, while Maggie winked at the rosy cheek coloured lass. “The time to hesitate is through, No time to wallow in the mire. Try now we can only lose, And our love become a funeral pyre.” The customers all started to sing the chorus along with Maggie, and Theodore was waving his arms in the air- “EVERYBODY!…. Come on baby, light my fire… Come on baby, light my fire.. Try to set the night on fire, yeah!” <3>
ZymoticFury: A lone man was already sat a few tables away from anybody else. He was half slumped over the table with a coffee in hand. He was barely noticed by anyone; you could say he was hiding in plain sight. Midas Damaskinos sipped his coffee, people watching through his glasses. His brown eyes were warm but if you looked at him long enough (Which nobody really did) you would notice they hid a rare intelligence and cunning. He wasn’t there by chance, he wasn’t just another customer, he was waiting. Midas had the golden touch in private pharmaceuticals. He was wealthy, he paid his taxes and on the surface he seemed all above board. But, as with an iceberg, that was only the surface. The majority of his income, while technically legal, would probably get him sent down if he wasn’t careful. He sent large amounts of Lidocaine to dealers with the intent for them to cut it with the pure drug to double, triple or even quadruple the amount sellable on street level and thus, making ridiculous profit margins. To say he was rolling in money was an understatement. He pulled out his phone and sat up, his fingers sweeping across the screen. He had spotted someone who was hard to miss. She had flaming red hair and could be none other than Maggie Malone. His phone was loaded on an email detailing the staff of the death club. While Maggie Malone was only bar staff, she would do, though saying that, he would have preferred someone a little higher on the food chain. As she played “Light my fire”, he surreptitiously snapped a photo of her making sure there was no flash, no sound and no way to tell he had taken a photo at all. This was surveillance, if he could get a small fry, the bigger fish will bite. He stood, slipping his phone away and draining his coffee. He walked with a smooth, confident stroll to the redhead. “Can you play rod Stewart’s Tonight’s the night?” He took time to pause, then looked her directly in the eyes before continuing. “…Maggie…” He handed her five hundred Koruna. It wasn’t much but he had only expected to be buying coffees. He had been watching from the shadows so far but now it was time to make his presence felt. He only wanted to invest and set up a contract but it had to be planned with military precision or his legal yet dodgy enterprise could blow up in his face.
GoldenDanae: A moment in the woman’s eyes and Dani knew she was remembered. SHIT! She thought and drooped her shoulders. This was going to be bad or really funny. The people in the coffee house were more than a few that she had seen at the club and she had made such a show of getting that guy to stop hitting on her with bad movie lines that a few turned to look at her knowing her now as well. “Well shit…if you can’t beat ‘em…”, she thought as she stood up and pulled a lighter out of her pocket lighting it, which made the guy sitting infront of her duck and smack his head on the table making his compatriot’s laugh as Dani started to wave the lighter and sing along. For that moment she joined in and fun then sat down soon after the man got up and requested another song Dani went back to work adding pictures to her flyer and fine tuning it while she listened to Maggie playing away. She sure was talented and she had to admit it as she got up with a soft roll of her hips and handed Maggie some cash. “Hey rockstar come chat when you’re done.”, she says with a laugh shaking her head and moving back to her seat though she had left her lap top open and a couple of guys were now looking at her flyer for adult aid trials and winked at Dani as she picked up a pillow swatting them away.
CharlotteCarrendar:- The crowd of the coffee house, really got into the swing of things, singing along to the chorus, and then the moment that had Maggie tip her head back and laugh, was when Dani actually got up and held aloft her lighter proudly, promptly scaring the poor fook that was sitting right in front of her. Talk about a hard reputation to get rid of. This would be stuck for life. She concluded the song on a high, and the applause was encouraging. This sure as hell beat singing on a street corner, and not only that, it was a hell of a lot warmer inside than out. Clementine set down a glass of water on a small table beside where Maggie sat, and she reached for it, winking at the waitress and taking a sip, as she heard another request. “Can you play rod Stewart’s Tonight’s the night?” …. “Maggie..” Half surprised that someone even knew her name, she had a quizical expression, as he walked over, bold as brass. He handed her five hundred Koruna, and Maggie’s jaw fell open. Course, she knew the song, being a huge fan of Rod Stewarts, since her mother used to love to play his music, after Maggie was supposed to have gone to bed. Then another call out, but from the lass that had set that bloke’s wig on fire. “Hey rock star come chat when you’re done.”,Maggie took another swig of water, then set the glass down. “Aye…be after this ere song.” Maggie strummed the guitar in the tune of Tonight’s the night, and began to tap her foot to the beat, as she started to sing. “Stay away from my window, Stay away from my back door too. Disconnect the telephone line, Relax baby and draw that blind.” She changes the cords and smiles at the crowd, while everyone settles back to enjoy the song, people talking and more people ordering coffees. The shop door opens, and you see that word had got out that there was something of a show on at the Coffeezz shop. Maggie’s hair blew about with the gust of wintery breeze, and she continued to sing, to get to the chorus. “Kick off your shoes and sit right down… Loosen off that pretty French gown. Let me pour you a good long drink, Ooh baby don’t you hesitate cause…. Tonights the night” – Maggie closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the melody of the song; the night a young woman loses her virginity. “It’s gonna be alright.. Cause I love you girl, Ain’t nobody gonna stop us now.” Maggie sang through the next two verses and the chorus to end, and cued for the Manager to hit the sound system, so she could take a break. “Thank you…thank you so much. Now buy a fookin’ coffee off Clementine.” She gave the peace symbol and put her guitar back in its case, before striding over to Dani and taking a look at her lap top screen. Seeing the pictures of sex toys, she blinks and said. “Why you dirteh gal….checkin out the fake dicks. Get a real man…they don’t need batteries.” <3>
ZymoticFury: He closed his eyes as he listened to her play, it was weird to hear a song from a males perspective played by a female but it was oddly erotic giving the lyrics a lesbian spin, it was almost as if he were listening to an older woman seducing a first-time lesbian. He was lost in his dirty thoughts as the music came to a close and he strolled over to the counter for a refill. He watched Maggie for a while; she seemed to be acquainted with another woman who had requested a song. The conversation was slow which denoted that the people didn’t know each other all that well. This was perfect for Midas, there would be far fewer “Inner jokes” and it would be easier to establish rapport with both of them. He sipped his coffee but it was still too hot and he grimaced a little. He slicked his hair back against his head a little; making sure it wasn’t too messy. He couldn’t help checking himself out in the windows reflection. He looked carelessly handsome despite the fact he put in a lot of effort into pretending he didn’t put a lot of effort into his look. He ordered two more drinks and when they arrived, he brought them with him to their little table, quite literally breaking all social convention. “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of getting you two lovely ladies drinks.” His voice gave no clue as to his ethnicity, he almost had no accent but of course, that in itself is an accent. He sat beside the redhead, not sure how to go about letting her lead him to the people in charge. “My name is Midas and yes, as you’re probably wondering, I do have the golden touch.” He grinned lazily as he pulled out a cigarette and diamond studded Zippo Lighter. It was obvious he smoked by his voice, it was so deep and gravelly yet so easy to understand. Some would have called it seductive and it certainly had its perks and it definitely helped his charisma. He had a lazy charm and a certain happy-go-lucky air about him which suited him fine. He pondered for a moment, how best to get what he wanted. Softly softly catch a monkey? That looked like the best way to go about things, be too blunt and he could end up with a professional hit on him. “So I hear you work at the Death club. What happened the other night? I heard there was some kind of explosion …”

GoldenDanae: Dani had to laugh at the next song request and wondered why a guy sitting all on his own was requesting a song like that one. It really didn’t matter as she received an urgent email about a special order to be rushed into production. “Who in the fuck wants Hello Kitty Themed Penis pumps?!” she snorts a bit too loudly and looked up at Maggie as she commented on the cyber skin and perfectly veined phallus. “Ah but if the batteries die you can get more, a man goes soft not even a Swedish pump can help beyond a certain point.”, her voice was filled with humor and then a fierce blush as the lone ranger dude came up to talk to them. Of course when she was talking about work…She listened to him and wrinkled up her nose flashing him a smile. Dani was a cute mix of Southern American girl and her Japanese Native mother so her scrunched up delicate features and slight southern drawl were an almost sickeningly adorable mix as she commented to his rather cheesy line. “You know… Midas…that’s why they suggest you wash your hands after the double shake at the urinal.”, her features changed to a calm like she was totally serious as she watched to see what his and the buxom red head thought of her comment. At least Maggie would be less shocked after seeing part of her exploits in the club but this random male had no idea what he was walking into with the delicate and professional looking Dani. She would leave the offered drink off to the side where it was set and turn her eyes to her lap top giving directions to the agent associated with this off the wall hello kitty order she had to start processing…tonight.
CharlotteCarrendar; – Maggie was tilting her head back and forth, checking out the fake dongs on the web page, and of course, Dani had to blurt. “Who in the fuck wants Hello Kitty Themed Penis pumps?!” Well, Maggie had an answer for that. “Not mah Nik, that be for sure, got an overdose on the whole Hello Kitty fudge when we went to Tokyo with Inga and her family, just the other week. Hello Kitty Planes, Hello kitty rooms, Hello kitty bus. Nik so sick of Hello Kitty, he be ready to smack the next girl who mention’s it, a good hard one. Aye, his dick be so saggy if you even point that Hello kitty tube at his cock.” Just then the bell chimed on the door of the coffee house, and who should enter, but Inga’s agent, Sven and his gorgeous toy boy, Dai. Both were in some sort of argument and they kept their coats on, heading for the counter, to buy take away coffees, to take with them, to go back to Inga’s apartment. “It’s the latte mocha special…I keep telling you. Ugh, be so nice if we could drag her out in the cold, rather than us go get it.”- Dai was shaking his head and saying. “Cappachin! She want..Cappachin” – Maggie caught sight of the two gay lads, and then pointed them out to Dani. “You want to know about who likes Hello Kitty…speak to those two. Dai works for Sanrio, the makers of Hello Kitty designs, and Sven is Inga’s agent.” Easing back, Maggie watched as the previous guy who requested the Rod Stewart song, was bringing over drinks for the two girls. Maggie flicked her long red curls off her shoulder, and let the man sit down, but smirked at Dani’s retort, to his introduction. You know… Midas…that’s why they suggest you wash your hands after the double shake at the urinal.”, Wow, this kitty has claws; Maggie thought to herself, and took the offered cup of coffee. “To ya health. Oh, and you want to know about the Club. Eh…asking here, bad things happen, but I tell you anyways. It was all to kidnap the Star of the club. Mia. The diamond of the Death Club. Sad though, we all got no jobs now since it closed….again.” Maggie sighed softly, and sipped her coffee. When Midas flashed his gold zippo, Maggie had to comment. “You the Sultan of Brunai?”<3>
ZymoticFury: His leg came up to rest his ankle on the opposite knee as he slipped the cigarette in his mouth. He quickly lit it and took a quick drag. The relatively unknown girl had fire in her (Pun intended) and he liked girls with a little spirit and he wasn’t a stranger to a little banter. He grinned as she made her joke and looked up at her, his cigarette in hand, smoke rising from his nose in thin tendrils giving him the appearance of a dragon in wait. “Perhaps I should look into surgical gloves.” He chuckled a little as he listened to Maggie talk about what he already knew but he pretended to be interested. He had failed to notice the two men who entered but he wasn’t interested in them because he wasn’t aware of how close they were to the whole death club scene. He watched her eyes as she spotted his pride and joy, the Diamond studded £25,000 Zippo. His grin at the moment was reminiscent of the fabled Cheshire cat. “You could say that but I’m not that poor…” He paused for dramatic effect and continued in a way that would make a professional orator tip his hat. “It’s a shame you have lost your job… What If I told you that I would be willing to pay you a decent wage for doing nothing until I could find you a job?” He let it sink in for a moment or two and decided to explain. “I heard about what had happened and truth-be-told, it made an opportunity for me to make a little more money and if there’s one thing I’m interested in, its money.” He put the lighter away and shifted slightly. “See I know you have to spend money to make money and so, I need you to put me in touch with the head honcho so to speak so we can discuss business and see about getting you your job back. Are you following me so far Maggie?”
GoldenDanae: “Ah so you have a man is why you suggested something other than a battery operated boyfriend. INGA! That’s it! Her….”, she looks back at the computer and points at name. “Agent dude is on his way to meet me to go over specifics. Just then the guy walked in and Dani sighed. “So you seem to be well connected. “Oi that’s him!”, she laughs and wads up a napkin tossing it at the bickering boys. “When you got your drinks come sit eh? I assume you brought the drawings for me to take to fabrication?”, she asked picking up the coffee and taking a sip. It was full fat and super sweet almost making her twitch with the overload of sugar and she set it down looking at the dragon like face looking at her. “Hmmm, I thought soap and water was easy but the company I work for makes all kinds of latex and lamb skin protection aids. I’m sure that we have a wide range of gloves that could be of some assistance to your lack of hygiene.”, she snorted a laugh delighting that someone is poking back at her as she reaches into her bag and hands the man a brochure to the “Twisted Delights” Adult Novelty company that showed Dani on the cover in some outrageous leather get up holding the latest model of the Swedish Extender 5000. “The cover wasn’t my idea but it paid for my new apartment. Moving on up a few floors to a bigger flat.”, she shrugged and turned her attention to the men waiting for coffee so she could see the drawings of these favors she got a rush order on. She didn’t listen into the conversation between Maggie and Midas unless she was asked something directly.
CharlotteCarrendar: – This..Midas Character was quite the card. Amused by his own wit, a tad self confident, but of course, that came with the attitude of a saleman. Clearly, he was looking to sell himself today, and was putting on his best face. Right foot forward, into the conversation between the lanky Irish red, and the lap top girl with a fancy for setting men on fire. Midas was not a Sultan, er…no he was more powerful than that, and could probably burn notes to light his cigarettes. Interesting that he took such interest in the Death Club, or was there more to it. Maggie couldn’t seem to grasp on his reasons, but knew she could not reveal the true owner of the club, for sake of her own life. She was sworn to secrecy and instead, knew that she could offer up the name of the Proxy. Helena. “The one you want, is Helena. Hard core lesbian…not my cup of tea, or coffee, or anything really.” Taking out her cell phone, she managed to find a contact number for Helena, an emergency one, since Maggie was still on the books. Writing the number down on a napkin, she slides it across to Midas. “That is her contact, it’s the best I can offer you.” As for Dani, it seemed that Maggie was the one with connections, alright. She pointed out Inga’s agent and his lover, Dai, both well known in the fashion and porn industry. Clearly eager to meet them, she sung out. “When you got your drinks come sit eh? I assume you brought the drawings for me to take to fabrication?” Sven was first to hear, then saw Maggie and trotted over, air kissing both cheeks, before extending a hand gracefully towards Dani. “SVVVVVENNN” He said, with a roll of the tongue and a sharp flick of his head, to have his blond waves splay out, like in some shampoo commercial. he then spotted the brochure being handed and took it with a flourish. “Oooo Twisted Delights” Is that anything like Twister the game, but nude?” Maggie burst out laughing and shook her head. “its fake cocks and other nasties.” Dai popped his head out from behind Sven and waved. “Hai!” Sven then heard his cell buzzing and took it out, while Dai held the coffees in a take away tray. “Yes…I got…but…you said you wanted…..Inga please….No…no crying…fine fine…donuts….box of twenty….YOU GET FAT!… don’t cry, I get them….bai.”- he hung up and sighed. “Miss…soo nice meeting you but, Dai and I have to go buy Inga donuts. Here, take my card…and we be in touch. Come on Dai….Inga wants donuts. *sighs*….Her ass will be bigger than her tits.”- The two headed out, leaving the trio sitting together. <3>
ZymoticFury: His grin remained as he feigned turning his nose up at the lambskin gloves. He thumbed through the pages spotting several face dicks, penis pumps, vibrators and most amusingly a DIY Dildo making kit. Before he could tuck the brochure into his pocket, it was snatched with a flourish. He looked up to see the two men who he had barely even registered had entered the building. Slightly irritated, he took a long drag of his Cigarette, determined not to let it show on his face, he didn’t want to appear rude. The men seemed cute as a couple, despite the fact they seemed a little off with one another. He wondered how deep their affiliation ran for a little while and acknowledged them with a friendly nod. He didn’t say anything to them directly and just observed them and their behavior, hoping to gain an insight into their lives. However it wasn’t long before he was drawn back to Maggie, as she was the one who held the metaphorical keys to his future financial stability. He waited with almost baited breath as she said the magic words he had been waiting to hear. “The one you want is Helena” His ears switched off after that as his heart beat faster though he wasn’t sure if it was the effect of the cigarette or nervousness. It was burning low by now so he stubbed his cigarette out and took the napkin with the number on it and slipped out his phone again to enter the number into contacts. He saved it and put his phone away, using the embers of his cigarette to cultivate a flame on the napkin, starting a little controlled fire. This gained him nervous glances from those seated around and even the serving staff. He got up and went to leave before turning back to Maggie. “Almost forgot…” He took out a pen and scribbled down a few things, instructions on how to get on his company’s payroll as a “Personal assistant.” He looked back as he handed her the note. “Follow that to the letter and you will be getting a fixed income of around 30,000 Koruna per week, it’s not much but it’s better than nothing. Thank you for all your help Maggie, I hope to see you again soon.” He bowed a little and zipped up his jacket before heading outside into the bitter cold.