Looking back now, as I sit in the sweltering heat of North Queensland, I remember when I was in primary school in Melbourne, and how cold it used to get there. Especially when you were sent out to play at lunchtime, and often I would be freezing outside, looking forward to the bell ringing so I can go back into the warmth of my classroom. It was during these chilly days that I would often go to the school library. One, it was warm and two that is often where I would escape into the world of fantasy, reading children’s books. They used to have the most comfortable bean bags and chairs to just sit and read to your hearts content, and from memory not a lot of kids used to spend lunchtimes there, so I had a good portion of the reading area to myself. This is where my love of reading began. The many lunchtimes, I would eat up my sandwiches and race to the library to find my favorite books, and snuggle up in a bean bag. Losing myself in adventures, that stayed with me all my life.
Happy times. :3