Four years ago today, marks the anniversary of the birth of Carrendar role play.
Welcome to the Carrendar Chronicles, Carrendar’s Role play battle spar group, designed for those who like to share their knowledge in T1 combat, roleplay rules and ettiquite. (OOC group)
Membership: Access Pass holders only
Access: Public
Group Owner: CharlotteCarrendar
Category: Role-Playing
Date Formed: 2009-11-30 12:14:37
Members: 1034
To everyone who has written with and been a part of our stories, combat sessions and training, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I never thought it would continue for this long. Four years is a long time on the imvu client, and while not everyone likes our style of role play, it works for many.
Happy Birthday Carrendar. <3