Daemus was walking towards the camp as he began moving towards the camp, he began a series of cantrips. Moving a small bit of fireballs between his hands to dazzle and delight. All harmless and meant for entertainment. His clothes marked him a bard and magician. His staff glowed with power as he moved small objects around him making a set of stones appear in overlay leading him towards the camp. As he walked various creatures all seemed to watch from the woods. He grinned as he walked happy and content with his meanderings. Though he did have a purpose here, that purpose had yet to be revealed even to a learned source of lor such as he. Daemus tried to enjoy and savor life however and as he heard the people ahead he hoped to at least entertain them as he made his way towards the camp. Nearing the entry way he hoped not to alarm anyone so he simply bowed to one of the guards after doing a set of somersaults.
” I am the traveling bard Daemus. Looking for a bit of wine and food and hopefully to entertain the guests with some of my fine storytelling and magic. Where am i exactly? “
Calypso had been about to answer Wayne, a smile of her own on her face, but her eyes were caught by a strange sight at the entrance to the camp. There was a man there, doing the most marvelous tricks. She’d seen plenty of warlocks, and plenty of cheep magicians as well, but none of them seemed to enjoy entertaining in the hours she’d watched them as much as the few mere seconds she’d seen this man. Only a small noise came out when she tried to answer the question she’d been asked just a moment ago by her knight in… a bit ragged clothing. She was completely entranced by the warlock. A small bit of guilt was tugging at the base of her neck, but her mind would not allow her to heed it. Her mind didn’t allow her to do anything, really, but watch as a question was asked of one of the guards, though she could not hear it for all she tried. She felt strange – she felt as if she needed this mans help, as if he could do something for her. Perhaps… perhaps he could help her truly deserve Sir Wayne’s kindnesses. Perhaps.
If she could move from where she stood like a statue.
Massive blasts from the great horns atop the castle that rose into the very clouds of the Vaas lands, had all in the training grounds stop what they were doing, and look towards the castle spires. Not in many a year had that sound been heard across the lands, and this brought a wave of murmur and talk between Knight and servant alike. Sir Reginald was about to fire his bow, when he heard the sound, and quickly lowered his arm, looking back over his shoulder at Sir Wayne, whose on face was a mixture of confusion and question.
“The Castle has signalled war? War with whom? And what?” Sir Reginald questioned, putting his arrow back in its keep and then holstering his bow upon his back. All Sir Wayne knew was that this was no exercise. The horns were sounded only when great loss had befallen the House of Casterly, and clearly, something had happened. The horns blasted again, and this had the training field go into a panic, as Knights and their squires started to pack up their equipment, and make ready to assemble at the Castle, and await the orders of the King. No doubt, all would be required to be on hand, for the announcement. Sir Wayne noticed a new traveler had entered the compound, and was doing tricks for the guards.
” I am the traveling bard Daemus. Looking for a bit of wine and food and hopefully to entertain the guests with some of my fine storytelling and magic. Where am i exactly? “
“Vaas lands…heart of the Casterly house. If you wish to know more, ask the Lady of White, Calypso. The Knights of the realm are now off to see the King, and ready ourselves for war.” He said with a stern tone, as a squire brought him his horse. It was the quickest way to the castle, and as many others followed suit, they all galloped off towards Haven castle, to meet with their King.
(thread change)
Daemus had been doing cantrips and was quite exhausted from his exertions. The children had followed him for sometime. It seemed everyone had largely accepted him for his skill understanding he was a simple entertainer and was not threatening. He had finally sat down after dismissing the last of the kids. their parents calling them back to the larger part of the camp. Sitting down on a rough log near one of the campfires he took a swig from his canteen. He was glad to finally rest. He had been chosen to due a lot of work, led to this place by a being that spoke to him from within the sphere. She spoke to him at times. He knew there was someone here he was meant to help. Who he was not sure yet. The goddess had never revealed her name. He called her only Lily after his lost love. The first form she had ever come to him in. He knew she was godly being and she had promised to one day reveal who she was. As of yet she could only come through the light in the sphere. He relaxed a bit as he sat back on the log, hoping he might get a bit of food at some point. He just wasnt sure whom to ask in this place. He didnt want to be rude. The knights were leaving it seemed with war upon them. Perhaps this Calypso would speak to him before long he thought to himself.
Everything passed in a blur. The calling from the castle awoke Calypso from her reverie just long enough for her to hear Wayne address her as if she were some noblewoman that mattered. Had she been younger, she might have blushed, but she maintained her composure and accidentally locked eyes with the warlock. She froze again for a few moments, before giving a curt nod, then daring to speak. “What is it that you seek here, sir?” She wished she were going with the knights. She wished she could truly redeem herself by fighting alongside Sir Wayne for his house, showing that she would not descend into her treachery again. But she could not. There were many reasons why, primarily the fact that he would be fighting alongside the king. The king my not realize that she had been freed, but he surely would not like it. And she could be recognized in an instant. She refocused herself on the traveler before her, tilting her head to the side slightly as she awaited his answer.
Daemus watched the passing of the knights with a solemn understanding. War it seemed had been inevitable. He had known for sometime of its coming before the events had even occured that set in motion its beginning. There were far greater powers at work going on in this world. He did not know why it was going to happen just that it would. He was an agent nothing more.
He heard the woman before he saw her after eating the small bowl of stew that the kind people had offered him. She said..
“What is it that you seek here, sir?”
As she spoke the sphere in his pocket seemed to buzz letting him know that this was the one he had been led to. He was always told in small ways of the need or informed through signs. This time the lady was speaking loudly to him. The sphere was buzzing with excitement as she approached.
” I am a man who trades in favors my lady. A better way would be to say wishes. Though usually at some point one may be asked a favor in return. I was led to believe by the magic that you might be seeking a wish or favor. Is that the case m’lady?
Daemus watched her face knowing she need something but unsure of what it might be.
His words moved her, for some unknown reason. He lived to serve. She had lived to serve once, but she did not seem to enjoy it as much as this strange man did. Because of how earnest he seemed, and possible because of his possession of magic, her answer tumbled from her mouth before she could stop it. “It is the case, if you seek to grant me a wish or favor, that I seek one. I do not belong here, with these angels of Casterly, brave men and women alike. My only wish would be for a way that I could make myself belong, a way to roam free to help them and be one of them without worrying that my appearances would frighten them or get any of them killed, especially…” She only just managed to cut off her babbling, as though it was eloquent and composed in its delivery, it was babbling nonetheless. She gazed at him with silvery eyes, her expression blank but the orbs holding a faintly glowing hope.
Galain’s tent rested well away from the other knights of Casterly. Though he was much a loner due to his grizzled veteran status he preferred the solitude so that he could pray and meditate in peace. Such was occurring the moment Galain’s squire came into the tent interrupting his meditation which caused an irritated frown to cross his war ravaged face. “What do you want jackson?” “M’lord shouldn’t you be out training with the others?” The angel would then stand slowly before grunting softly without any further words. The squire then slowly walked out of the tent and to the training grounds before taking a seat on one of the stones on the edge of the training grounds with his legs crossed to enter a quiet meditation. After a few moments within his tent Galain would walk out and to the training grounds before taking his blade Edge of Justice and his shield Bulwark of Justice from their respective places on his body. Once he was armed he would enter into a complex dance of strikes and counters. Each blow was completely crisp and clean in its motions. Galain’s intricate dance would take him from one end of the training area he started at to the other before he repeated the intricate dance again to take him back to his starting point. Once the brisk exercise was done his wings would slowly unfurl to their six foot length revealing a pure white down that coated his wings as he stretched them for a few brief moments before as quickly as he had unfurled them he would bring them back up against his back once more. Then with a soft sigh he would walk back to his tent where he lowered his head in prayer and remained that way for close to an hour before rising once more as he turned to make his way out to the training fields once again. He would walk across the training fields before sighing softly and taking a seat alone off to the side as was the normal. Since the war Galain had never been the same honestly and as a result of the gruesome fighting he was now more of a loner preferring not to make friends so he would not lose anymore then he did in the past.
Daemus heard her words. She reponded correctly to his questions. He had known that she was the one he was looking for. The voice did not lead him to places for no reason. He was led to people to assist them for very specific reasons. Though he did not know them when he met them he always did before he left them. It was the way of the magic. Looking on her he knew that soon others would be upon this place and in order to grant her request he would need her utmost concentration. Motioning her to follow he led her behind the camp towards a small grove of trees, a quiet place where he could do his work. Looking at her he said… ” You must think hard about what you want as I do this. Keep in your mind the vision of what you want. It is how my magic works. Through need and will. “
Out of his hand he took the sphere, softly speaking words in another language.
“fehlim jacioniv wer huven di jacioniv kornari zyak jaciv nomag jaseve nomeno goawy vur qe duulo ekess wiilirk jacioniv hearts tuor. “
( translated: Grant her the wish of her heart so she may leave this place and be free to follow her hearts desire. )
As the final words were evoked a ethereal form like that of a ghostly woman stepped out of the sphere and touched her lightly on the cheek, changing her visage.. her form changed from that she once held.
The sounds of swords clashing together filled the air as Galain faced off against his squire Jackson in an open spar which had soon become the focus of the younger squires as they gathered about to watch the grizzled war veteran in combat. The fact that he was even sparring anyone was a rare fact anymore. Each of the angels where facing each other breathing heavily before Galain closed his eyes slowly and dropped both his shield and sword from his grasp and a luminous light began to fill his hands drawing startled gasps from his squire and the others watching. Then in a sudden burst of motion and a flick of hands the holy energy he had drawn into his hands faded into the runes on his skin causing them to glow a bright yellow at first then a deep seated blue as the energies began to suffuse his body. As this was happening Jackson his squire growled softly and openly rushed his mentor before slamming his bulwark into Galains chest sending him flying into the air before his glorious wings opened and bore him aloft only to have Jackson stare up at him. “Milord are you daring to flee an honorable fight?! You know that the demons would never give you a chance to do that!” Then suddenly Galains eyes would snap open with a yellow tint to their hues as he spoke in a calm tone much like the calm before the storm. “You are calling me a coward….so it would seem you have much to learn about tactics Jackson mind over brawn..” With that being said Galain would chuckle softly before speaking in a soft tone as an angelic rune began to burn itself into the ground around Jackson’s feet. Though Jackson failed to notice as he was distracted by his perceived cowardly mentor. “Seal of containment.” The words spoken caused the holy energy to create a tube of light just over six feet high to contain the squire before Galain set down on the ground and folded his wings away while chuckling as he listened to Jackson growl and lash out at the tube in vain. “Now do you understand that numbers will not always win you the battle but tactics will.” Jackson would only nod in defeat before the tube shattered with the sound of glass breaking as Galain bent to gather his shield and blade. “Yes milord I see that now..” Then slowly Galain would turn to face Jackson before speaking softly. “Go meditate on this Jackson and then maybe next time you will best me and earn your right to be called a knight of Casterly like I did from my mentor.” No sooner had he finished his sentence would he sigh gently and walk away from the training area and to his tent where he placed his blade and shield with his armor before closing his eyes and falling to his knee’s in tears before whispering in a deathly cold tone. “The head of the general of Brax’s military will be mine…as will the head of the king for taking away my closest friend…..you will be avenged Harkon…”