Many days of meticulous planning by the Count, and staff sworn to secrecy would culminate it what he hoped to be an event that would not only captivate his beautiful bride to be, but cement his undying love for her in the process. Behind the scenes, there has been a flurry of activity and such skilled organisation, that Elvira would be breathless at the coming day.
The day of the wedding, was one that she would find herself waking up in bed alone, all that was on the bed beside her, was a single red rose and a note.
My true heart,
As is customary on this day, the Groom is not to see the bride and so I have taken it upon myself, to leave early and head up to the small chapel I have chosen for this day. My love, enjoy your breakfast, take time to get ready, and at the stroke of four, a carriage will arrive, to bring you and Sally to me.
Let this day be the first of the rest of our lives,
Your Alpha and soul mate,
Virgo. xox
If she was to look up, she would see that a breakfast table had been set, along with many bunches of roses, that had its powerful scene filling their bed chambers. There were even trails of flower petals into the bathroom. Virgo had not missed a trick.
~Many hours later~
Grounds of the Wedding Chapel
Outside the small chapel, that was nestled deep within the heart of a dark forest, was Virgo and Gerald, who had kindly agreed to be Virgo’s best man. Inside the church, many of the members of Virgo’s pack were waiting, all dressed in their finery, and patiently awaiting the arrival of the Bride.
Virgo was a bundle of nerves.
“How’s my tie?” he said, fumbling with it, while Gerald watched him with a smirk
“You asked me that not five minutes ago. Relax, Sir.” Gerald tried valiantly to get the Alpha to calm down, but he was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. Virgo started to check his pockets and then flushed with panic.
“The ring…I forgot the ring..!”
“Sir…you gave it to me yesterday. See?” Gerald held it out in front of Virgo’s face, since he had it in his breast pocket. Tutting, Gerald patted Virgo’s back. “Never pictured you to be one to fuss so, Sir. Though I might add, it is endearing.”
Virgo snorted and then looked down the lane way.
“She is coming, isn’t she?”
“Yes Sir…I am sure Sally would have her in that carriage, right on the chime of four, Sir.”
“How’s my tie?”
“Oh dear…”
Virgo had been very secretive the last few weeks. Ever since the death of his brother and the discovery that she was pregnant, he had gone out of his way to cater to her every whim and desire. She found it endearing and it made her fall in love with him all the more than she already did.
And so, she had no idea that he had planned anything for their upcoming wedding. She thought it was still in the planning phase.
Upon waking the morning that Virgo decided he was ready to marry her, she discovered she was alone in their bed. This was the first time it had ever happened. She worried for a moment before she spotted the single rose and the note resting on his pillow. She sat up and took up both items, inhaling the scent of the rose and rubbing the soft petals across her lips. She smiled as she caught his scent on those tender petals, imagining him brushing them across her sleeping face. She set the rose down and opened the note.
My true heart,
As is customary on this day, the Groom is not to see the bride and so I have taken it upon myself, to leave early and head up to the small chapel I have chosen for this day. My love, enjoy your breakfast, take time to get ready, and at the stroke of four, a carriage will arrive, to bring you and Sally to me.
Let this day be the first of the rest of our lives,
Your Alpha and soul mate,
Virgo. xox
Her eyes went wide and she looked up to see the table had been set with all her favorite breakfast foods, as well as a dozen or more roses in vases around the room. There was a trail of rose petals from the bed leading into the bathroom as well. Her smile was bright as she slipped from their bed, taking up her robe.
Sally entered the room as she was sitting down to eat, something in plastic draped over her arms.
Elvira’s eyes were wide. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Virgo called on the seamstress and asked her to put a rush on it.” Sally smiled. Elvira would have bolted for it but Sally stopped her with a look. “Virgo went through a lot of trouble to organize this today. You will follow his words to the letter.”
“Who’s going to stop me?” she demanded.
“I am under strict orders to make sure you are as beautiful as possible today. That includes a long bath and the pampering of your life.” Sally smirked. “Now eat.” She hung the dress on the dress rack in the corner and went to check the water temperature for Elvira’s bath.
A few hours later…
Elvira stepped from the bedroom and carefully made her way down the stairs. Sally and Peter awaited for her and the Peter’s mouth was open in shock.
“What?” she demanded, looking down at herself. “Is something wrong?”
“No, Mistress. You are a vision!” Peter exclaimed. Elvira found herself blushing under his kind words.
“For a moment, I thought I was staring upon an Angel.” Sally whispered, tears in her eyes. “You do your ancestor, Selene, proud today, my darling girl.” Elvira felt tears sting her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.
“Thank you.” she smiled. There was a clatter in front of the estate and a moment later, David opened the doors.
“The carriage is here, Mi-” he stopped when he saw Elvira. “My Lady! You are a vision of divine beauty!” he exclaimed, bowing in respect. She blushed once more and nodded back.
“Thank you.” David held out his arm to escort her to the carriage, Sally walking behind to make sure none of the material of her veil and dress dragged across the grounds.
The Wedding Chapel
The carriage pulled up in front of the chapel and David stepped out first. He held out his hand for Elvira to take and she carefully stepped down, Sally holding up the back of her dress carefully.
One of the ushers saw that she had arrived and made his way to the front pews where Virgo, the priest and Gerald were waiting. He noticed Virgo was extremely nervous while he had observed that his bride-to-be was calm and collected.
“My lords. She has arrived.” the usher bowed. The organist switched the music to the wedding march and those in attendance stood in respect and turned to get their first glimpse of the future Beta of their pack.
The double doors at the back of the chapel opened and the twins were the first to walk through, looking splendid in their matching suits.
Sally entered next and Gerald, standing at Virgo’s side inhaled sharply as he stared at his own mate. Sally’s eyes were only on him as she made her way to the front to stand opposite.
Breaths were held as everyone waited for the arrival of Elvira…and she did not disappoint.
She stepped through the archway and you could hear a collective intake of breath as everyone got their first look of her wedding gown.
She waited a few minutes for everyone to have their look before she slowly made her way up the aisle.
She looked calm and serene, as if she’d just had a feeding. But her only high at that moment was the man waiting for her at the end of her walk.
As the organ started to play, there was the shuffle and murmur of the congregation, who all turned in their pews, to see the most beautiful of brides. Virgo had finally stopped fidgeting, and then when he saw her, his lips parted as though he wanted to say something, but he seemed to have lost his breath. She looked astonishing. Radiant, and there would be no poet or lyricist that could find the words to describe her. Gerald leaned slightly and out of the corner of his mouth, he whispered. “Breathe..remember to breathe.” This caused Virgo to stop and look at Gerald with a frown, who looked back with a shrug of the shoulders.
As she took those steps, walking with a refined elegance, Virgo stood up straight and tall, his chest out proud. He had never felt so empowered at that single moment. She was his light, his blood, his energy, his reason for living. Most of all, she was his. He bowed his head on those last few steps she took, as if to pay reverence to her, and then reached for her hand, to take the last step. Virgo’s fingers caressed her hand gently, a lump rising in his throat, as he struggled to hold back the wave of emotion.
There were no words needed to be said, for nothing could better this moment. He didn’t have to say, what his heart was already confessing. His actions simply spoke louder…than words.
The priest nodded to each and then urged the congregation to sit, as he started the service.
“Dearly beloved…….
As she reached the dais where he stood, he slowly bowed in reverence to her, causing a full smile to light up her face. He stepped toward her and held out his hand for hers, which she gladly took. He pulled her to his side as the priest indicated for all to sit.
“Dearly beloved…”
Elvira heard none of the words. She was staring at her mate and soon to be her husband with all the love she felt for him shining in her eyes.
He had made this day so special and the only thing she could compare it to would be the night he took her as his mate for all time.
Mated…pregnant…and now married…
It had been one hell of a year.
Her only regret was that none of her family were there to see it.
She brushed away the sad thoughts and concentrated on this day remaining special…for the both of them.
“Do you have the ring?” The priest asked, at which Gerald handed it over and presented it to Virgo, who was pleased to see it. Nodding, the Priest blessed the ring, and asked Virgo to place it upon Elvira’s hand.
“With this ring, I thee wed you, with thy body I thee worship, with thy heart, I shall keep you within me, always.”
He slid the ring upon her finger, and smiled brightly as it fit perfectly. Virgo then cleared his throat, as he wished to express his devotion to Elvira before his pack.
“We are fortunate in life if we are to meet the one that completes us. I knew the moment I laid eyes upon you, Elvira, that you were to be mine. I admit, I chased you far and wide with many obstacles before us, but never once did I falter. You have made me what I am today, and for that, I will lay down my very life for you. You are all I could ever want….could ever need. You are the best part of me. I simply love you more than words can ever say.”
The Priest then turned to Elvira and asked;
“Do you wish to say a few words before this congregation of your love for your betrothed?”
“Do you have the ring?” came the expected question. Gerald placed it in his hands and it was giving a blessing before handed to Virgo to place upon her finger. She noted that his hand was trembling and she used her other hand that was held in his a light squeeze telling him that it was okay, she wasn’t going anywhere. He slid it upon her finger and she would swear later that she felt a lock click on her heart as if it had locked up all her love for him to cherish and keep safe for the rest of their lives.
“With this ring, I thee wed you, with thy body I thee worship, with thy heart, I shall keep you with me, always.” Virgo stated as he slid the ring home. His smile was bright as it fit perfectly into place. He then cleared his throat and spoke of his devotion before all who would listen. “We are fortunate in life if we are to meet the one that completes us. I knew the moment I laid eyes upon you, Elvira, that you were to be mine. I admit, I chased you far and wide with many obstacles before us, but never once did I falter. You have made me what I am today, and for that, I will lay down my very life for you. You are all I could ever want….could ever need. You are the best part of me. I simply love you more than words can ever say.”
She was not going to cry. But the sting of tears made her eyes shiny with emotion.
The priest caught her eye and spoke to her in a gentle voice, “Do you wish to say a few words before this congregation of your love for your betrothed?”
She nodded and looked her mate directly in his eyes. She felt like she could happily drown in his gaze and not be afraid.
“For the longest of times…I despised the concept of love and the whole happily ever after that most people are lucky enough to get to experience. I thought I was immune to such emotions as love and desire and happiness. And then there you were.” she smiled. “I thought you were the most magnificent thing I’d ever seen in my life and I hated you for making me feel that way. And then you kissed me.” She laughed at the look on his face. “I tried not to let that one kiss effect me..but it was as if it had seared my soul and marked me more deeply than the one on my shoulder. I did everything I could to keep my distance from you…but it wasn’t to be. My anger, my hate for all such things blinded me for so long, it was as if I’d been newly reborn and innocent of the ways of the world. You opened my eyes, my heart, and my soul and for that you have my undying love, devotion and loyalty. If I could put it all in a box and seal it tight, nothing could contain it for it is simply bigger than this box. There is no other in this world for me but you. And I will love you for the rest of my days upon this earth.” She finished with a bright smile, a single tear slipping down her cheek.
Virgo heeded every single word that Elvira said, remembering back and reflecting on how hard it was to make Elvira realize she was so deserving of love. He had made it his mission, to give her the chance to see and feel what he offered. He stood as her tower and rock at the death of her father, and then when she finally gave in…he brought her home, into his arms, where from that moment on, he treated her as the Queen of his nights. Showered her endlessly with gifts and trinkets, but the most important thing of all, he gave himself to her…whole- heartedly. He stood my her regardless of the situation, even challenging his own brother to death, to protect her honor and chastity.
At the finish of their vows, the Priest spoke with an air of pride.
“It gives me great honor to present to you all….Lord and Lady Marulo, husband and wife.” He then lent forward and said to Virgo.
“Now’s the good part.”
Virgo didn’t need to be pushed further, as he placed his hands to her cheeks, and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her ever softly, and keeping there, while the congregation cheered wildly.
Releasing her, he uttered. “I love you so much.”
“It gives me great honor to present to you all….Lord and Lady Marulo, husband and wife.” He leant toward Virgo with a smirk. “Now’s the good part.”
Virgo looked at Elvira, love shining in his eyes. He placed his large, but gentle hands on her cheeks and pressed her into a firm but loving kiss as their pack cheered and applauded around them.
He drew back and stared at her. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you, Husband.” she grinned. And not caring one whit about who was watching, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a much more passionate kiss. That chaste stuff wasn’t who they were on any level.
If anything, the cheers and applause became louder for her actions as her tongue slipped into his mouth. He was hers, she was his and she would spend every day for the rest of her life proving that to him.
Across the path there was a large tent constructed, that had been partially hidden by the forest and now that it was lit up with candles, and you could see a large rose arch leading into the tent flaps. Inside there were rows of tables all covered in an array of foods, with the top most table, decorated with white linen, and an enormous 12 tier cake to the right hand side. The musicians followed the couple in, and there was much excitement from staffers and pack members at the extravagance of the foods and wine on offer. Specially hired servers helped seat all the guests, and Virgo proudly led Elvira to the front table, pulling out her chair, and bending down to whisper in her ear.
“I invited a few guests.” he then winked and took his seat beside her.