Meanwhile…on skype…
[8:40:58 AM] Belz: Easy day for you then
[8:41:02 AM] Spider.: for me, yeah
[8:41:25 AM] Spider.: last night was drinks at the local bowls club
[8:41:33 AM] Belz: Nice!
[8:41:35 AM] Spider.: all the kids were doing bare foot bowls
[8:41:59 AM] Spider.: and the flood lights came on, and every bug and insect in town went PARTY
[8:42:10 AM] Belz: Rotflmao!
[8:42:19 AM] Spider.: lol was hilarious
[8:42:28 AM] Spider.: they had nibbles, you know chinese finger food
[8:42:34 AM] Spider.: damn to hell been farting all night
[8:42:48 AM] Belz: -snickers-
[8:42:52 AM] Spider.: it was terrible
[8:43:06 AM] Spider.: my belly is going…reject all this gas!
[8:43:08 AM] Belz: (rofl)
[8:43:24 AM] Spider.: I could blow up a hundred balloons of smelly
[8:43:30 AM] Belz: -dies-
[8:43:38 AM] Belz: oh stop! you’re killin me!
[8:43:38 AM] Spider.: probably take off too
[8:43:48 AM] Spider.: up in the clouds on my smelly gas
[8:43:54 AM] Belz: oh my ribs!
[8:43:54 AM] Spider.: pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
[8:44:09 AM] Spider.: I lay in bed..going….ffs stop already
[8:44:10 AM] Belz: -slids off her chair-
[8:44:26 AM] Belz: That’s insane lol!
[8:46:27 AM] Spider.: up…up and away with Julie’s farts…today…!
[8:46:34 AM] Belz: -snickers-
[8:46:42 AM] Spider.: no seriously my tummy hurts
[8:46:51 AM] Spider.: no more chinese mix for me
[8:46:52 AM] Spider.: ‘(worry)
[8:47:07 AM] Belz: need some maloxx
[8:47:23 AM] Spider.: -opens a window and fans self-
[8:47:30 AM] Belz: lol
[8:47:47 AM] Spider.: there…now you is no longer grumpy
[8:47:53 AM] Spider.: Mission accomplished@
[8:47:59 AM] Belz:
[8:48:02 AM] Spider.: -score fist-
[8:48:14 AM] Belz: Ya goofball lol
[8:48:15 AM] Belz: (heart)
[8:48:19 AM] Spider.: :3 ya love me
[8:48:26 AM] Spider.: my bum….
[8:48:28 AM] Spider.: :/
[8:48:35 AM] Belz: Lol!