The Count interjected, before he would give them time to talk together in peace.
“Feel free to take your Mother out to the gardens for a stroll, love. I will be making sure all is well prepared for the dinner.” Virgo then took his leave and strolled down towards the kitchens, so that his wife and mother n law could catch up.
As Elvira engulfed her in a hug, Bess all but melted in her arms. She closed her eyes and exhaled gently through her nose. She buried her face into her daughters shoulder and held on, as if she were afraid that the girl would disappear out from under her. Oddly, she thought back to life in London, Bess had never hugged any of her children, Bar Alice. Bart would get the odd kiss on the cheeks but her girls…her Juliette and her Elvira…she had never shown them any kindness. Bess squeezed her eyes shut tightly, as if trying to will the memories away “I’m sorry…” she mumbled, tears worming their way through her clamped shut lashes “Im so so sorry…my girl-” Bess pulled away and cupped her daughters cheek gently. Her smile was both proud and sad, her eyes glassy a she spoke “I’m so proud of you…fiercely proud. You got everything you ever wanted-” Bess glanced around the hall, then to her husband and then back at Elvira “I’m sorry that it took me abandoning you to see it…”. Bess licked her lips and stroked her thumb across her daughters cheek, her other hand stroking up her arm.
As the count spoke, Bess glanced up and cast him a ghost of a smile, a nod of appreciation was not far behind either. When he had left, Bess glanced back to her daughter and a throaty, breathy laugh escaped her. “Come…” she told her gently “I expect the grand tour of such an estate” she said, grinning happily.

She looked around the manor. “This? No it’s just bricks and mortar and useless bits of furniture. Not really worth much in the grand scheme of things.” She pointed to the painted portrait of her family. “Those three in that painting are my real treasure. They are what gets me through my day, the reason I breathe.” she smiled at Bess. “When the twins were born, I began to understand what it was that linked you and Daddy so thoroughly.” Elvira smiled, linking an arm through her mother’s as she lead them both on a tour of the house.

Bess glanced up at the portrait with a smile. “Your daughter is your living image Darling…” she said gently, almost as if is were speaking to herself. Bess memorized the portrait as best she could, the colours, the positions. Bess chuckled ever so gently “All of you were my greatest accomplishment…” she said, turning her gaze upon Elvira as they linked arms.
Heading around the Manor, Bess kept quiet as Elvira pointed out various rooms and such. “It’s all so beautiful darling, truly. You’ve done so well for yourself.” Bess said as they stopped at he top of the stairs after having toured most of the bedrooms. Bess let go of the almost vice tight grip she had of her daughters arm. She turned and faced her before taking her hands gently, “Tell me something…” Bess said softly, biting her lip for a moment “Have you heard word?…from Bart…or Alice?” she asked, her voice low as if she were afraid to talk about her own children. She wondered if Elvira had gotten and invitation to the lunch her daughter was apparently putting on. It was only in the past while that Bess had wondered if it could have been a hoax…she hadn’t seen Alice in so long…yet here she was with Elvira, in her home and rekindling old relationships.
“Thanks, Mum.” Elvira smiled, struggling not to cry again. She never realized her mother was so soft spoken and gentle. She felt guilty for neglecting her when she was younger. “I am so glad you’re here.”
“Tell me something…have you heard word?…from Bart…or Alice?”
Elvira thought about that. “Virgo and I received an invitation to her luncheon just yesterday. I haven’t had a chance to reply to it just yet. And Bart…” Here she paused and sighed, “I really haven’t talked to him since Virgo and I married. He sends the children things for birthdays and holidays and such…but I’ve received no letters from him at all. I sent him a telegram just this morning asking him to come to the Masquerade Ball that Lord Dangerfield and his sister, Madeline are hosting this weekend. For Damion and Dominique’s sake, I hope he makes the trip. They’re looking forward to seeing him again.” Elvira explained.
Virgo & Elvira’s Bedroom
It was the evening of The Dangerfield’s Ball and Elvira was in a panic. She had been unable to decide what to wear for nearly a week and it was driving her to distraction. Of course she had put it off to the last minute between her obligations to the Ladies Circle and her other private enterprises. And now she was kicking herself for waiting so long.
She was dashing this way and that way around the bedroom, looking for earrings, putting on makeup, all while sticking her head out the door every few minutes to yell to the twins to make sure they were getting ready.
“And where is Sally? I expected her back ages ago with my dress!” she called out, sounding about two seconds away from a full-on anxiety attack. She hadn’t had one of those since the night Virgo had given her his precious locket (and to this day, still couldn’t find it).
She darted back into the bedroom, her lithe frame covered by a simple silk robe. She noticed she’d lost one of her ruby earrings and was about ready to burst into tears.
“Virgo!” she called out, distressed all over again.
Hearing his beloved scream on and off for the past few hours, Virgo finally decided to leave his business down stairs, and wandered on up, having gotten dressed for the party earlier. He had a habit of that so it gave his beloved a chance to go through the ritual of getting ready with her hand servants and Sally. Some others from his New York Pack, had dropped in for pre party drinks and this had kept the Count occupied, and he was smiling, pleased with how the night was going so far.
Reaching the door, he spied in and saw his Love racing about the room in her silken robe, and crying over a lost piece of jewelry. Choosing this time to enter, he spied the sparkling jewel just under her dresser, and simply walked over, crouched and picked it up.
Toying with it in his hand, he then moved in behind his love, and brought his hand around, showing the lost earring.
“Looking for this, my dove.” The Count said with a rich husky voice. His other hand glided down her side and gave her rump a light pat. “Sweetness…you need to relax. It’s only a ball, and they say that those that make a late entrance get all the attention.” He had a point, and rather than be his usual lusty self, he removed his hands and went to sit in a nearby chair, to admire his wife.
“You look beautiful.
“Thank you.” she murmured, looking at his reflection behind her in the mirror.
“Sweetness…you need to relax. It’s only a ball, and they say that those that make a late entrance get all the attention.”
“I know but the whole affair makes me nervous. We haven’t been to one of these since…well…” she still couldn’t talk of that night, the night her life changed forever. But she understood the point he was making. He smiled and moved to sit on the chaise lounge, simply staring at her in admiration.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, my love. And you’re looking pretty dapper yourself.” she stated, leering at his handsome visage. Sally rushed into the room with Elvira’s dress, wrapped in a garment bag. “Where’ve you been?” Elvira demanded.
“The seamstress was putting the last touches on it when I arrived to pick it up. She apologized for the lateness and assured me that your next fitting would be gratis.” Sally stated, passing the dress to her mistress.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Elvira was contrite. Sally patted her arm in complete understanding.
“Go get dressed and I’ll do your hair.” Sally smiled. Elvira squealed like a little girl and went into the bathroom. Sally looked at Virgo. “You. Out. I want her dress to dazzle you when she comes down the stairs.” she demanded, her longstanding within the household giving her leave to order him about. In truth, she acted like a mother around Elvira and Virgo, never having children herself, they were the next best thing.
Virgo was enjoying watching his wife and Sally getting all tissy before the ball. The way Sally treated her in a motherly fashion gave him a warm feeling, and he simply crossed his legs and watched both with a large wolfish grin. Course, when Elvira got sent to get dressed and Sally was going to do her hair, the attention turned back to Virgo, like he was an unwanted pest.
You. Out. I want her dress to dazzle you when she comes down the stairs.”
“But she dazzles me with nothing on and in this room. I love to watch her getting dressed. He said with a chuckle, knowing it would ruffle Sally’s feathers. He could see by the look on her face, that she was in no mood for his shenanigans. Winking to Sally, he got up out of his chair, and then made his way to the door.
“Night Sally.” The Count offered, before heading off back downstairs, to join his other guests, ready to head to the ball.