He started to consider this, nodding slowly, but when Elvira asked “Would you wish that fate upon your own son, even though his mate is of the same gender?”
“No of course not.” You could see the frustration that the Count was feeling, and rather than blow his stack, or destroy crockery in a fit of rage, he simply said.
“Then let us hope that our unborn is a boy…..and the family line may continue into the future.” He paused, and then lowered his hands to his sides. “I have an appointment….excuse me.”
He then quietly walked out of the dining hall.
“If I know your father, he’s going to go out back to do some shooting and thinking over everything he learned today. It’s how he deals with upheavals in his life. As your sister said…he needs time, love.” She squeezed his hand. He tried to smile, but it hurt to do so. “Are you hungry? Mrs Jenkins made eggs and sausage.”
“No. I’m just going to go lay down for a bit. I’m not…feeling very well.” Damion sighed. “Thank you, both of you for your support or I would have never gotten through this otherwise.”
“We are family, no matter what happens, brother.” Dominique smiled, kissing his cheek. Damion hugged both his mother and sister before getting up and leaving the room. They watched him go, worried.
“Dominique, are you working tonight?”
“No, Mum. Why?”
“Keep your brother company today. I daresay he needs a comforting hand right now.”
“No need to worry about that, Mum. I won’t let him fall into despair.”
“Thanks, love.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek before leaving the room herself.
Elvira would have gone to speak with Virgo, but sensed he needed to be alone. Instead she climbed the stairs to their bedroom and made herself comfortable on their bed. Her pregnancy, even in its early stages, tended to make her more tired than usual, and the stress of the morning had worn her down. She sighed in contentment as she relaxed in their bed. Virgo would seek her out when he was ready to.
She closed her eyes and was soon taking a light nap.
“Please Miss, this is a note for Lord Marulo…Damion.” He handed it over, with cap in hand, and then nodded as it was accepted by the maid. The maid grimaced and shut the door, looking over at the dining hall, and then saw Lady Dominique about to head upstairs.
“Miss…this just came for your brother. Would you like to give it to him?” She asked, being polite and not trying to get involved in the family’s dispute.
If Dominique were to read the note….this is what it said.
Damion’s Room
Damion was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, feeling miserable. The conversation with his father played over and over in his head and although things could have gone differently, he was relieved that it was now out. From the open window, he could hear the distance crack of a gun going off and knew his father was out there.
There was a knock on the door to his room.
“Come in.” he sighed, not bothering to move from his place. His sister entered the room and sat beside him on the bed.
“How are you feeling?” she asked softly.
“Miserable.” he admitted.
“Give him a chance, Dami. Father has always wanted us to be happy.”
“I know…but I can’t help but feel that he’s disappointed in me. He wanted me to be the next Alpha…and I don’t have it in me to do so. I never did.” he sighed. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“You know that would have done no good. It would have been worse if you kept it from him. He’s always been honest with us, both of them have. It’s only right we give them the same respect.”
“I know, sis.” Damion muttered, turning on his side to face her. “I wish I knew how to fix it between us.”
“Just give him time.” she stated. “I have something that might make you smile.”
“What?” he wondered. She silently passed him Sam’s note and he read it. A smile bloomed across his face. Dominique was pleased to see it.
“Go and see your mate, brother. If he can put that kind of smile on your face when he’s not here, then I imagine he can make you feel a whole lot better when you’re wrapped in his arms.”
“But what about Dad?”
“Don’t worry about him. Go and see your mate. But if he hurts you, I will gut him and feed his insides to the crows.” she warned. Laughing, Damion hugged his sister.
“I guess I better get some work done before I go and see him. Even if Dad isn’t speaking to me, I still have a job to do at the factory.” He got to his feet and shrugged on his coat. “Don’t wait up for me.” he grinned.
Dominique watched him go and had to smile. It was good to see her brother smile.
She got to her feet and started for her own room, passing her parents room along the way. The door was slightly open and she took a quick peek to see that her mother was resting. She tiptoed into the room and grabbed the light blanket resting on one side of the chaise lounger and draped it over Elvira’s sleeping form. Pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek, she left the room as quietly as she entered.
Not bothering to knock, he entered their chambers and saw his wife resting on the bed. Sighing, he padded over to the bed and sat on the edge, before putting his head in his hands.
Did he blame himself for not seeing the signs his son was submissive and no way an Alpha? Was he losing his touch? Worst of all, he hated himself for the inner anger and resentment he now felt for his son.
There was complete silence between them for a few moments as she gave Virgo time to process her words and gather his thoughts.
He was so torn.
“Does he hate me? For not being accepting?” Virgo asked…deeply hurt.
She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. “All we can do…what we’ve always done…is love and support our children with wherever the path of their lives take them. For Damion, that’s being a Beta and welcoming his Alpha into our family may be the first step we take.”
She caught his gaze when he tried to look away from her.
“You are a man who wears many hats. Count, Husband, Alpha, Father, Mate, Lover, Friend. It is so easy to become lost beneath such prestige and confused as to which hat you need to wear. But foremost…you are my One and Only. The Father of my children. Do not discount that. You are a strong man…and a wonderful father and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.”
She smiled at him.
“Do not put yourself down so. Talk to your son, my love. You may learn things about him you never knew before. I am pretty sure he would not mind an overture from his father. Hmm?”
“If I am all that, then I must be one very confused individual. But…I guess in a way I am.” Virgo said, drawing his wife gently into an embrace and then burying his face in the nape of her neck and shoulder. He needed affection and attention. It sometimes was like this. Usually, he was so forceful and dominant, but sometimes, he had a submissive side too….but only for Elvira.
“I’II talk to him tomorrow. Give us both a chance to think and then…things will be better.”
“That’s all I could ask and hope for my love.” she smiled. She nudged him to sit up so she could move back to her side of the bed to lie down. She was still kind of tired and hoped she could encourage her husband to lay with her for a little while.
She held out her arms to him.
“Come rest for a bit. Your child misses his or her daddy.” she smiled, resting a hand against the small swell of her stomach.
If he accepted her overture, she would lie on her back so he could rest his head on her chest and she would cover them both with the blanket for a short rest. And she would indulge herself in one of her favorite pastimes of running her fingers through her mate’s hair. It was soothing to the both of them and brought them close.
“Come rest for a bit. Your child misses his or her daddy.”
“Make room for me then, Love. He said with a deep voice, kicking off his shoes, and then crawling over the bed, and then resting his head upon her chest, so he could listen to the steady sound of her heart beating. His large hand caressed the swollen stomach, that held their newest child, while she would run her fingers through his hair. This was what both need, a bonding by touch and listening to the other’s heart. The drama of the day thus far started to seep away, as Virgo’s eyelids started to close, and his hand came to a stop, resting on her stomach.