“Approachable? Maybe I should have gone for the suit.” Shane said with a cheeky grin, knowing he was simply teasing, only this had her stretch out her hand and straighten his collar, that was sitting awkwardly. “Goes to show, not being able to see yourself in the mirror, means you can’t see your fuck ups.” That said, Carmen wrapped her arms around his waist, and he could only smile to himself, as she brought her cheek to his chest.“No matter what happens…I love you, Shane. Despite everything, you are the best thing that ever came into my life.”"
He kissed the top of her head, and then corrected her slightly. “Unlife…the things I did to make you mine.” Shane knew what she meant, but as always, he couldn’t help but have that cheeky tone with her. “I will never regret what I did, to have you.”
They stood for a moment, drinking in each other’s scent, and just enjoying holding each other, before the betting calls from down stairs, was growing louder.
“Well, I can’t hear the bed hitting the wall, can you, Bianca?” Jarvis was saying loudly, as Bianca flipped open her magazine again. “You need to get laid.” Jarvis retorted by throwing a cushion, and then muttering. “I would have had Amelia if you all didn’t get in the way.”
They were at it again…and Shane drew back and sighed, cocking his head.
“I don’t remember this being part of parenthood…And they aren’t even my kids.”
For all his joking around and cheeky attitude, Shane did occassionally show his softer, gentler side and she was blessed to be on the receiving end of it.
“I will never regret what I did, to have you.”
They stood in silence for the moment, simply enjoying the pleasure of holding one another before the bickering from downstairs floated up to their ears.
“Well, I can’t hear the bed hitting the wall, can you, Bianca?”………”You need to get laid.”………”I would have had Amelia if you all didn’t get in the way.”
Carmen groaned and buried her face in Shane’s chest. “Can I kill them? Please?” she begged, taking a step back to look at him.
“I don’t remember this being part of parenthood…And they aren’t even my kids.” Shane groaned above her.
“I can still kill them, right?” she asked as they left the room together.
Media Room
Hand-in-Hand, Shane and Carmen stepped into the room in time to see Jarvis throwing a cushion at Bianca.
Having heard Jarvis’s comment about Amelia, Carmen was going to derail that train before it started down the tracks. “And we told you why you can’t have her, Jarvis, now sit down and behave yourself.” Carmen ordered, her eyes flashing red for a moment. Realising that a pissed off female vampire, especially one such as Carmen was way more dangerous then his female peers, Bianca and Misty, Jarvis did as he was told.
Satisfied, Carmen sat down across from the 3 younger vampires and yielded the floor to her mate.
“Shane…we saw David and Matt at the beach late last night.” Bianca threw out the opening salvo and Carmen whipped her head around to Shane in surprise.
“They’re up to something.” Carmen stated.
Bianca was the first to tell the pair what had happened last night, well, the start of it. Shane’s bemused expression quickly fell away, as he took a seat opposite the trio, with Carmen beside him.
“Shane…we saw David and Matt at the beach late last night.”
“Yeah, with the usual gang of thugs…and some weird ass guy in really dated clothes. He was crazy.” Jarvis pitched in, not wanting to be left out of this conversation, even though Carmen had pulled him up about Amelia. Misty looked at the other two and then added.“Some couple were having a blue…domestic I guess, then two guys seemed to be having at it. One was a were, we know that much.’” Bianca then said. “Knowing David, I was sure he was going to just massacre the lot….the whole scene was bizarre. But then when the strange looking guy went in and attacked both the were, and this other vampire I have not met, MATT jumped in and stopped the whole damn thing. And David…simply walked. Like, I know he is dangerous, and seen what he is capable of. Just…something weird is going on. They didn’t even attack us.”
Shane looked to the floor for a moment, deep in thought about this, then looked to Carmen and said.
“What do you think of this?”
“What do you think of this?” Shane asked her.
“The whole thing is strange. Why would they get involved in a were fight? And there’s the fact that you three aren’t dead right now. David could have easily snapped your necks and Shane would have been too far away to get to you in time. What the hell were you thinking, going to the beach, alone?” Carmen demanded. The younger vamps looked down, ashamed, for none of them had even thought of that.
“We were hungry.”
“Then pick up a blood doll! You risked all of us with that stunt!” Carmen scowled, jumping to her feet. She turned to Shane. “You talk to them. I’m going for a walk before I do something I’ll regret.” So saying, she turned on her heel and left the room. A moment later, they heard the garage door open and the squealing of tires as Carmen sped away.
Jarvis looked around. “She gets mad at us for going out alone and she does the same thing? Kind of hypocritical, don’t you think?”
None of what the kids said made sense, especially not to Shane. His first thoughts were what Carmen could come up with, but sadly, it was like waving a red flag at a bull. First she was questioning David and Matt’s antics, but then her concern grew as to why the trio would put themselves in danger to go to a haunt that David and his gang liked to feed at.
When Carmen berated each of them, and lept to her feet, Shane suddenly looked confused and raised his gaze to her, only to see her to angry to talk to the kids further.
“You talk to them. I’m going for a walk before I do something I’ll regret.”
“But love…couldn’t we all discuss this now, I mean, they are just kids…” His voice trailed off as she stormed out of the house and then went into the garage to get her car…..and drive away.
“She gets mad at us for going out alone and she does the same thing? Kind of hypocritical, don’t you think?”
“FUCK SAKE..DON’T START!” Shane growled, getting to his feet himself, and rubbing the back of his neck, after hearing her drive away without him. He let out an exasperated sigh, and Misty got off her chair and went to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We had to tell you. I know you don’t like us keeping important stuff like that a secret.” Her blue eyes watched his, seeing he was upset about Carmen leaving.
“I know…I know. I just think she is scared.”
“Scared of what?” Jarvis asked, wondering what could possibly scare Carmen. She was like this iron willed woman, with more courage than most. Shane was honest in his answer. “She’s scared of losing us.” Each of the kids mouthed an “o” before sitting down again. Shane walked to a tall window, looking out into the night sky. “I just hope she doesn’t do anything rash out there.”
The street across from Shane’s house.
Like a predator laying in wait, a black sports car, is parked with its lights out, but the occupant is smoking a cigar, as he watches the gates of the Williamson estate. Sure enough, the gates open and a shiny red sportscar rockets out, with none other than Carmen at the wheel, destination unknown.
“And…the chase begins. The black car’s headlights come on, and the engine starts with a delicious growl. Vincent pulls out from the side street, and follows along behind Carmen’s car.
Carmen pulled into the garage and killed the engine. She made no move to leave the car just yet. Part of her was worried about Shane and his reaction to her leaving like she did, the other half was worried about the information she’d received and the man who delivered it.
“Well…let’s get this over with.” she sighed. She grabbed Shane’s gift and climbed out of the car.
She hung the keys on the pegs by the door as she stepped into the darkened kitchen. It was quiet in the house, which was odd as it was still early in their night. She could faintly hear the sound of the television and assumed everyone was still in the media room. Tucking the gift under her arm, she headed in that direction.
Media Room
She walked in, expecting to see Jarvis, Misty and Bianca, but the only person in the room was Shane. He was stretched out on the couch, remote resting on his chest as he was watching some random movie on the television. The light from the screen was the only light in the room. She placed his gift on the table beside the door out of his line of sight and moved so that he could see her clearly.
“Hi.” she whispered, catching his attention. “Where is everyone else?” she wondered.
Shane looked up from where he was sitting, then pressed the off button on the remote, before replying.
“I sent them out. They needed to go do somethings on their own, and frankly I am not their father, and fail to see why I should have to explain the dangers of what is out there.” His mood was not one that was pleased. Sure, he understood her anger and concern over the kids and what David may have done, but he knew in his heart they were capable of taking care of themselves.
For a moment, Shane just toyed with the remote idly, like, he was deeply troubled by a lot of things. Finally, his thoughts found a voice.
“You can’t keep running off every time we have a crisis. Carmen, you promised me that you would stand by my side.”
Yep, he was hurt.
“After tonight, I don’t know if you truly meant it. We can only fight what is out there, together. How is that possible, if you up and leave?”
Shane looked at her, waiting for a response.
“You can’t keep running off every time we have a crisis. Carmen, you promised me that you would stand by my side.” he stated. She could hear the pain in his voice and she swallowed hard. She had caused him to hurt, something she had never intended to do. “After tonight, I don’t know if you truly meant it. We can only fight what is out there, together. How is that possible, if you up and leave?”
And that was the crux of the entire matter. She clasped her hands in front of her and sighed.
“I was scared.” she admitted. “For the longest time, the only person I had to worry about, take care of was myself. From the time I was an unnamed orphan in a Spanish missionary until before now, the only person I could count on and trust was myself.” She began to pace the room, staying out of arm’s reach of Shane. “Then you charged into my life like a tornado and ripped the foundation from beneath my feet. And suddenly…I’m thrust into a whole new world. I don’t regret anything that happened to get to this point, with the exception of Louisa. But, I am honestly scared for all of us. I find myself caring about those three as if I gave birth to them and I know that may sound like a ridiculous reason to you, but that’s how I feel. I left, and I shouldn’t have, and I hurt you. Sometimes I care too much for the people around me and it tends to get me in trouble. And it seems that I am in trouble with you.” She turned away from him to pick up the gift she bought for him and she set it beside him.
“I wanted this to be a surprise, and you probably don’t want anything from me right now…but Happy Birthday, Shane.” she murmured. She turned from him and moved to stand at the window, looking out on the grounds and waited for his reply.
Only when he truly looked at her, and I mean, saw the pain and stress in her eyes from her own actions and the fact this now turned into something worse than it should of been, did Shane sit up a bit and listen to what he knew would be the offloading of all her grief.
And like a flood, a torrent of words, Carmen explained how her fears of abandonment started, which Shane knew all too well. She was right of course, he changed her world, ripped out the rug of peace from under her and taken her life in effect. Now he was looking at her, showing her heart on her sleeve. Scared, not just for herself, but for Shane and the kids. They were her family, and she knew of a great threat out their to their sanctuary.
Rising slowly, Shane could see the gift she bought, and this just made him feel worse. She had gone out to get him a gift. A birthday gift. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, while pursing his lips and feeling like a right jack ass. It was to be a surprise and he ruined it.
“Love…” He said, coming up behind her and enveloping her in his arms.“I know how much you care, and its damn obvious, the kids knew it and were worried to see you go out alone.” He nuzzled the back of her head, you could smell the strength of his scent. “And you’re wrong you know….I do want one thing.” At this, he turned her around to face him, and said simply….“You.”
Only he didn’t leave.
“Love…” he stated, standing directly behind her. She inhaled sharply, catching his scent, surprised he was still in the room with her. The hits kept on coming as he wrapped his arms around her middle. She didn’t know what to think, or what to feel. He spoke, his breath ghosting across her ear. “I know how much you care, and its damn obvious, the kids knew it and were worried to see you go out alone.” he murmured, nuzzling her head. She dropped her head, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks as she listened to what he was saying to her. Maybe all was not lost.
“And you’re wrong you know….I do want one thing.” he stated, turning her in his arms to face him. Her eyes were bright with her tears. “….You.”
That was exactly what she need to hear. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, pressing her face into his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” she repeated over and over again, a plea for him to forgive her for everything. This was a small bump in the road of their relationship, one which they weathered together. If they could get through this, they could handle anything that Vincent and David threw at them.