Shiyra explained how she came to find the Gravidian lion, and Brandon didn’t seem to mind that their daughter kept it, though Minerva was not so sure that was such a hot idea. She narrowed her green eyes to slits at the beast, and then found her attention diverted when Shiyra started on again about Daddy’s habits. Apparently he kept staring at the Queen’s breasts, or at least that is what their young daughter observed. It was becoming clear, that the child had her father wrapped around her tiny finger and he was not about to give up that position. This was starting to become a repeat of the days of young Tempest and how she acted in court. Course, they were not the reigning monarchs currently due to the actions of the Prince, but she did hope that would change, and soon. For a moment, Minerva felt the King was losing his touch. He was becoming soft, and while it was lovely to see a man care so for his daughter, this might affect his chances on regaining the Throne.
Now Shiyra was on again about the worm and her being pleasured with it till her mother screamed. Enough was enough, and while she didn’t like doing this, she felt it was necessary. She crouched down so she was eye to eye with the young Princess, and spoke firmly.
“Little princesses shouldn’t be worrying about the playing of their parents. It’s perfectly natural, and how you came to be created. Now…why not go play with Orion, so I might speak with your father.” At this she patted the child’s head, then looked at the Gravidian lion as she rose to her feet.
“Do take good care of our daughter, Orion.” *she then showed a wry grin* ” We will be watching.”
“Can you introduce me to these…higher beings? I am keen to see what they have in store for me.” He said
It was indeed Hook. Line. And Sinker.
Now he just had to make Joffery his puppet, but, before he could continue to, seduce…yes we’ll term it that, King Brandon had stormed in shouting up a storm at Joffery.
“Prince Joffrey Brax you have exactly one minute to turn the throne over to whom it belongs…before things get violent…and trust me Joffrey if things get violent you will not like the outcome…at all..” he shouted.
Nerothst snarled under his breath and moved faster than most eyes could see darting behind Joffery’s form and attempting to lace his fingers through Joffery’s hand while pressing his back up against the princes folding his wings in tight.
Nerothst spoke then, crooning but in a hushed whisper that was hurried, “Be smart Prince, this is not a fight you are yet ready for, Give him his glorified seat for now, and suggest to your father that you are thinking of taking a journey, leave of absence as you will, You have far to travel to see the higher beings,” Nerothst would be lying if he said he wasn’t adding just a little bit ‘suggestion’ into his words to attempt pushing him in the direction he wanted. Joffery dead wasn’t going to fit into his plans, at least at it seemed now, he was currently the most visible key to push his brother into making smart decisions, not play war dogs.
Most of all, Nerothst hoped the fool wasn’t about to blow his cover…or else he would just have to turn to mist and abandon the boy and attempt his plans through another avenue.
“You wanted to speak with me my dear?”
Minerva took a deep breath, but in doing so she also felt the collar that she still wear around her neck tighten slightly. He knew what she was thinking, and though he used a soft tone in his voice, there was something underlying that was dangerous. Minerva felt that she had no choice but to be up front and honest when it came to their relationship, and the knowledge of the King’s desires.
“The child is becoming more and more a handful every day. I have seen how she behaves, and clearly she does need some discipline. We can’t have her speaking about our love life in court. She is a three year old. I don’t care how cute it looks, there is discretion when it comes to such things.” This had been building up for some time and her antics had gotten so bad, that the Queen felt she should act. “I know how much you love her, my King, but…she is winding you around her finger, and it can only end with disappointment, the day you do put your foot down. I am not saying be tough on her, but if she has crossed the line, she needs to know her place.”
Minerva let out a sigh as she finished, drawing in a breath as she waited for the King to berate her, if he thought her request unreasonable, however, the King had other plans.
“Its time we retook the throne Minerva my love…and established a truce with Casterly as much as it pains me to say it..”
At first, Minerva was gobsmacked. The King wanted to take the throne AND form a truce with the Casterly? It almost stole her breath from her, and she at first didn’t know what to say. The feelings between both houses were bordering on absolute hatred, and while forgiveness was known to be an angel trait, she doubted such would come from the Casterly after the deaths of their King and Queen.
“I will of course support you in this, my King.” Minerva stated, though in the back of her mind, she wondered if this could lead to some sort of betrayal. The King waited not a moment longer, and spun around, marching off in the direction of the Throne room, to take back what he believed to be his. Minerva scurried after him fearful that there would be a fight and she would be needed.
“Prince Joffrey Brax you have exactly one minute to turn the throne over to whom it belongs…before things get violent…and trust me Joffrey if things get violent you will not like the outcome…at all..” The King roared, as Minerva fell in behind him, only to see a drunken Prince stammering…to himself?
Joffrey turned and saw his father come in with his bitch of a wife, and sneered. “Oh lookie…its…dear old Daddy and his..*burps* Witchy poo wife. How…marvelous for you to join……the servants who sleep.” He said, knowing full well that Nero was behind him, whispering instructions on how to play his way out of it. The Prince was in no fit shape to fight his father..not with a belly full of wine. Nero whispered to him from behind.
“Be smart Prince, this is not a fight you are yet ready for, Give him his glorified seat for now, and suggest to your father that you are thinking of taking a journey, leave of absence as you will, You have far to travel to see the higher beings,”
The Prince staggered forward, so the King could get a whiff of his stinky breath, and then said with a slur.
“She’s all yours. Cum stains and all. Why…why would I want to sit on the throne of a kingdom of LOSERS!? Eh. And on that note…I bid you… fond farewell. Goodbye…Castle Brax…may your wine turn to water and your bread into rotten fish. I will…leave you to all this fuckery, that you call a Kingdom. And…don’t bother to show me out. I…know where the door is.”
With that said, the Prince staggered out of the Throne room, and headed to his chambers to pack. With Nero on his back.
“I applaud you My Prince; you have made a wonderful choice. For now once we leave the castle, I suggest you head south, towards Lands of Old,” Nerothst purred in his ear.
Nerothst would stay with him until he got out of the castle; just to be safe that his new puppet would still be alive by the time he was able to actually use him.
“And I much prefer you travel by boat…at least then I can know your safe in one place. The higher ones wouldn’t want you hurt you know,” he crooned.
Of Course, not even Nerothst knew who these higher one’s were going to be, he just said that hoping the boy would just take his word for it and they could jump right on in to the manipulation part, but ah, ever the planner he was, Nerothst would figure something out between then and now.
He rattled off a list of things the prince would need, warm clothing, bedding, though he promised him not to worry about food, that Nerothst could provide when he asked for it, comfortable traveling shoes, and probably a few changes of underwear. He also suggested lotions. As for why, well, who knew what kinky thoughts might be running through the hell cat’s head then-
Entering his chambers probably for the last time, Prince Joffrey looked about and then marched to his closet and took out a large travel pack bag. He set it down on his bed and opened it wide, before looking back in his closet at what to take and what to leave behind. The cat congratulated the Prince on his choice, though the Prince would have to admit, it took a lot of gaul to speak to his father so abruptly. It was a miracle he still had a head on his shoulders. Nero the cat suggested that they head south, far from the Night lands to that of the Lands of Old. Not entirely familiar with those lands, he had to wonder, who governed there and what manner of creatures inhabited it.
“I really don’t care where I go, so long as it is far the fuck away from this place. There is nothing left for me here, I was daft to think there was.” The Prince was speaking with a dour tone, and sniffed as he took a look at a portrait of his once family. His beloved Selene and daughter Tempest in happier times. “Yeah, nothing.” he added, before hearing the cat instruct him on what to take, and how best to travel.
“And I much prefer you travel by boat…at least then I can know your safe in one place. The higher ones wouldn’t want you hurt you know,”
“I’m more worried about sea sickness. But I better bring sun tan oil if we are going sailing. My skin is so fair in the light, I burn easy…get it..burn..easy!” he tried to crack a joke, since he was a demon that could conjure fire. He gave a bit of a sad laugh, then lamented. “Yay me. That was pathetic.” Sighing, he packed everything that the cat instructed, almost mindlessly, before taking one last look at his room.
“Lived here all my life I have. Ah well, it might get used in future for a recreation room. Table tennis. Bah, who cares about sentiment. Let us be off, Nero.” He waited for the cat to climb on his shoulder again, before setting off out the door…and toward the South.
“I really don’t care where I go, so long as it is far the fuck away from this place. There is nothing left for me here, I was daft to think there was.” Joffery said. While he packed Nerothst sat on the prince’s bed lounging comfortably like he owned it. He said something else but Nerothst wasn’t listening, his ears were perked towards the door he muttered an absent minded “mhm” and jumped off the bed to cross the room towards the bedroom door.
“I’m more worried about sea sickness. But I better bring sun tan oil if we are going sailing. My skin is so fair in the light, I burn easy…get it..burn..easy!” he continued and Nerothst wasn’t paying attention. His mind was elsewhere, he could hear in the hall the loud thumps of boots against stone. He doubted the drunkard knew what was coming.
“Yay me. That was pathetic.” Joff added.
Nerothst glanced at him seeing he was finally finishing up, “Lived here all my life I have. Ah well, it might get used in future for a recreation room. Table tennis. Bah, who cares about sentiment. Let us be off, Nero.” He was offering his arm now for Nerothst to climb up onto, Nerothst made a face and changed his forms again into his human like form.
“please, I’d prefer not to be called Nero, not unless I’m in bed with a lover,” he said and placed a hand on his hip.
“your little speach with your father may have gotten us in more trouble than I would have liked, when we exit this room, do try to remain behind me at all costs, you might even should hold onto my shoulders,” he grinned rolling his shoulders for emphases then even cracking his neck and swung open the bed room door.
Stepping out Nerothst greeted the guards that had gathered, they pointed there deadly blades at the Hell demon without realizing exactly what they were dealing with.
“halt! The King Orders that you and Prince of Brax are to be arrested and placed into the dungeon, come willingly and no more harm will come to your person then nessisary,” The guard at the front ordered.
Nerothst face twisted into a seriously dangerous look, his black eyes blazed to life with dark fire and heat came off his skin,“dare you speak to me, in such a way,” Nerothst said in such a slow sueductive voice that didn’t match his expression.
The Guards looked at one another; one brave man took a step forward. Nerothst smiled then, and hoped his new puppet had listened to him closely. Of course if he didn’t, Nerothst didn’t care either he could find a new puppet if he had to, but, the fire demons hadn’t been exersied in a while.
The hall echoed with a sickening cracking sound coming from Nerothst’s chest. The guard’s eyes flickered towards it. Nerothst lifted his hands and removed the thick collar from around his neck and let it drop to his side gripped in his hand. His chest now exposed, Nerothst started to laugh.
Nerothst body split open from mouth to groin opening up to a black abyss inside, at first the only sound to great them was that of the bone braking open, then there was this dreadful howling sound.
Whether guards had remained to see what was about to happen with Nerothst chest or not was up to them. Because the howling turned into a roar as thousands of glowing amber colored hell demons exploded out from the large open space, and over their roar you could hear the dark laughter of Nerothst.
After about releasing a decent size horde of mindless hell Fire demons that had not thought to recognize friend or foe, Nerothst’s body slammed back together, slicing a few stragglers in half. Nerothst could only assume that among the roars of he demons there was a few glorious screams of death as well, to bad he couldn’t stay and enjoy the sounds. Nerothst shrugged not caring if they suffered and opened his wings taking flight, hoping that Joffery was holding onto his shoulders. He ran towards the nearest window and leaped out taking flight into the air. Turning south where he planned to go from the start-
“halt! The King Orders that you and Prince of Brax are to be arrested and placed into the dungeon, come willingly and no more harm will come to your person then necessary,”
“Argh!” The Prince released a scream that was a kin to a donkey having a hot potato rammed up its ass. The King was going to arrest the Prince…and he was only leaving. What the hell could the King do, that had not already been done to the Prince’s drunken mind. “I don’t like the dungeon, there are rats bigger than Mrs Warldorf’s cat.” Prince Joffrey hissed, now hiding in behind Nero, who was being an awful lot braver than the Prince at this moment in time.
“dare you speak to me, in such a way,” Nero hissed, and Joffrey poked his head over Nero’s shoulder. “Yeah..don’t be so rude. Did your mothers not teach you manners?” He said, wiggling a finger at them as though they were in big trouble, to take on the pair. Joffrey clung to Nero’s shoulders as he was instructed, and waited for the guards to take a chance and seize the pair, but before they could, the cat had a special surprise in store. One that not even the Prince was aware of. The dark echo of laughter from the cat was heard after he removed his collar, dropping it on the floor with a dull thud then clink. What was the cat doing? It made no sense, and the Prince’s knees started to knock. But when you thought you had seen it all, the cat’s belly totally split apart, revealing a gaping black hole… Thousands of glowing amber colored hell demons exploded out from the large open space in an attack frenzy that would scorch the very guards were they stood and create a fire blast sensation that was hard to evade. “COR!” the Prince enthused, watching with wide eyes, fascinated by the sheer size of the attack.
The Cat then closed its belly right up, and extended fantastic wings, so that the Prince may ride its back. Taking off and out a window, the Prince did have one trick up his sleeve, he turned his head and with his legs wrapped around the middle of the cat demon, he brought out a huge fireball conquered from his hand and blasted it back to those that may be following, giving the pair the ample opportunity to escape into the sky.