Alec was more confused than anything at this point. Here he had a beautiful woman before him, and he was working his magic, though the water thing may have been a little…lame…it had worked for him before. Though, this woman obviously wasn’t like other of her gender. It intrigued him, and only made him want to try a little harder to get into her head, which was literally no problem thanks to his powers as a Hybrid. Though, as she whipped her head around to face the two behind her, those long dark locks slapped him across the face, throwing off his current mind set.
Normally, he’d have been pretty aggitated by this, and would’ve picked a fight with the woman. This occassion, however, was different. Not because he was attracted to her, but because of her scent. The smell of her hair as it brushed his nose…it was intoxicating. It almost reminded him of his mother’s, but this smell, it meant more than a motherly bond, it meant something totally different. He’s always had a hair fetish, and the smell of hair was what triggered it. At that moment, his very soul had been set on the goal of bedding this woman, and not just one night. Even Rosa had been swept from his thoughts as he even contemplated something…long term…which was a rare thought for him in general.
He was pulled from his thoughts though, as she spoke. “Hi.” she said. She took the time to turn around, and now, at the sight of this man beside them, she was crying, yet she could only manage a hello? Something was up. There was a story here, and Alec intended to sit and get the whole thing. His eyes shifted from her, to the man she spoke to, taking in his appearance as one he knew. He was a werewolf, one of the main pack. Though he himself was part wolf now, he held a slight distaste for them man, signs of his vampiric upbringing. Though, this reunion was cut short when he noticed the shortening of her breaths, and the fact, that her shoulders were not falling with each one. Alec reacted without even thinking it. He placed a hand on her upper arm, gently, almost caressing it. Leaning into her ear, so that she would hear him over the music and crowds, he spoke softly, trying to calm her. “Breathe. Your having an anxiety attack. Just…breathe, calm down, steady your heart and you’ll be fine.”
Alec’s willingness to help her even after she mocked his friend (which he seemed not to have noticed, apparently) sort of added to the comforting she received from him, and she let out a shaky breathe. She gently moved his hand, avoiding looking at him. She’d set it straight with him later that this nervous, scared girl was not her. At least, not anymore. Both Alec and her father. But for now, the shock at seeing him suddenly became an absolutely beautiful joyousness, and as her tears became happy, she completely forgot she worked for Jace, that she had just killed a vampire mere minutes ago. “Daddy!” She rushed forward to hug him, having to stand on her tip-toes even in her heeled boots. She wrapped her arms around her neck with a quiet laugh, tucking the top of her head under his chin. She knew he felt that the divorce was his fault, even though it was really entirely Sarah’s.
Tess remembered that he was always out a lot. And when he was home, he hardly acknowledged Mark as his son, usually because he had awful hangovers. But she still loved him, then and now, only this time, she wasn’t going to let him walk away or let anyone else hold her back from walking away with him.
“Now wait a minute.” Mills’ voice didn’t exactly ruin the moment, and neither did her almost spit take seconds before it. “I’m missing something. Daddy? Tes- Oh. OH.” Finally, it dawned on her, and she smiled a bit shyly, standing as Tess pulled away from Bones. Tess smiled back, now ecstatic that her father had a friend – a pretty female friend. Mills raised her hand just beside her face instead of extending it. “Mills. Already know your name. Incredibly awkward if you haven’t noticed. I’m just going to.” She brought her glass back to her lips to silence herself, looking at Bones, then Alec, then Tess again, feeling a little more out of place than before. She could smell what Alec was, but she wasn’t going to point it out. She just hoped Bones overlooked it for the moment.
Bones never cried. He drank. Even after his divorce and his wife had taken absolutely everything from him, he spent the entire night at a bar rather than cried. But in this moment he was in very big danger to cry. Bones swallowed hard. When he asked if it was Tess she had given him a simple “hi,” confirming that it was. He was in disbelief. He was in shock. It all seemed impossible and yet when he looked at her he wondered how he had even doubted it. She seemed to be a little out of breath. She seemed as shocked as he was. But before he could go to her, the guy she was with had intercepted. Bones noticed him for the first time and wanted to growl. He could immediately tell what he was. A hybrid. Half vampire. Dangerous. But tearing this guy limb from limb would have to wait, because Tess had ran to him and thrown her arms around him. Bones’s eyes began to water and he wrapped his arms around his daughter, who he hadn’t hugged in over a hundred years. It was all so unreal to him that he held her as tight as he could, as if making sure she existed. That this was actually happening. He buried his face into the top of her head, taking in her scent. It was a familiar scent. Just barely recognizable. Mills’s voice brought him back to reality, but he continued to hold Tess until she broke away. As Tess and Mills conversed, he took that moment to wipe his eyes, covering all traces that he’d been crying. He set a hand on Tess’s shoulder, keeping her in arm’s distance. He was not going to let her out of his sight for a long time. “Mills is a good friend of mine,” he told Tess. “What are you doing here?” he asked her, still in complete shock.

The roar of the motorcycle could be heard, as it turned the corner, crossing the intersection, before going up onto the parking lot of the nightclub, with its rider wearing a black helmet and matching leather jacket with jeans. Bringing the bike to a stop the rider cut the engine, and flicked out the kick stand. Looking through the darkened visor, the mystery rider reached up and removed his helmet with his wayward dirty blonde hair revealed. Matt had finished his shift at the station, and thought this was a good way to let off some steam, by checking out the action at the local club, that had new management. Matt was not normally one for the club scenes, but he heard from his colleagues that there would be some pretty hot girls going, since it was the club was run by one well known ex lawyer and bad boy; Galtem.
Getting off his bike, Matt set the helmet on the back, and slowly unzipped his black jacket, before making his way inside the club. He wasn’t there to meet anyone from the force. If they happened to be there, he’d be polite. But once a vamp, always a vampire. He needed to feed, just like everyone else. And this would be a great place to score. The dazzling lights illuminated the interior, and with strobes and the heavy bass throb of the speakers, Matt knew this was going to be paradise. Keeping his blue eyes focused on the action on the dance floor, the sensual crush of scented and svelte bodies of potential partners. He licked his lips in anticipation, but then with the turn of his head, he spotted Nicole. The girl worked as a nurse at the local hospital, and he remembered the care and attention she gave him, when he had been injured in the line of duty. Cautiously, he made his way towards her, then stood in behind her, waiting for her to react on seeing him again.
Galtem gulped when she said the words ‘no, don’t’. He knew why, but he had to say that he loved her there’s so many things that he regrets on doing, that now he wants to make sure she knows that he always had feelings for her, and he isn’t only using her body as a get away, or for pleasure. He done it because he had feelings for her, even when that thing with River happen. What he did to River was more lust than any other thing, but whenever he had some time alone with Jennifer, he got his brain all messed up, and took him awhile to realize his feelings. Now he knows what are they, and its already too late.
He moved his hand away from her, and took a step back, allowing her to start walking away, she needed to leave now, or she would never get out of here. He began to nibble on his lower lip when he saw her walking towards the bathroom door. He was feeling his heart ache, because he felt this would be the last meeting, and he didn’t wanted that, it doesn’t matter if they would remain friends or not, he didn’t wanted this to be their last meeting.
Taking a deep breathe, he calmed down his nerves, and looked away, as he just waited for the sound of the door closing to show up, but it didn’t. All he could hear now was footsteps from Jennifer, he turned his head and saw her getting too closer to him again, he stared down at her lips then at her eyes, he just felt like kissing her again, but he couldn’t. Having self-control is so hard. Her words hit him deep, because it was the truth. He felt like she was blaming him, but he wouldn’t censure her, they could have been perfect if he wasn’t so dumb and didn’t left her, then she said she fell in love with someone else, William of course, he wasn’t that surprised, but it was still hard to face the truth.
Galtem pushed those thoughts away and took a deep breathe, looked down at his own feet, and placed his hands behind him. While he was looking down, he was thinking if he should tell her the promise, why not? At least she wouldn’t have second thoughts about him, he wanted to let her known that this 100years of his absent he only done it for her.
“I made a promised to William.”
He started with a low voice, before look back at her.
“While I was with Selene..I found out you was drinking, turning yourself into somebody you wasn’t, so I decided to meet up with William. I told him, I would be gone, so you could be yourself again, and have a happy life. I wouldn’t interfere your guys love life again.”
He told her with a slight frown, he knew the differences between himself and William, and that William was only good for Jennifer, but not Galtem. Even if he said he wouldn’t interfere he’s here right now.
“He’s like that all good perfect boy, or something. I figured he could take care of you, so I left. We know you stay better with him, he’s only good for you. I’m not good enough.”
He told her, as he felt his lower lip tremble for couple of seconds, and his eyes getting wet. Was he really going to cry now? The hell, get a hold of yourself, man. Taking a deep breathe, Galtem turned his head away, and took few steps away from Jennifer. Avoiding eye contact.
“Just go, he’s probably wondering where are you.”
Jennifer examined his face closely to see his reaction to her words. They seemed to have affected him, she just wasn’t sure how. He looked away from her and she sort of tilted her head so that she could still see his face, waiting for an answer to her question. Her curiosity was getting the better of her. But whatever she had thought the promise was going to be, she did not expect what he said. A promise to William? She didn’t even know they’d talked since the last time she’d seen them together. She shook her head and closed her eyes for a second before looking back at him in complete confusion. She stood there in shock, expecting a further explanation of this and he gave it to her. When he said Selene’s name she made a face. Even now the name sent shivers up her spine. So she had been the reason he’d left. She figured it was Selene. She’d been glad they’d broken up, but Galtem leaving made it worse on her. Or so she had thought. After he left she was even more of a mess, but soon after didn’t she become fine? William had helped her get back on her feet. Replaced Galtem in some ways. It wasn’t as if he wouldn’t have done that if Galtem hadn’t told him to, but knowing Galtem had done something that selfless made her heart ache even more. It was hard to breathe now, but she managed to keep herself standing up right, just staring at him, lips slightly parted. He said William was perfect. Good for her. That he himself was not good enough. Well, of course William had taken care of her. She was in good hands. But she was broken. And as hard as William tried and as much as he succeeded, part of her would always be broken. The realization of this nearly brought her to tears. It didn’t matter if she was with William or with Galtem. One piece of her would always be broken. She swallowed hard and surprisingly didn’t feel like she was in danger of crying. Jennifer was relieved that she would stay strong in this situation, but as she looked at Galtem she nearly lost it. Galtem didn’t cry. Her hand moved as if she was going to reach out to touch his face, but it didn’t make it all the way because he turned away. He told her to leave and she nodded, not wanting to hurt him anymore. But she couldn’t just leave without saying anything at all. Her hand went the rest of the way to his face and she gave him a last kiss. A gentle kiss, but a lingering kiss. Her eyes closed and she tried to freeze that moment. But after a short moment, she broke away without looking at him and walked out, leaving Galtem in the restroom alone.
Nicole continued nodding her head when Lizzy told her the guy’s name. “Gatlem Manzenli..” She said quietly to herself. Nicole have heard of this name before but nothing in detail about the person. Lizzy then told Nicole about the goth girl, Amelia. The expression of disgust on Lizzy’s face told Nicole that she wasn’t really a big fan of hers, most likely because she was a witch and Nicole knew how Lizzy was when it came to witches. She hated them with a passion. When Lizzy finished what she had to say another women had came along behind the bar counter. Nicole assumed she was a worker as well because of that and she knew Lizzy. Nicole perked a brow when the women asked them both what they were up to. “Nothing much, just enjoying the scenery of the party and talking to Lizzy. What abou-..” Nicole had stopped finishing her sentence as she felt the presence of someone behind her. Stuff like that made her scared or nervous because she never liked to be approach that way. Quickly she looked over her shoulder to see who or what was behind her. Her expression instantly changed from nervous to surprised when she saw it was Matt, the police officer she had met awhile ago. A guy that she had a crush on for the last few years. He was now here, standing right in front of her. A smile quickly flashed across her face as she shook her head softly. “It’s been so long..” She said softly.
Galtem kept his view down, not really wanting to look at Jennifer, if she said something, he would just tell her to shut up and go away. He wasn’t going to break down in front of somebody, doesn’t matter if its Jennifer, he doesn’t cry, not in front of somebody. He needs to get some hold of himself, what he needs is a really strong drink that will make him calm down, and stop thinking so much about this matter.
He felt her hand reaching for his face, and when he felt her touch, it sent him a shiver through his spine, nobody can imagine how much he just felt like holding her and kiss her, this is how it feels to have some self-control, and stop destroying people lives, he never thought he would have to sacrifice so much of himself for make the others happy. But one thing was right in here, Galtem doesn’t deserve her, but William does, he’s good for her, she will have a calm life and happier one with him. When she was with Galtem, it was all based on adventure, passion and danger, because he couldn’t remain quiet on his spot without messing around with couple of people and get in fight with them, it was in his blood being a troublemaker.
The touch of her lips against his, made him forget those thoughts, and his mind just become blank, till it got all replaced with their memories, memories of the two of them, being so happy. This was the goodbye and he knew it, the last kiss. It was gentle but lingering kiss, it lasted long enough to make him want more, but his body didn’t moved, this time his body was doing what his mind was telling it to do.
Whenever she broke the kiss, he looked at her, walking out, leaving him here, reality’s a bitch, that’s for sure. Now that he was alone, he turned to the mirror, and saw how wet his eyes was getting due wanting to cry, then the anger was filling him, so he started to throw fists around, he broke one of the mirrors, and a door. It did left his hand bleeding ,but his werewolf abilities was healing him within seconds.
He passed his hands over his face, and looked up, taking a deep breath, and blinking a few times, controlling the tears to not fall down. He stayed in there, just for a few seconds, so it could calm him down, not enough for get all playful and smiley, but enough to not make him throw another fist. Now he was the one who left the bathroom, he noticed that Amelia nor Shane was here, they probably had left, he was going to have deal with Amelia later. He told them he would stop being a womanizer, but it already started wrong. He walked up to the bar, and told the bartender to give him the bottle and not the glass. The bartender gave him the bottle of whiskey, and Galtem took it as he started to drink it, and walking back to the couch, so he could sit down.
Seeing Nicole smile again, was like someone had illuminated the entire room. Matt stood there for a moment, as though he was drinking her in. He was a man of few words, but when he did speak, it was with a deep raspy tone, almost like he had drank too many whiskeys. Matt raked his fingers back through his hair, and then said in reply about not having seen each other in a while with; “I don’t usually hang out in the ER, unless my partner’s been shot, or..yeah..long time.” His piercing blue eyes held hers for a moment, before he noticed Lizzy and then gestured with his hand a number one, by holding up a finger. “Beer, please.” There was a bar stool just near Nicole, and Matt took a seat, placing both hands on the bar, finger interlocked. You could see by his demeanor that he was a bit of a loner, not one that was used to big crowds and lots of noise. He would be more comfortable in a back water bar. Course this was an opportune place to get a good feed, from any of the girls on the avenue, but suddenly he found the need to feed abating. Why was this? And why did he find himself attracted to Nicole again? He had kept his distance on purpose. Believing himself cursed, he shied away from attention most of the time.
“You…here with somebody?”
This was the first thing he could think of to ask. Last thing he wanted to do, was cut someone else’s lunch.
Jacque had sung quite a few songs, more than she wanted to count and she felt a little winded. Looking back towards the band, she made a ‘cut it’ action with her hand slicing against her throat. Walking over to the DJ, she blew him a kiss and waved flirtatiously“Take it away, babe.” He smirked and pretended to catch her kiss before he went about spinning some good dance beats for the patrons. The mermaid then walked to the edge of the stage and held her hands out, waiting for the two bouncers below to help her down. In one fluid motion, her feet touched the floor and she adjusted her dress. Looking between them, she flashed a dazzling smile “Thanks, fellas…” As she walked away from them, her eyes scanned the disco carefully. Teenagers were still bumping and grinding, and it made her want to join in on the fun but she was supposed to just be on a break. With a sigh, she looked wistfully towards the bar to see Galtem taking a bottle of whiskey. Raising an eyebrow, she then proceeded to watch him walk towards his couch in the VIP area. Walking towards the bar, Jacque leaned in and ordered a dirty martini, her favorite. Taking her drink, she walked over to the VIP lounge and smiled at her boss from a safe distance “Hey there, boss! You look like you need someone to bounce some harsh words off of.” Stepping up to the couch, she plopped down and crossed her legs. Turning to face him, she bobbed her shoulders and flashed him a friendly smile“So what seems to be the problem? I noticed you haven’t even bothered with a glass, so I assume you’re drowning your sorrows? Lucky for me, I know a lot about drowning…” She smirked at her own private joke and took a sip of her drink. Normally she kept her distance from her boss since she heard he was a womanizer, but something about seeing him this down made her feel bad. If a guy as strong as him could be broken, there was no hope. Jacque didn’t like that. Holding her glass in one hand, she tilted her head expectantly.