The early morning raid was a massive success as Brandon slaughtered angel after angel with his broadsword. No sooner had Minerva given him word that the queen was captive within their clutch’s a massive grin would cross his lips before he bellowed for all to hear. “FALL BACK!!!” As one the demon army would begin a fighting retreat as they moved from the camp torching several more tents along the way. As soon as the demons where clear of the camp Brandon would walk across the field to his mount Wrath and mount the massive steed. When he mounted Wrath Brandon would roar a single cry that carried through his mob of denizens of the dark. Then as one the mob turned from the field of battle and began their trek back to the lands of Brax. As Brandon led his army away from the fields of war he would smirk to himself knowing Metia would be a valuable bargaining chip.
(( Moving Brandon to the Nightlands ))
Galain Nydale
No sooner had Nimha taken flight would Galain be hot on her heels despite the outcry of a werewolf among the angels ranks before they where beset by the demons in the early aspect of the morning. As Galain chased Nimha through the camp and off the fields of battle he ruthlessly slaughtered any and all demons that happened to be in his path before he spread his wings and leaped into the air. With swift beats of wings Galain would race along the tree tops as he pursued the errant Nimha tirelessly. However though he was still in his armor which was caked in blood and gore before he sighed gently and landed in a small creek to clean his armor which ruffly took about maybe ten minutes time before he was airborne again. This time his face was one of worry as he used the collar to track her movements through the Vaas lands. If anything he wanted to get to her before anyone else did so he could care for her and treat her as she should be treated.
(( moving Galain to the The Vaas plains ))
Many angels were caught unaware, as they slept from the hard day’s fighting the day before. Little did they suspect that the King of Brax would lead a massive surge against the unsuspecting, and many awoke to find that those around them were being slain in their cots. The King and Ira emerged from a burning tent, but thankfully alive, and immediately took up arms, fighting back against the dreaded demon army. All around men were doing their best, though it was clear that this tactic had caught them totally off guard. Sir Wayne and Sir Reginald, who were both light sleepers, were some of the first to fight back against the onslaught, their swords slashing through the demon horde, and Reginald using his bow with pin point accuracy. Screams and cries filled the air, as many thousands were caught up in the bloodshed.
Sirus too, was fighting alongside Dathan, with Klaus baying for blood, as he took on two demons at a time, bowling them both over and slicing their throats, with a ferocious zeal, Sirus had never seen before. Covered in demon blood, and wide eyed, he continued to work his way through the throng, determined to rid the demons from their part of the camp, and let them get back to the real fighting out in the plains.
But then…something cawed in the sky overhead, something…big. A large vulture and a swarm of what looked to be witches, and they were flying from the direction of Haven Castle towards the Night lands. Many angels stopped and looked up, as suddenly the King of Brax roared a command to his army.
Fall back?! All around the demons did just that, turning tail and leaving the burning remains of the Angel and fae camps. The King and Ira both looked to the sky, as it the very clouds were swirling and rolling, lighting bolts firing down, and the roll of thunder.
King Henry suddenly got a very bad feeling about this.
“REGROUP…gather all your men together!” The King roared, but Ira suddenly placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder and said. “How well guarded was the Castle when we left?” He more or less was asking a very obvious question. Why would the King of Brax order a retreat when his forces were winning? What was the vulture carrying in its talons? Where had the witches been? The penny started to drop.
Like thieves in the night, the demon armies snuck in a laid waste to more faes and angels, leaving numerous dead and even more injured then previously before. Dathon had fought at his Lord’s side, Klaus coming into his own as the three of them slaughtered any evil that came their way.
Soon enough came the call for the demons to retreat and they left as quickly as they came.
Dathon was breathing heavily as he watched them retreat.
“Why did they leave?” he wondered.
Before anyone could answer, the air shimmered before them as if caught in some type of heat shimmer. Dathon raised his sword, ready for anything. A moment later, Philippe appeared before them. Dathon jumped back in fright. “What evil trickery is this?” he demanded.
“Be at peace, Dathon of Broughton. I mean you no harm.” Philippe stated, standing proudly before them. “I seek the one known as Sirus, Heir of Laegess. It is a matter of grave importance.”
Lucan around the corner at Haven Castle before closing his eyes tightly. He willed himself to dematerialize into thin air, something he had only recently been training himself to do.
Sure enough, he slowly began to appear on the battlefield with the king only a few feet away. His studies seemed to have gotten him this far well enough. Looking around cautiously, the young warlock too everything in. Fallen men from both sides were scattered around him…but the demons seemed to be retreating. He knew oh too well why this was so.
Stepping forward, he cleared his throat before bowing his head reverently towards his grandfather. “Your grace…I bring you grave news.” As he walked closer, he spoke clearly “The Queen and Princess Tempest have been taken by witches from the Brax Kingdom. Rashna and my mother were helpless to fight against their magic.”
He was about to continue when a demon flying above on a vicious looking falcon shot an arrow at the unarmed boy. It pierced his chest dangerously close to his heart, and the wound was fatal. Sinking to his knees slowly, Lucan spluttered blood down his chin as a shaky hand reached up to curl around the arrow. His green eyes that mirrored his mother’s looked up towards the king. He struggled to breath before he managed to hoarsely whisper “Please…my mother….she is alone. Please don’t let her die too.” With that, he slumped forward as his life escaped his limp body.
(it’s kinda a bleh post but I was tearing up when I wrote it ._.)
Sirus was standing in behind Dathan, when the great dragon arrived and spoke with an authoritarian tone, asking for the one known as Sirus, Heir of Laegess. Sirus stepped forward, and then bowed before the majestic dragon, in awe of its size and majesty. The Prince wondered what exactly a dragon would seek him out for on the battlefields of the war against Demons, and quirked his brow as he waited for a response from the Dragon. Sirus tried to calm Dathon, who was upset by the arrival of the dragon, so close to them after the dawn raid, and he had good reason to be suspicious. Klaus hung back a bit, timid of the scaled giant.
“I am Sirus of the Laegess, what do you seek from me, noble creature?”
What could he possibly wish to speak to the Fae Prince about?
The Battlefield Near the King
King Henry was shocked to see the arrival of Lucan on the battlefields, but more so by his news.
Your grace…I bring you grave news.” As he walked closer, he spoke clearly ”The Queen and Princess Tempest have been taken by witches from the Brax Kingdom. Rashna and my mother were helpless to fight against their magic.”
the King’s face was stricken, as the boy retold the news that the witches had kidnapped the Queen and Tempest, whilst the war on the battlefield raged. A ploy known to many with cunning, but the King had totally overlooked this dangerous window of opportunity for the Brax.
“Metia…Tempest…” He said their names again and again, when suddenly a falcon shot struck the young Prince Lucan down. He collapsed right before the King, and the King scooped him up as he said his dying words.
“Please…my mother….she is alone. Please don’t let her die too.” With that, Lucan took his final breath, and the King placed a finger over each eye, drawing his lids closed. The King let out a god awful howl, as he rocked back and forth, holding his grandson, as Ira looked on almost helplessly.
“Brother…we must return to Haven, and see what happened, then we make a mission to retrieve our Queen and Princess from those bastards.”
The King was gritting his teeth, incensed by the low level tactics employed by the Brax.
“Mark my words…they will pay for this!”
Philippe watched the younger blonde man step forward and bowed to him.
“I am Sirus of the Laegess, what do you seek from me, noble creature?”
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Philippe couldn’t help but chuckle, great rumbling laughs that echoed across the plains. Angel and Fae alike all paused in their tracks upon seeing a dragon in their midsts.
“I am but a humble servant to the whims of Fate and Destiny. Noble? For I am no more Noble then you, Child of Night.” Philippe spoke. “As to why I have sought you out…one I hold dear to my heart is in great danger. Fair of Hair, Fair of Face. Hidden away where I cannot go. To be sacrificed for her soul.” Philippe closed his large yellow eyes and brought up the words he was told.
Child of Night and of Day
Whispers upon the wind doth say
Shall she pass from within the realm she dwell
All shall be lost to the flames of Hell.
One doth come, dark of Night
Upon his steed of purest white
Rescue doth maiden, two worlds of faire
Fae, Angel, Demon, realms do share.
Opening his eyes, he seemed to pierce Sirus with their light. “You are the Child of Night. And it is you and only you that may save the life of Tempest of Brax. Heed these words I have spoken, Sirus of Laegess. For your Fates are intertwined. She shall be your equal and you shall be a true leader of your People.”
Message delivered, Philippe vanished as silently as he had arrived. Dathon stared at the large dragon footprints embedded into the earth, the only proof that Philippe had even been there. He looked a Sirus.
“Your Highness…what is your desire?” Dathon questioned.
Child of Night and of Day
Whispers upon the wind doth say
Shall she pass from within the realm she dwell
All shall be lost to the flames of Hell.
One doth come, dark of Night
Upon his steed of purest white
Rescue doth maiden, two worlds of faire
Fae, Angel, Demon, realms do share.
The dragon opened his eyes, and then met with Sirus’s, locked in their gaze, as between them a light did pass. Understanding in full of the prophecy that had been foretold. Sirus was frozen in his place, as the dragon spoke of his request, the dire need to save the Princess of Brax was now in the hands of the young Prince.
“You are the Child of Night. And it is you and only you that may save the life of Tempest of Brax. Heed these words I have spoken, Sirus of Laegess. For your Fates are intertwined. She shall be your equal and you shall be a true leader of your People.”
At this, the massive dragon seemed to evaporate, his image vanishing from view, leaving only behind the great foot prints of where he had stood. Klaus popped his head out from behind Dathon, and asked. “Is it safe now?” Clearly it was, for Dathon asked of the Prince.
“Your Highness…what is your desire?”
“We ride on to the Night lands, and find the Princess Tempest. But I shall need a horse.”
At this, as though the Gods themselves had heard the Prince’s request, a blast of light in the battlefield, amongst the dead soldiers, had a vision of a white horse, that was galloping in slow motion through the field. Its mane was long and flowing, as was its tail. Eyes of black sought out the one that would ride it. Slowly Sirus walked towards the horse, as it came into the camp and then drew up in front of the Prince, pawing at the ground with its front right hoof. It was the horse of the prophecy. Sirus glanced back over his shoulder, as he patted the horse’s neck and asked of Klaus. “I need a saddle, and bridle, now.”
Klaus didn’t need to be told twice, and quickly scampered back to their tent to get what was requested. Sirus turned his attention to Dathon and said.
“Take my horse, and with Klaus, the three of us will go and find the Princess…and bring her home.”
Klaus came back with the saddle, and with Sirus assisting, they got the white horse ready for the ride, as many Knights were getting ready to return to the Castle lands of Vaas. The King and Ira had already began their journey back, after many a pyre was lit for the dead.
Two royals, a King and a Prince, to go in different directions, to save the women they love.
(thread change to Nightlands for Sirus and Klaus.)