Metia was locked in that cage, on her knees. She tried her best to break free, but it was no use. This witches were going to pay for it, not only because of what they are doing with her, but what they done to her daughter, Clarice, and her granddaughter, Tempest. This war was no more being fought in the battlefields, this was getting way too personal, and it seems they had plans for Metia as well. Whatever it is, she’d rather die than do something for them. When they passed above the battlefield, she tried to search for Henry with her eyes, but couldn’t see him, a tear was already falling when she done so. She needed him badly, but her family needed him more, she just hoped nothing bad would happen to him, and he would protect their family.
Once they arrived the Blackfog Castle, Metia’s light eyes stared around, how long hadn’t she been here..And this was the first time such castle was giving her the chills, she was getting vulnerable, and the evil within her, is probably raging right now, because it doesn’t want Metia to be such weak creature right now. It seems they took her to some chambers, and it was probably Brandon’s one, because of how luxury it looked and unique. She had already been in this chambers long time, and it wasn’t only once..Unwanted memories were showing up in her mind, and all she wanted to do was just puke.
Metia remained there, on the ground of the cage, only with the support of her palms, so her upper body wouldn’t touch the ground. She had a long white dress, and her blonde hair was a bit messy but still in a loose ponytail.
She stared at the window in that chamber and right now was thinking about her family. How are they? Would they be fine?
The King summoned Minerva to bring him the charmed stone that would be set into the special collar for the Queen of Casterly. On entering the room, she spied the disheveled Queen in the cage, and gave her a rather dirty look, before looking up at her King and smiling brightly.
“Tis done, My King.” She said, presenting him with the small pouch that contained the binding stone. This was to be locked into place by the King into the collar, and affixed to the Queen’s neck, so that she could use her own powers to help herself. Of course, the newly made Queen of Brax had no idea what the King had in store for Metia, especially since he had only hinted that she would pay for her crimes against the Family Brax one way or another. Minerva awaited to be instructed on what to do next, and the King announced his wishes.
“Perhaps my Queen wants to have a little fun with the Queen of Casterly….”Have at her Minerva my love…Humiliate her in the utmost for the damage her daughter has done to this house…”
A dark smile appeared on Minerva’a lips, as she saw the distressed Queen thrown upon the silken sheets of the King’s bed.
“As you wish, My King.” Her voice had a luscious growl to it, as she started to stalk the bed in the middle of the room. If the Queen was going to do the King’s bidding, she was going to make it one hell of a show.
“I am going to make you beg like the whore you really are, Metia.” Minerva snarled, slowly taking off her gown and revealing her well toned and oiled body; her collar firmly clasped around her neck. The King’s power surges like electricity through her, as the King sat just metres away to enjoy the festivities. With clawed fingers, she started to tear the very clothes from the Queen of Casterly’s body, shedding them like they were paper and littering the floor at the foot of the bed. Her goal was to have her scream in defiance, as she tore long scratches into her lily white skin. Climbing up on the bed, the witch licked her lips and then said a charm, that her her tongue turn into a snake. She prized the Queen’s legs apart, and then brought the head of the snake down to enter the Queen forcibly, all the while pawing at her thighs and hips. Corrupting the Queen of Casterly in a shocking display, that would have the King become aroused beyond belief.
Whenever the King and his witch came in, Metia only lowered her head, not daring herself to stare up. Why was she acting like that? If she was the old Metia, she would be up, she would be yelling at them, and do anything to make them let her go. But right now, she’s weak, and fearful. As soon as Brandon stretched out his hands through the bars, she shut her eyes tightly and froze on her spot, afraid he would hurt her, but everything he did was just place a necklace around her neck, which left her confused at the moment, what the hell was this? Was this another kind of magic to hurt her? Before she could even complain, the King dragged her out from the cage and tossed her to his bed, like she was some kind of doll. Metia gasped a bit with the sudden move, as she simple stared down at Brandon like she was disgusted of him.
“You disgusting bastard..”
She said with her womanly voice low, but it showed clear madness in her voice. Whenever he began to talk about having her pay what her daughter done to his house, she would only perk up an eyebrow, and began to crawl her way up to the bed, just to stay away from them, she even stared around for doors, but they all were so far. Minerva was on her way to do what the King asked her to. Metia looked up at her with a slight frown, making her beg like the whore she really is? Who is this witch anyway?! Metia looked away the very moment the witch removed her gown, but she couldn’t look away anymore, because the witches nails, was crawling into her skin, ripping her dress apart, and scratch her pale skin. This all made Metia yelp and try push Minerva away with her bare hands, but she quickly stopped, by hearing Minerva’s whisper, those words, that was one of the few languages witches used, but Metia couldn’t understand very well, what kind of spell she was going to do.
But everything would have its answer soon..
The very moment Minerva began to forcibly enter into her, Metia shoved her palms on the sheets besides her, and gripped on it, as she gasped out for some air. She arched her back because of the feeling, then shut her eyes tightly, and clenched her teeth. It hurts, the scales of the snake was scratching her insides, and it disgusted her. Metia tried to move herself up, just to stay away from the witch, but Minerva kept holding her down, by scratching her thighs and hips.
“Let me go!!”
She yelled out, still trying to crawl her way out.
Minerva pulled up from the Queen’s sex as she felt her King push himself deep inside her. Her hymen once again torn, she let out a sharp cry as the snake tongue changed back to her normal one. She licked her lips feverishly, staring at the disheveled Queen of Casterly with a smirk. The King’s whispers were to her and her alone, as he took her hard and fast. She grunted a few times as he took her forcefully. How she loved the King’s advances, and pushed her limits. She had no shame, for she knew that the King truly loved her and her alone. When he pulled her up from the Queen of Casterly she looked back over her shoulder, and then finds the King kissing her hungrily, while working her breasts with his gnarled hands. They continued to gyrate together, enjoying each other’s sex shamelessly, before the King withdrew from his Queen, and stared down at the beaten Metia.
The King whispered to his Queen. “Sit on her face and smother her with your sex my queen while I pillage her sex with my shaft.” Purring in adoration of her King’s dominance she uttered. “As you wish My King.” Moving down the other side of the bed, and staring at her love’s menacing cock, that was poised to enter the Angelic Queen.
Minerva pretended to be all soft and gentle, and tweaked back one of Metia’s stray hairs from her face, saying.
“You are so lucky to be allowed to enjoy the King like this. Most women would give their right arm for the privilege. He fucks like a beast.”
That said, she straddled the Queen’s head, and watching her King take the Queen brutally, she started to grind herself upon the Queen’s face, massaging her own breasts as she did so, and putting on a display for her King that would only make her fuck the Angel Queen faster.
“Like this…my King?” She growled, licking her lips and panting heavily for his enjoyment.
Metia shook her head at Brandon’s words, there was no way, what he was saying was the true. She wouldn’t be here permanent, her King would save her right? Henry was probably on his way to save her, right? That’s at least what Metia hopes. Yet he gave her an option that would keep her alive, which was basically submit and embrace her suppose new life as a whore of house Brax, there was no way she was going to do such thing, but if she didn’t, she would face the torture chambers. She’d rather die than be a whore. But wasn’t she already in the past? When she had her affairs with Brandon, she could be considered a whore, that’s what she loved back then, lust, and pleasure, was all she wanted, but now, all she wants is be a pure creature, or suppose to be one.
Brandon got busy with Minerva, and Metia took that moments, to breath, and try control her urges on wanting to cry or scream because of the pain, she turned on her side, and the very moment she was about to crawl out, Brandon had other ideas for her with Minerva.
Metia turned her head around slowly and looked up at the witch and the king, fear written on her eyes, she was really vulnerable. She took a deep breath, as her legs began to shake, at the touch of Brandon’s hands, and Minerva’s hands on her face, she was telling her, that she was lucky to be allowed to enjoy the King. She didn’t wanted to enjoy the King! And she wouldn’t allow herself to! But before something else could happen, Brandon began to take her brutally, she totally felt like somebody was ripping her apart, like she was a simple sheet of paper. Metia yelped out in pain, but her mouth was shut by having Minerva’s over her face, her screams were now simple groans, as she just shut her eyes, and tears began to roll down from the corner of her eyes. She clenched her fists, and her anger was so much, that she made herself bleed, due dig her own nails against her palms. She wanted to cover her bare body, she felt ashamed, embarrassed, helpless. She didn’t wanted to enjoy Brandon, she didn’t wanted this to happen, and deep inside her mind, she was apologizing Henry million times, for this. She didn’t knew why, she was just apologizing, because sooner or later her body would stop feeling pain, and feel pleasure instead. Yet, she’d rather go to that torture chamber than be a whore.
It wasn’t so much the act that Minerva was performing that got her off, but more so seeing her King take the Queen of Casterly so brutally, that set her heart aflame. A true evil, he tortured the poor woman, who was unable to stop the frenzied attack. Brandon was insatiable when it came to sex, something that Minerva knew all too well. Her body built to withstand the hours of coupling he would perform on her. The witch Queen continued to gyrate upon the Queen of Casterly’s face, and kissed her King hungrily, when he lent towards her and then changed his tactic, taking the Queen of Casterly up the ass. Minerva finally released, and let it flow down so Metia would not be able to escape it. Chuckling darkly to herself, she knew her King would have more in store. He had already sewn his seed within Metia, and then in a fit of lust, he tore her off the Queen’s face, and moved her away from Metia.
He had one Queen, now he wanted to finish with his own. Minerva bowed down low, wiggling her ass at the King in welcome of him, and he gripped her forcibly, taking her the same way as he had Metia. Minerva cried out in lust, and then bit her own lip, as he ploughed into her roughly. Her eyes darted to the Queen of Casterly, in triumph that her King was now taking her again. She was his, as much as he was hers. The collar hummed and tightened around her neck, and she let out a strangled cry of pleasure and pain, before running her own fingers between her lips and cooing softly. A willing participant, she bucked and arched her back, all to please her King further.
Minerva cried out as she came again and again, begging him not to stop.
Metia felt like she was going through hell, not hell, this was even worse. Like she said before, she’d rather die from the flames than please this king. Brandon was making Metia lose her hope, he was torturing her like there was no tomorrow, by tearing her insides apart, and things only got worse, when he decided to release his damn poison inside her, she shrink and shut her eyes tightly, when she felt that disgusting “poison” in her, this wasn’t suppose to happen, why was he doing this to her? That bastard was getting her pregnant! We could finally hear cries from Metia, the very moment he decided to change positions, she was already bleeding, from both holes, he was taking her like she was the sub, and he was the damn animal, and hearing his words, as he called himself master, only made her want to puke.
She struggled the entire way, she hoped her body would act like a corpse on his hands, but it didn’t, it only responded back, it was getting the final pleasure, and when he began to rub her breasts her nipples got hard, like they was waiting for more. Minerva left her juices flow down, and Metia was basically forced to swallow it, she even gagged a bit. Brandon released again in her, and all she wanted to do was wash herself, wash till she was bleeding, wash till his scent was off her, till she didn’t felt like he touched her.
Now that Minerva was away, Metia gasped out for air, and then just began to spit out, the witches juices, that were left in her mouth, Brandon wasn’t dumb, he chained Metia to the bed, and the more she struggled the more bruises would be left around her wrists and ankles, from the chains. However, right now, she seemed to be calming down, due not moving much, she had her head laying on the bed, as she simple stared at nowhere, while her eyes kept tears falling down, more and more tears. In her mind, she kept apologizing Henry, she apologized her family, but didn’t apologized herself, because she was hating herself to allow her body enjoy and react towards Brandon’s actions, in a good way. While being so lost in her thoughts, and basically broken, she just kept quiet staring at nowhere, and crying, not making any sound tho. The only sounds in the room, would be Brandon’s and Minerva’s cries of pleasure.
The King had finally had his fill of sexual pleasures, finishing within Minerva and roaring in triumph for conquering two Queens. Minerva slid from the bed, then rose slowly as she placed on a simple robe, that just covered her supple frame. The King then issued an order for her to complete, and she bobbed a curtsy before the King, before setting out of the room, to get a raven.
As she walked along the long corridor to the Raven keep, she mused to herself, about the events that took place within the King’s chamber. One thing she did know, was that the King had released his seed into the Queen of Casterly. Would this mean she would be impregnated by the King of Brax? This did disturb her slightly, for though she knew that the King loved her, he had an insatiable appetite for women, and Metia was a natural beauty. Minerva’s green eyes darkened as she reached the raven keep, and she then felt the power of the collar draw tighter around her throat. Was he listening to her very thoughts? If this was the case, she must rid her mind of jealous thoughts and feelings. She snorted loudly and then entered the Keep, taking a raven and letting it rest on her shoulder, as she returned to the King’s chambers.
On reaching the door, she opened it without knocking, seeing the Queen of Casterly had been put back in the cage. Minerva silently crossed the floor and handed over the Raven, so the small parchment could be tied to its foot. On releasing the raven, the King said:
“Get your sisters ready for a fight I don’t doubt Henry will come alone but he will come with others and I leave it upto you to deal with the others but leave Henry to me..use any and all magic you have to separate Henry from his men when he comes running to save his broken slut of a wife. A mistake that will cost him his life.”
So that was the plan. Lure Henry with the contents of the note…whatever it was that the King had written, it was enough to have him come running. Minerva nodded simply on the King’s command to rally her sisters, to cut off the King’s men and make it so only the King reaches the Castle. By the looks of things, King Brandon wanted to end the King of Casterly’s life…right before Metia’s eyes. Minerva shot the Queen of Casterly a look, but it was hard to tell her feelings. Instead she simply followed the King out of the chambers, leaving Metia to silence.
Metia finally snapped out of it whenever Brandon reached out for her, he was dragging her away from the bed, and back into her cage. She curled herself up, feeling his seed flowing down from her, and drop on the ground. It disgusted her so much, the tears against her will keep on falling. Maybe deep inside she deserved this, now karma is turning around and biting her ass, from the all shit she done, she’s taking it all. When she heard Brandon asking for a Raven because he was going to send a letter to Henry, she quickly looked up. What was he going to do? It already was enough releasing his damn seed inside her, and when he said, that he doubted Henry would want her now, it really got stuck in her mind, she feared he was right.
Minerva was back, and sent her such dangerous look at made Metia look down at the ground, how could this witch love Brandon? She knows Minerva is evil as well, but still, Brandon could be more evil than she thought he was, he could be more hard to stand, and he’s a totally animal. He finally shared his plans, and it was all a damn trap, they was going to kill Henry, they was forcing him to come over, just to get his head, like they did with his brother.
“Wait, no! Don’t you dare walk away from me! You already got me in this damn cage, you treated me like a stupid sub, you made me your guys toy, when I’d rather die in the torture room. You’re destroying me. Isn’t that enough for you?!”
Metia asked, her voice sounding shaky because of crying, yet angry. She kept on the ground, but her hands were now grabbing tightly the bars from the cage. He was having fun with this, destroying her life, and everything around her. He wanted to kill her King, her husband. Now he was walking away with that stupid grin on his face, and she just felt like raging, and she finally noticed she couldn’t use her magic, because of the damn necklace, she tried to yank it away from her neck, but she was only leaving bruises on herself because of the strength.
The King must have sensed that Minerva felt pangs of jealousy towards attentions shown to the Queen of Casterly. Not that the torture was seen as an act of love, but the fact he may have impregnated the Queen. She kept a stiff upper lip as she walked in behind of her King, hearing the cries and rants of the tormented Angel Queen fading away as they progressed down the hall. Minerva must have had her eyes downcast, and not come to see the King take her hand, and then swear to her his feelings. It was truly amazing, that one of such dominance and hate, could be at the same time capable of love.
“Minerva darling nothing can ever compare with your beauty…and I mean nothing. I would give my very life to protect you if need be.”
Minerva let out a soft cry as she felt the King press his lips to her neck, right above her prized collar. She took in a sharp breath, as each feather like kiss sent a wave of heat coursing through her body. Oh how he tempted her so. “My heart….My soul….My love….My Queen….and most importantly my wife.”
The witch Queen replied, as she pawed at his chest. Her eyes now looking up into his as they stood together in the hall.
“My King…I do everything for you. All you shall ever want…I will give you.” She meant each word, cementing her loyalty without fault. He had made her feel loved and wanted. It was all she could have ever hoped for.
Their walk continued on, till reaching the dining hall, where a sumptuous feast awaited. The King pulled out her chair, and Minerva sat elegantly, whilst being served her meal first, as the King looked on. With such escapades with the two Queens, he was certainly sated, and now could enjoy the rest of his day. Minerva ate quietly, as she watched her King. A thousand thoughts in his mind, and she could see him thinking things over. He stood up and went to a nearby window, staring out at the land that he owned. The silence was deafening, and Minerva patted her lips with her napkin, before pushing up from her chair, and then following her King to the window. She did not speak. She didn’t have too. A servant and Queen, she stood loyally behind him. Come what may, they would fight to the death…to get what they wished.
The King’s chamber
There was a light creak of the hinges, as the King’s chamber door started to open and a familiar face poked her head in. it was Nanny. Nanny to Joffrey, and to Tempest. She was one that had served the Brax family faithfully all her life, and now she saw that same house in utter turmoil. She recognized the Queen of Casterly, trapped in the strange magical cage, and Nanny quickly peeked behind her to check if she was being watched. Seeing no one about, she tip toed in and then came up to the cage, crouching down with a forlorn expression.
“You must be Tempest’s grandmother. I’m Nanny. Carer of Brax children. What have they done to you?” she said with a soft voice. She knew that Joffrey had his wild ways, but beneath it all, he was a good boy really. Tempest used to be a spoilt little brat, but grew into an enchanting young woman. Nanny believed, you could not judge a person or pigeon hole them because they are either Angel or Demon. We all have our own dark sides, and our good. It depends on which will win the day?
She passed through the bar a small bag of fruits and nuts. Nanny often carried such with her for the children. Raising up, she went and got a cup of water, then brought that over and passed it through the bars. There was little else she could do, especially at the risk of getting caught.
“I will return, Your Majesty…Have faith, you are not alone.”
She got up and then gave the Queen a half smile, before quickly leaving before being caught.