Well, its almost over. And as I look back, I can honestly say it was a year of many extremes, but as I come to the end, I am glad to have experienced it all. Health wise I haven’t been the best, and two hospital stints were enough to give me a wake up call. A new job meant new challenges, which I tackled head on, and getting time to continue my writing got a lot harder. But when you love something like writing and role playing as much as I do, you find a way. The way forward was to go into forum writing. I honestly never thought I would like it or..no..love it as much as I do. With my working schedule, and those people on different time lines, writing live became harder and harder to do. But now, as I write for something like ten different forums, I can really try new things like different characters, genres…and also the chance to write with some pretty terrific writers.
The phrase “When a door closes, somewhere a window opens”, became very true for me. I am blessed with the joy of good friends, that I continue to speak to both in real and on skype.
I have so many ideas for the new year, but since my holidays starts in ..one day, I am going to let those ideas go into the back of my mind, till I come home. I really want to enjoy my Christmas with my family.
To my readers, a big thank you to you all. Your likes, and comments have truly touched my heart, and I love to share my writings with you all. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas with your families. Drive carefully, and drink responsibly.
To my co writers and fellow role players; thank you. You have made this all worthwhile.
Special thanks to LadyBelz. My Minion and role play partner. ”You’re simply the best.”
See you all in 2014!!!!
Char <3