He waited for them to make their pledge before he accepted with a nod of his head. Shimmering back into his crow form, he took to the skies, circling around the rescue party so that they could get their bearings before he headed off into the woods. He had no doubt that the Faes would easily be able to see his dark form with their enhanced sight, and the White Witches had their own ways of seeing in the dark, and so he was confident he would be able to lead them straight to his mistress.
He simply hoped they were not too late.
Council of Witches
“Delilah….I just said I am not trying to take more than my fair share. A third is all I want, enough to knock about five hundred years off my life. Give or take.” Portia was now pleading, for her sister Delilah was being more and more annoyed with her sisters choice of words. The spell cast upon Ethel started to wear off, and the gay looking pot plant soon started spinning on the spot, before finally filling out and becoming the busty Ethel.
“Oh…I so didn’t like that. So small, helpless and green. Just not my scene.” Ethel lamented, patting her wayward locks in place, as the first rays of the Moon, started to pass over the marble mantel. It was time! Delillah saw the change in the light of the chamber and then bellowed. “MIDNIGHT! Sisters, gather round, and Portia, the dagger of Denzenia. At the twelfth chime, we cut out her heart, and drink in her essence!”
All the witches gathered around the marble alter, as Portia gleefully handed over the dagger.
“I got it cleaned specially.”
“Ray of Moon, daughter of Demon, child of Angel…Hybrid creation. You are our ultimate salvation. Beauty, health, vigor shall be ours…as you will lose all your powers. Sisters One..Sisters Two..Sisters Three. The power of the charmed ones…The third eye sees!”
All cackled as Delilah raised the dagger on high, Ethel and Portia swaying back and forth, as the room was bathed in an evil blood red glow…..
Her time….had run out.
So this was it…her time in this world was coming to an end. She was thankful for the life she was able to live and regretted the fact she wouldn’t be able to apologize to those she loved and cherished for her actions…even her grandfather. And Minerva, who Tempest now came to realize that the witch simply wanted the same things all women the world over desired…a love of their own and a family.
A single tear rolled beneath her closed lids and slid down her pale cheeks.
“I am so sorry to all I have harmed with my actions and deeds.” she whispered.
The chanting began and Tempest braced herself for the pain she would soon feel. She just hoped it was over quickly.
“Ray of Moon, daughter of Demon, child of Angel…Hybrid creation. You are our ultimate salvation. Beauty, health, vigor shall be ours…as you will lose all your powers. Sisters One..Sisters Two..Sisters Three. The power of the charmed ones…The third eye sees!”
Cackling echoed around the cavern and Tempest did not see the dagger raised high over her body as the clock began to strike the time.
An image of her father began to form in her thoughts…he seemed to be in pain. Eyes remaining closed, Tempest focused all her thoughts and all her love upon her father and felt she had to do the one thing that would ensure her death would not be in vain.
«”I give back that which you have gifted upon me. May you live your life with peace and happiness. I love you, Father.”»Tempest whispered across to Joffery. Concentrating as hard as she could, she began to return his gift of his soul to him that he had given to her to save her own life some time ago. Her body began to glow faintly as the chanting of the witches became very loud to her ears. There was a jerking sensation as the half of her soul belonging to her father departed from her body. Upon its leaving, her body seemed to collapse upon the stone slab.
Caverns of Medusa’s Lair
Francois heard the chiming of the clock and the chanting of the witches and with an alarming caw, he sped up his flight, urging the others to do the same. Tempest was running out of time…he could feel it.
“Wait for me!”
Sirus broke into a sprint, dashing through the cave as fast as his feet could carry him. He cried out her name.
The sound of the Prince’s voice suddenly broke Delilah’s concentration, only to have her turn at the dying seconds, as the eleventh chime rang out. A powerful series of thundering hooves, and the brilliant white horse leapt over the witches three, knocking the dagger clear from Delilah’s grasp. “NOOO!” the evil witch cried, as she ran around the table, trying desperately to pick it up fast enough to slam it down into Tempest’s chest with all her might. Cept, she didn’t count on the second horse; a massive beast, that managed a leap that was an amazing feat, and totally collected Delilah in one foul swoop, near crushing her under the mighty hooves.
The Moon’s rays passed over the marble alter and then faded, turning the room to darkness….but Tempest’s body showed no sign of life. Was he too late? Sirus ran up to the alter, as the white horse was terrorizing the other two witches, chasing them round the cavern angrily, snorting and braying.
Sirus cut the ties that binded Tempest to the marble slap and scooped her up into his arms. She felt cold to touch, and the tears she shed in her final moments, still seen on her cheek. Sirus hesitantly wiped the tear away, his eyes searching her face for life. Dathon and Klaus came up behind, and the rotund squire asked.
“Is she dead?”
The Prince’s chin quivered and then believing she was, squeezed his eyes shut tight and kissed her lips….

“Hello?” she whispered, wondering if she was dead. The last thing she remembered was the dagger raised over her body.
“You are not dead, Dear One.” came a familiar voice. She sat up where she was and looked around. The mist began to clear and Philippe appeared to her.
“Philippe! Oh I am so happy to see you!”
“And I you, my Beloved Tempest Storm.”
“Where am I? Am I dead?”
“You are in The Void – a place between the land of the dead, and the land of the living. You have a choice to make.”
“A choice? What kind of choice?”
“To live or die.” Philippe stated.
“I have no wish to live…there is nothing for me there.” Tempest sighed, looking down at her hands.
“If that is your wish…” Philippe stated, setting to turn away.
“You make it sound as if there is another choice. What is there for me there but pain and sorrow?” she asked.
“Love?” That stopped Tempest in her tracks before she could work up a full head of steam.
“Love? Everyone I once loved is dead.”
“Don’t be too sure of that.” Philippe stated. There was a shimmer in the air and it seemed as if a window into the land of the living opened before her. And what she saw surprised her. She saw her body, laid out upon the stone slab in the witches lair. Two horses were keeping the witches at bay while two men she did not know stood around her body. There was a third man there as well, hovering over her body. He looked familiar. The third man moved forward, pressing his lips to hers, in the hopes of bringing her back from wherever she had gone. She felt a jolt of sensation move through her insubstantial body and looked at Philippe.
“He realized at the last moment, when he discovered that you were to be a sacrifice, that he loved you deeply. So you now must decide, Tempest of Brax. Do you love him in return? Do you wish to return to live out your Destiny with the one who would save your soul?” Philippe’s eyes glowed golden yellow and ruby red, pinning her in his benevolent gaze.
She looked back at Sirus…there was no decision to make.
“I wish to return. she announced.
“Your wish is my command…Your Highness.” Philippe seemed to smile before his great maw opened. She closed her eyes as she felt the hot breath move across her soul as she slipped into darkness once more…
As Sirus pulled back from his kiss, there was no movement from Tempest for a few short moments. It was very disheartening. But before he could move away, a soft sigh escaped from her pale lips and her eyes began to move beneath her lids. All movement stopped and all eyes were upon the golden-haired beauty. Tempest inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly as her eyes slowly began to open. Brownish-red met ocean blue as the light slowly returned to Tempest, Princess of Brax. Her smile, when it came, was like the opening of a flower beneath the warm sun.
“Sirus.” Tempest whispered his name, a soft sigh, but full of passion and love. She reached a hand up to touch his cheek, brushing her thumb lightly over his skin. “It is you.” Those three words…more powerful than any “I Love You” ever stated, and it was directed toward the heir of the throne of Laegess. Closing the space between them, she leaned upward and pressed her lips, now full of warmth and of life, to his.
It was then, the most radiant smile appeared on her sweet lips. Like a flower blossoming, rapidly filling with colour so vibrant. It was then…she said his name. Sirus’s heart actually skipped a beat.
Never before had he been so joyous to have his name said by anyone. He lost himself in the emotion of the moment, actually wanting to burst into tears to let the relief escape his form.
“It is you.” Yes, it certainly was. The Prince of Laegress let out a laugh, as he said. “Well, hello there Princess.” It was his way of saying…”I love you too.”
It was then, they shared a true love’s kiss. Behind them, Klaus was blubbering, and the horses went back to chasing the evil witches out of the cavern, while Delilah dissolved into a puddle of muck on the floor. The massive Clydesdale had done her in, when she leapt over the marble alter. But she may well be back….for death is never certain.
Finally, Willow trotted back into the cavern and nodded her head again and again, for the Prince to take his bride and place her on her back, so the Prince could take her home. Home to the Willow, where Tempest Storm truly belonged.
She had found her Prince….and one that loved her as much as she did him.